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"As a doctor he was sworn to render aid, as a boater, he is required to render aid, as a human being he should want to render aid."

Bravo, great now we can determine that he isn't any of these three.
Well we know he is one thing, and of this we can be quite certain; given his poor judgment, we know he will be a perpetual paycheck for his attorney, because I have a distinct feeling he isn't done screwing up yet.
I can only hope that this decision
Doctor sentenced to six months probation in boating accident | Poll, Video »
costs the doctor every single thing he owns, and attaches future wages. No matter how much gold or property the idiot doc loses it'll never pay for those legs.
I have some similar views but don't want to invite another libel suit on Scubaboard. I hope the civil suit goes well, that he has lots of insurance, and still goes home broke. Imagine an ER doc trying to get work with his record? Maybe in Mexico...?
I have some similar views but don't want to invite another libel suit on Scubaboard. I hope the civil suit goes well, that he has lots of insurance, and still goes home broke. Imagine an ER doc trying to get work with his record? Maybe in Mexico...?

Careful there, Don. You're severely underestimating Mexican doctors.
Just damn! :mad:

I'm afraid it is going to become more common tho. A lady with a second home in Cozumel posted about horrible experiences with a rental car agency there that charged for insurance that did not exist when she got hurt and was going to post full details, but may have reconsidered for fear of being sued.

The truth shall make you free but not always without an expensive court fight.
Is there no limit to this man's douchebaggery?!!:furious:
He wants to be a lawyer when he grows up.
.... because it's just taking to much toll on my blood pressure to think about this guy causing even more mayhem, more pain , more suffering and only getting his hand slapped by the court :mad:

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