We lost a good one sadley

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My good friend local DM succumb to injuries this morning on island while riding his scooter.

Blyyed James..aka Bled was Welsh and followed his dream of diving around the world most recently on CZM.

He was fun to be around, more fun to drink with and a wonderful DM.

We will miss him but come December will still have a seat for him at the dinner table.

RIP Bleb..we'll miss you dearly.
So sad and I am sorry to hear this. Was he a DM with a Dive Op in Coz?
I am so sorry to hear that. I didn't know the guy, but I have lost a couple of friends to similar accidents.
He was doing solo independent instructions the last year. We met when he was at ProDive years ago...
So sad and I am sorry to hear this. Was he a DM with a Dive Op in Coz?
I've dived with Salty Endeavors a few times, but I don't think I met this poor chap. Henry posted this on FB.
Last night I had to do the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I had to call the parents of my friend and employee to inform them of their son’s accidental passing. There is no way to prepare yourself for that conversation. I will never forget how the phone call transpired. But the words... We are just a few hours removed but I already don’t remember the words. I remember the pain in the voice and in their cries. That will stick with me forever. My heart breaks for all parents who have received similar phone calls. There are just no words that can comfort such pain and loss. I didn’t know if I should try to console, explain, grieve with them, or simply remain silent. In the end I think I did all of the above.
As a fairly new parent myself, I wonder if that phone call would have come any easier for me if I was not a parent. Before calling I took a moment to think how I would want someone to tell me had it been one of my daughters. Unfortunately his parents were an ocean away, so in person simply was not an option. I thought about simply not doing it - hoping someone else would “find” the parents number and make that call. But moments later Facebook news was already sharing the story of the accident. It was then I had to call. I didn’t want the parents to learn from a FB news clipping in a foreign language.
When I finally mustered up the courage to dial their number, I thought I was ready. What I had not considered was that the father, whom answered the phone at approximately 4am local time, was going to sound exactly like his son on the phone. That Welsh accent is unmistakenable. From that moment nothing went as I had rehearsed it so many times in my head moments before.
As people, as children, I think we all know at some point we will lose our parents. Naturally we fear that day, and never want it to come, but there is that quiet inevitability there that we dont speak of yet it remains ever present. But as parents, <sigh> , the idea we will lose our child in our lifetime is simply the stuff of nightmares. I realize life is peaks and valleys. But you’ll never get me to understand why life must be so painful at times.

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