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I think you've already figured it out, but DSD is Discover Scuba Diving- PADI resort course. I don't remember what the NAUIism for them is anymore.

Although Double-Sided-Dildo might be applicable too on some days, if you get the wrong three people you can definitely be screwed :)

Hey dan, im a UK diver that started diving less than a year ago and like you, just fell in love and wanted to do nothing else. a year later i still feel exactly the same but i've learnt that its not an easy life, you have to work hard for what you get. the hours are long and like its been said before, the pay aint the best. But at the end of the day, i'd rather be diving than anything else.

After i did my AOW i felt on top of the world, but to be honest i realise that i didn't know anything really (still don't really compared to some of these old guns!) but the rescue diver is definitely the way to go. its one of the most fun courses you'll do and teaches you so much more. i found that it gave me so much more confidence under the water, and im still forever forward thinking worst case scenarios and resolutions.

After this i did a dive master internship in tenerife, which was the only way to go really. I honestly believe there is absolutely no point at all doing a 2 week DM course and just getting that cert. After all its the first step on the way to becoming a PADI pro and the most important thing it gave me was invaluable industry experience. I learnt basic maintenance on kit (even how to sew, finally at 23!!) and i got to see real life dive problems, and learnt the ins and outs of the diving day. I taught DSD'd, scuba reviews/tune ups, assisted on OW, AOW and R.D. courses, lead dives, briefings etc etc etc and learnt more than i could of hoped to.

And now at the end of it, i can effectively do what ever i want. I can continue to travel and DM around the globe - like i said for crap pay and ****e treatment - with a roof over my head and free meals, or i can do my IDC. Which il most likely be doing in the UK.

People skills are a massive plus though at the end of the day - you've just got to have that 'gift of the gab' and be able to sell courses, equip, and mostly yourself. To a lot of people breathing underwater is a scary as **** idea and you've just got to make people believe in you from the sgtart, as quite literally you have their lives in your hands.
RYA 2 advanced is a must too as most employers want some one who can handle a boat, and continue your spanish - i'm about to start learning spanish myself to help with my employability, and if you can learn the basics (at least) of outboard motor maintenance this gives you a massive advantage.

My best advice for you would be to pool your cash like a mad man though! If you've got a well paid job like you said, just build up a house sized savers account and then just travel the world, DM'ing/instructoring all over the place. At the end of the day you can literally work anywhere as long as you got flights and your kit on your back.
I think you've already figured it out, but DSD is Discover Scuba Diving- PADI resort course. I don't remember what the NAUIism for them is anymore.

Although Double-Sided-Dildo might be applicable too on some days, if you get the wrong three people you can definitely be screwed :)


I did not meant it as an insult. That term was the first thing that came up when I tried to find out what DSD was... for that you only need to get the right 2 people :D
Wow, I really didn't expect to recieve so many helpful, well thoughtout responses. Thanking you all.

OK, so people skills definately seems top of the list as required skills.
My passion certainly gets other people excited when I talk about it, so-much-so that my workmate is getting a medical - he suffers part deafness, though he IS able to pop his ears - next month to hopefully allow him a DSD.

Unfortunately, when I was younger I had a bad stutter, and although almost gone, I do still trip up on the occassional word. No one I know has found it of much of an issue, and it certainly doesn't knock my confidence. I'm not going to let this effect my goal, whatever anyone says.

The DM internship definately sounds like the way to go. Like mentioned already, I could gain lots of other experience like boat handling, dive shop experience, gas fills, equipment service etc. In fact Roatan where sarahdee mentioned has taken my fancy a little. Spanish speaking too, so I could have that all important oppotunatey to improve my Spanish language.

I'll see if DM takes me anywhere, and just get that experience before I decide whether to go higher. Working for peanuts, struggling to live on a tropical praradise, whilst improving my diving leadership skills definately sounds better than the current state of affairs. I'm not fond of the UKs crap summers and even crappier winters.

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