What happens if I need to do this underwater, silly ?

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Detroit, Michigan
OK, just a very silly question but a good one I think.
I'm a new diver and what happens each of these 2 scenarios

1. What if I'm diving and at about 40 ft and suddenly I feel like I need to vomit?

What do I do?

2. Again 40 ft and I have a sudden bowel attack and I need to go #2 immediately cannot wait to surface?

what do I do?
OK, just a very silly question but a good one I think.
I'm a new diver and what happens each of these 2 scenarios

1. What if I'm diving and at about 40 ft and suddenly I feel like I need to vomit?

What do I do?

Just puke through your regulator, it'll be weird... but it'll work just fine.

You can cough / sneeze through your regulator too.

2. Again 40 ft and I have a sudden bowel attack and I need to go #2 immediately cannot wait to surface?

what do I do?
Perform the "Warhammer Manuever".

In short... just do what you have to do. It's not going to be pretty.

1. You can actually throw up right through your regulator. You might have to hit the purge button a bit after, but it will work. Or you can just remove your reg, vomit and put it back in. I think vomiting through the reg is the recommended option in the OW course, but I'd rather remove the reg.

2. If ya' gotta go, ya' gotta go. Emergency discharges of this nature tend to be pretty liquid, so just flush as much water through your suit as possible. The fish won't care.
What is the "Warhammer" ?

I know the fish won't care but the other divers swimming thru it will, I guess that depends on whether it floats or sinks. LOL
Oh no....... Not another mention of the "Warhammer Maneuver"..... I was lucky the last time this was mentioned to survive without accidentally clicking the link........ Sigh...

As for throwing up... Just throw up through your regulator. I haven't had to do this myself yet, but I have coughed and burped through my regulator at depth and as long as you make sure it stays in there, everything is OK. (Yes, it feels weird and uncomfortable when coughing, but works just dandy)
What is the "Warhammer" ?

It's a hilarious joke of sorts from a while ago that I couldn't help but bring up again...

Long story short, a user named Warhammer posted a picture that illustrated someone performing the action that you asked about.

It was christened the "Warhammer Manuever".

Again 40 ft and I have a sudden bowel attack and I need to go #2 immediately cannot wait to surface?

what do I do?
Throw up thru reg, switch to safe second, throw up again, switch back to primary.

As for the other...let 'er rip and deal with it later.

Hmmm, actually puking though the reg is not the preferred method as there is a possibility of portions of the vomit that may get lodged in the exhaust valve, then causing it not to close and you injesting water when you inhale. SOme regulators do have a large exhaust valve which would accomindate puking though it, But others may malfunction. The problem with puking underwater is, after you have unloaded, your body automatically wants to inhale. This is where problems happen, expecially if you have a bit of unchewed meat stuck in your exhaust valve preventing it from closing. The prefered method is to grasp your 1rst stage and hold it slightly off to the side of your mouth, then unload. After you unload then stuff the reg back in,purge and breathe.
As for having to crap, you should take care of that before you go diving. Usually that urge happens after the first dive.. then all you have to do is jump in and unload and hopefully they will be sinkers..lol

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