What haven't you forgotten?

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I tend to forget footwear for some reason. I forgot to load our boots for our Spiegel Grove dive - we wear open heel fins. We were at the boat early and could have gone back but didn't realize it till the boat was almost ready to leave. My wife and I both had on Tevas and they worked great! Forgot my wifes drysuit trek boots the other day.

Then there was the day I forgot the regulators. I had everything stacked up the night before - went through it perfectly. Unfortunately I had two stacks one with everything else and one with the regulators and our save-a-dive kit. Woke up really tired. Packed the large stack - completely forgot the other stack. Got to Paradise Springs 2 hours away before realizing it. That one hurt.
I have not forgotten anything dive-crucial at home yet. I have however walked back and forth between the parking lot and dive site multiple times because I thought I had the things with me already. I guess that's where my OCD eases up or the sweat starts to obscure it.

The most serious at home-omissions have usually been post-dive items like the warmer gloves, tarp and the thermos - thermos more than once. All steamy and full but at home on the counter. Argh.
Haven't forgotten equipment yet... but a few weeks ago we were in the Keys and I was trying my hand underwater video for the first time...

The night before the dive I carefully made sure the tape was rewound... the battery charged, the O-rings lubed... I checked the connections and got a good night's sleep. The next day, after we hit the water... I turned the camera on... while the power came on just fine I couldn't record...

My ever so patient wife waited while I got back on the dive boat (convinced that I had failed to rewind the tape)... took the camera out of the houseing and doing a quick check. Turns out... it was a tape I'd used a couple of years before and had set the "don't record over this tape" switch to ... ummm... "don't record over this tape".

After flipping this little switch and reassembling the rig I went back into the water and we started the dive... I powered on the camera... the tape was running... the "record" light was on... but... hummm.... there is no image!!! The viewfinder is BLACK... whuzzup with this???

It seems that I forgot to hit the little switch in the front of the camera that opens the integral lens cap...

... at this point, rather than getting more frustrated... I said the heck with it... and we commenced to proceed along the dive... however... by this time we were so frustrated we FORGOT WHERE THE WRECK WAS and ended up swimming about 80 yards in the wrong direction...

... a short trip to the surface to regain bearings resolved the issue and the rest of the dive went off as planned...


... I am happy to say though that the 2nd dive of the day went off without a hitch and the video rig issues were resolved and double checked BEFORE we hit the water.
Forgetting to zip my undersuit up then only realising after fully kitting up is irritating and requiring a full dekit to fix while everyone else waits impatiently.

Getting in for a quarry dive then finding out you've brought 2 left gloves after fully kitting up. Then its a full dekit and 5 minute walk each way back to car to fetch a right glove. Everyone else either stands fully kitted for 10mins and roasts or also fully dekits to wait for you.

Doesn't really count but tried to take photos on a dive before now and realised the memory card for the camera is still in the computer at home.

I've also brougt 1 fin on a boat dive before now.
Had a dive buddy once backroll off a boat only to realize as he hit the water that he'd forgotten to put on his fins ... then realize that he'd also forgotten to zip up his drysuit ... :shocked:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Got some new regs, was so excited to use them, forgot to install a LP inflator hose.

Have forgotten my computer before.

Have forgotten my camera's memory card in the computer at home.

Have forgotten to connect my can lights battery up.

50% of the time, I'm about to giant stride off a boat, I don't have my fins on, but I've yet to actually do it...yet :D

Thanks for a great Monday morning!!!

I have forgotten so many things, but haven't fessed up 'cause I thought everyone else was soooo together; especially you Puget Sound folks. Now I guess I'm just "normal"; whatever that is.

Great morale booster.

But, I will always remember the first time I know I forgot something. First night dive in the Bahamas. Jumped off the boat. Had a nice dive but buoyancy and trim seemed to be a problem. After reboarding the deckhand asked me if I liked having all my straps unfastened? Was that more comfortable? Would I recommend he trying it?

Sure, yep, give it a go...
Just this past weekend I forgot my regs at home 4 hours away. Oh yes and my boots. Luckly we found 1 dive shop that was open to rent from. I do not have a check lest yet but I will before next weekend!!!

Packed my gear and my wife's gear for our trip to Curacao in January. She was working and I had the time, so I did the gear packing. No, I won't pack her suitcase too. I even went through my mental toe to head, head to toe checklist before zipping up the gear bags. My wife wanted me to pack her 5 mil as well as her 3 mil because she tends to get cold on night dives. So when we arrived in Curacao we had two full sets of gear, except, the wetsuits were both my wife's.

First time I dove in shorts and a t-shirt. It was kind of nice.

Lesson of the day: one person, one kit. Pack your own.
How did you manage to get to 90ft without realizing that?! :confused:

Mostly because of the speed with which one approaches 90 FSW while being weighted for an undergarment but not actually wearing it.

Seriously, to be honest, other than feeling grossly over weighted, I didn't notice the cold until a good 10 minutes into the dive. When I got back on the boat, I mentioned my weight issue and the fact that I was freezing..... then looked down to see my UG sitting there staring at me.

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