What you hate about other divers.

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Ok. So my girlfriend and I are about to dive with a group of people for the first time.

This Sunday we're headed out to Norman's Woe with Mass Bay Divers.

This will be a shore dive, so I don't need (at this time) boat-diving etiquette. But I'd like to know what other people have done that annoyed/frightened you before-during-after a dive.

We want to make a good impression (or at least, a minimally bad impression) on the group so they will not hate having us around.

Too much alcohool going around before and after the dive.

Yes, it does happen, and more frequently than I'd like to see, especially on local shore dives.

On a charter boat I can't stand people taking double the space they need to, thus invading the small amount I usually allow myself.
Something else just sprang to my mind: people giving you a time and then showing up no less than half an hour late, and then taking all the time as if they were hours in advance, not missing the opportunity to have a go at a drink while you brood, not caring in the least that you've already been waiting a long time.

good luck on your dive...
the only advice i would have is....

-dont be late...people dont like to wait for old or new divers
-dont let the excitement over take you
++ check your gear...dont rush....it could cost you
++ check your buddies gear...dont rush...it could cost them
-enjoy the dive....but keep track of your buddy..

and a personal pet peeve....be aware of where the other divers are around you...not just your buddie...i bugs me when i get rammed....or someone isnt paying enough attention to know they just went under me and shot me a face full of bubbles, or screamed by and slapped me in the face with their fins....

its isnt as hard as it sounds....and the more you do it...the easier it gets....of course that applies to a lot of things !!
have a safe one...dont beat your bubble up
10) Keep running around to each diver and ask if they can spare a cup of air.

9) Wear different color and type fins

8) Put your snorkle on the right side and route your reg on the left.

7) Keep tellin' everybody that Uncle Pug thinks they're a stroke but he loves them anyway!

6) Sing any song from... Diver Parodies

5) Keep muttering "What WOULD NetDoc do?" over and over under your breath.

4) Act like you are doing long division when you are using your tables... "Ok, now carry the one and...oh, dang! Does anyone have a calculator???"

3) Ask everyone one at a time if they have ever peed in their wetsuit... then make a big fuss over it if they have.

2) Wear a Gold Lamae Wetsuit (you can borrow Iggy's)

And the number 1 thing to do to annoy your diving buddies...

1)Tell them, "Pull my finger so I can off-gas!!!"
"You shouldn't put your mask on your forehead"

Well, ***dammit, I'm on the shore and it'll be on my face before I get in the water. No, I'm not panicking, and if it falls of my head the worst thing that happens is a dog runs off with it. If you don't shut up about my mask, I'm going to put your mask somewhere where I guarantee that you don't want it!

When I'm in the water, I'll put it on my face or around my neck, but it's really hard to put a mask on while holding fins, a light, and a flag, all while wearing gloves, from around your neck!

Ok...so, most of that was facetious over-exaggerated anger, but it still annoys me when someone bugs me about this.
holding fins, a light, and a flag, all while wearing gloves

That brings up a question that was never quite answered in the OW classes.... What do I do with the flag? We bought a nice big orange floating thing with a flag on it. So when we get out to wherever we get out to, do we anchor the flag to a rock or something in our general area, or do we pull it along with us as we're moving around.

I'm really letting my ignorance shine, here, but if I don't ask I won't know.

Thanks again
iAmLevis once bubbled...

That brings up a question that was never quite answered in the OW classes.... What do I do with the flag? We bought a nice big orange floating thing with a flag on it. So when we get out to wherever we get out to, do we anchor the flag to a rock or something in our general area, or do we pull it along with us as we're moving around.

It depends. I believe that technically, you are supposed to drag it around. However, if the conditions aren't rough, just tie an 8 lb weight to it and use that as your center point for navigating. I've done both, depending on the group I'm with.
I would guess that since Mass Bay is heading the dive they will have a dive master (or leader) that will be towing a flag. If you have to carry your own flag on the dive it generally goes with you the whole time. Some people will anchor it if they are staying in a small area for the whole dive, but I prefer to carry it. Have fun! There are a number of dive clubs in the area and they all seem to be pretty good and friendly.

Oops. Looks like Matt beat me to the punch. Too slow typing!
I actually looked this one up, here is what I found

in summary:
Dive FLAG - Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 90B, Section 13A . ... Divers shall remain in an area within one hundred feet
of such displayed diver's flag while at or near the surface of the water.

so as long as you surface withing 100 ft of the flag, you should be ok.

its probably safe to anchor it if your dive buddy is carrying the flag, he will probably lose it anways <insdie joke>

AaronBBrown once bubbled...

It depends. I believe that technically, you are supposed to drag it around. However, if the conditions aren't rough, just tie an 8 lb weight to it and use that as your center point for navigating. I've done both, depending on the group I'm with.

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