What's your best lobster dish?

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Have you ever tried a lobster fritatta?

I sauté the lobster, along with onions, red peppers and scallions, whatever you like. Keep them warm on the side, while I pour my egg mixture into the skillet to cook. Once the bottom forms a crust, I put the skillet under the broiler, to cook the egg on top. Then I add the lobster mixture, broil for another minute, then add small bits of cream cheese and broil until almost melted.

We made it out--barely. the vis was exceptional at 4-6ft, but the surf and the surge were more impressive. We did manage to stay together and get a good hour dive in and made it back to the pier before surfacing and enjoying the 3-4 ft swells. Rick got a shovelnose, I got 2 spiny. Not a bad night considering conditions. Managed to see an Octopus, turtle in between the lobsters. Rick is going out again tonight----I wish I could make it, but....my better half/boss call the shots.

We only saw two spiny and got them both. One was on the way in, I was only about 2 feet off the reef and one was walking right under me. Scooped that one right up. I ended up putting in Shane's catch bag, had some troubles getting mine open. I ended up loosing my bag with the hog I netted shortly after.

So since there are so many ways---give me a couple recipes. I'm no gourmet chef and not the most creative in the kitchen so I need some good recommendations.

The simplest no fuss way that I like is to butterfly the tails, put a little salt and pepper if desired on them, make a garlic butter with fresh garlic and fresh cilantro. Baste the tails, set grill to high. Grill face down (fleshy side) for one minute, flip and grill on shell side for about 9 minutes on indirect heat. Baste the tails a couple more times while on the grill. You can do about 7 on direct, but the bottom of the shell gets burned and it get's messy.
In a HUGE saucepan put 1/2 bottle of white wine with an entire thing of chopped garlic and some chopped parsley. Split the lobster tails along the middle. Then put in all the lobster tails and steam them. keep two things of parsley for garnish.
My mother sent me this recipe today. My response was that although it looked good, too much trouble to go to. I prefer the Kill'em and Grill'em approach. :D

Poached Lobster Tails with Lemon Butter Sauce

This bath makes enough to poach 12 to 16 lobster tails. Cut bath ingredients in half to accommodate fewer tails.

Ingredients Lobster:
12 cups water
4 cups white wine
2 lemons, cut in half
2 to 3 celery stalks with leaves, chopped
1 large onion, quartered
4 to 5 garlic cloves
2 to 3 pieces of bay leaf
1 tablespoon Louisiana Hot Sauce
2 teaspoons kosher or sea salt
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 teaspoon mustard seed
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
Sprigs of fresh thyme
12 to 16 lobster tails

Lemon Butter Sauce:
½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
Juice of 1 lemon
Louisiana Hot Sauce
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon kosher or sea salt

Instructions 1. To prepare lobster, place all ingredients (except lobster) in a large stockpot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, until onions are softened, about 45 minutes.
2. To prepare lobster tails for bath, use kitchen scissors to cut up the center of the thin cartilage on the underside of the tail and snip off the flippers. Gently crack the base of the tail backwards to make it easier to remove meat after poaching. Rinse well.
3. Plunge lobster into gently boiling bath; poach 5 to 7 minutes. Turn off heat and allow tails to remain in warm bath until serving time.
4. To prepare sauce, Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir in lemon juice, hot sauce, cayenne and salt. Keep warm. Serve in separate dipping bowls. Serves 8.
Don't you mean my fine Chinnette? :mooner:

Chinette - there are no finer dishes...and I might even volunteer to do the dishes afterward...lol
Sorry Debby, bad linky thingy. :depressed:
It works just fine for me, at work and at home.
Raw, while waiting on a deco stop. Yum.

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