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Kansas City
I hope I posted this on the correct board.

My husband and I went to Grand Cayman last June and took a resort course with Don Foster's. We did our 35 or so foot dive and it was amazing. We took a refresher dive a few days later to Stingray City. We're planning a cruise to the Southern Caribbean this June which will stop in Barbados, St. Thomas, Dominica and Aruba. We'd like to do another resort course in one or two of these places.

Could any of you suggest the best two islands for non-divers who just want to dive a little? We've snorkeled a lot at various locations, but to see the good stuff, you have to go deeper! Husband is a "reef geek" so he'd rather see corals than fish. Me, I personally don't care, as long as there aren't any big sharks.

Additionally, could you also suggest some dive operators on those islands? I've read quite a few posts that talked about islands that people preferred, and I'm thinking it's doubtful that these four islands would top Grand Cayman...but we're so new that we probably wouldn't notice :)

Thanks in advance.
If you want to go deeper you will need to take a full course at a local dive shop in your home town. They can do it in one weekend or 2 days a week for 2 weeks plus a open water final dive test. After you have completed that course you will be able to go to 60'. If you take an advance course you can go to 130' and see some good wreck diving.

The basic course is $150 depending on where you live and than everytime you go to a resort it is a lot cheaper to dive and you can go deeper.
If you want to go deeper you will need to take a full course at a local dive shop in your home town. They can do it in one weekend or 2 days a week for 2 weeks plus a open water final dive test. After you have completed that course you will be able to go to 60'. If you take an advance course you can go to 130' and see some good wreck diving.

The basic course is $150 depending on where you live and than everytime you go to a resort it is a lot cheaper to dive and you can go deeper.

Ditto to this so far as taking the full course. Before your cruise check the net for information about the islands to which you will go. Various dive shops will be listed, also, and most are really good about giving you information. I think it's probably possible to arrange your dive before you step off the cruise ship. Doing this would obviously save time.

As much as I enjoy diving, I think I'd pass on Dominica. It's not because the diving isn't good there because it is excellent. It's because Dominica is one of the most fascinating islands in the Caribbean. There are rivers and waterfalls, rain forests and interesting native villages that simply are not found elsewhere in that part of the world. I'll always remember when we sat quietly watching the tree line for some time before a flock of about 50 parrots flew in to roost. They were magnificent! I know this particular thing was the result of more luck than sense. The point is simply this: Dominica is particularly unique -- don't miss it!

If time allows,consider adding a few days at the beginning and/or the end of your cruise. Take time to do some diving with a good dive operation and get to know more about island life at the same time.

Have fun!
I too recommend an OW course before your trip. As drmobil2002 said you can do the class in a weekend and then do you OW water check out on your trip (I would think). Where in KS? Drop me a note if I can answer any questions about local KS dive shops.

You are right there is no better diving in the Caribbean than Grand Cayman in my opinion.

took a resort course with Don Foster's.We've snorkeled a lot at various locations, but to see the good stuff, you have to go deeper! Husband is a "reef geek" so he'd rather see corals than fish. Me, I personally don't care, as long as there aren't any big sharks. Jen

I agree with prior posters. Get certified, you just married your best dive buddy.

The cool stuff is shallow. Little fish and critters are the Holy Grail.

Big Sharks? For every thousand that sense your presense, you might be lucky to even notice one. They are scared of humans.

The big stuff won't hurt you. It's the jillions of microbes that you are swimming in that will kill ya. Absolute fact, but still not very likely. Worry about stepping on Sea Urchins or Thimble Jellies. Jeez Louise, you already survived the deadly Stingray ! :wink:

Don't be concerned, don't be scared. Become a certified diver. Soon you will skip the cruise and pick the island.

Welcome to SB. This is a great board fto get info and help about diving. Look around and enjoy.

I have to add that I agree with the group on getting your certs. If you really do enjoy scuba and will continue, you might as well go for it.

Because I primarily dive on vacations, I did the same thing you are doing with the resort dives. Did not know how much I was missing. Finally went and took the 6 week PADI OW course with 6 classes and 6 training dives. Learned a great deal and got to have some fun and build confidence. Finally went to St.Thomas and completed my certs at Blue Island Divers with a referral (great shop). http://www.blueislanddivers.com/

I think that you will feel more confident and have more fun if you complete your certs. Just my 2 cents. Whatever you decide, have fun and dive safe.

Dive Smart; Dive Safe
Enjoy the ride
In my opion the diving in Dominica is better than Grand Cayman, but I aggree with the other poster do not miss out on the dominican interior, waterfalls, rain forest, wild life.

I also agree you will enjoy your diving on holiday much more if you have down the ow course at home, you will be more comfortable in the water and hence have time to see more rather than worring about diving.

I live and work as an instructor in St Thomas. We offer the same program you did in the Caymans. Free pool lesson followed by a boat dive. We conduct this program each day except Sundays. We would love to have you visit us. Check our web site www.sawyerdive@islands.vi .
Additionally as others have suggested, you could complete your confined water and academic training at home and during your cruise do two dives at two of your stops and then would be a certified diver. Enjoy your trip

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