Where to learn diving in Koh Tao?

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Going to Koh-Tao at the end of November and would appreciate recommendations for a good and safe place to take a PADI open water course (which club uses better equipment? more experienced trainers?). I couldn't find a thread with such recommendations (found one criticizing a club, but it didn't say which one...)

Any ideas? And if not a specific club - what should we look out for when considering a place in person on the island? What are the better diving spots?

Also, is there a need to book in advance, or can just arrive and start a course immediately?

Many thanks,
Alex :)
Hi there !

I live and work on Koh Tao in diving. I wrote an article about just how to choose a dive centre here - have a look.... its relevant to anywhere I suppose....and will help you know what to look for...

Choosing Where To Do Your Open Water Course Learn To Dive On Koh Tao

Clealry I could sit here and say - come to our dive centre but you should make your own choice based on what you want from your course. If you want to check us out though the website link is with my signature at the bottom of the post.....however we do close for the month of Novemeber....due to weather

Novemeber is monsoon here and as such the water get choppy and the winds are high which means very low viz .....and the rain .....well lets just say it rains.... we do dive all year around but its certainly very hit and miss throughout Novemeber.......the dive centre I work at actually closes as do many others - for this month. At the moment - the weather has just kicked in - we have no ferries running to the island for the last couple of days and probably not for the next few.....

You can book in advance but at this time of year - you dont need to - there will be planty of vacancies everywhere - so I would say come and have a look around for yourself - see that the weather is like ....

If you do still come and want to know how the weather is closer to the time then you can mail me.

Hi Alex,

I'd recommend Ayesha....

Tao has a wide range of dive centres that cater for all types. IMHO, some of the dive centres focus too much on partying and some employ inexperienced instructors to keep costs down. Those offer a good 'social' experience - but if you want a great open water course...and want to be a truly proficient diver, then you have to be choosy and do your research.

I know Ayesha from tech diving on Koh Tao (I used to live and work there myself) and I've always felt that she was a first class instructor.

You may also want to look at Master Divers and Seashell Divers.... both are small, friendly and professional centres. If you want a big centre, then Crystal Dive resort does a good job. I've dived with all those and not been disappointed.
Wow sounds like we are getting some bad weather right now... I'm off the island in Canada for a bit then to DEMA and back to the island by Dec. Got a few pic from our halloween party at the fishbowl sorry I missed out it looked great! I think we picked the right year to come home for a visit last years Monsoon consisted of two days of rain and very good weather.
thanks a lot for the info and recommendations :)

due to the bad weather, is it better to try somewhere on the west coast like Phuket or Koh Phi Phi? Or do they "enjoy" the same sort of weather as Koh Tao at the end of November?

Hi Alex,

Phuket should have great diving weather towards the end of November - excellent for completing your PADI Open Water Course.

You also have a great choice of dives sites off Phuket.

Look at staying at one of the southern beaches - Kata, Karon or Patong - as it is unlikely you will get accomodation included in the course - check that transfers are inlcuded.

Excellent article by Ayesha :)

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