Which Scuba Destinations Do You Consider Rather Dangerous?

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As responsible adults we should inform ourselves about the risks above and below the water. IMHO it is better to make an informed choice based on what levels and types of dangers meet our personal risk tolerance. I also think that risk tolerance changes for people at different stages of life.

Indonesia is a popular destination because it is easily accessible and quite cheap with decent diving. The terrorist risks must be considered in where and what you do. The drug problems are IMHO as big a concern. I am not sure how much coverage the recent executions of convicted "drug trafficers" got :idk: I've heard a fair number of stories about people being offered drugs on the streets or in bars etc but over there it takes very little in volume to be found a "drug trafficer" which is punishable by death. I was also told by friends that when they declined the offered drugs the "pusher" got VERY agro and pushy about it. They said they were afraid enough of him that they actually debated buying the drugs to get him to back off.. and they don't use drugs! The Officials are not quick to offer mercy in waving the punishment. Once again it is advisable to stay on the beaten path or be sure of the company you keep visiting the locals.

I think a lot of destinations have crime and dangers that are well managed by dealing with reputable travel operations. These places are not the ones you should go for the cheapest options. It costs to maintain safety, security and so on.

Then there is one place where my personal biases put the X in the box for me. The lead up, death of Roman subsequent responses from the authorities in the Maldives and the law suit contributed to a personal boycott of that destination. I am not thrilled with any place that limits dive times and depth with no regard for divers training anyway. Put that together with what seems to be a lack of regulations governing safety of compressors/fill stations and it makes the Maldives a no go zone for me. I know I am in effect "punishing the good operators" because of a bad operator and what I see as lack of Government support. I decided that until the Government shows more interest in ensuring the safety of divers by taking steps to prevent tragic deaths like Roman's I will go elsewhere. There are many choices out there comparable to the Maldives. I have had friends go there and have a great time all the more power to them but I get to make MY choice for MY reasons. I have had people try to talk me into changing my mind :doh: I am pig headed sometimes. I will change my mind when the Government puts in place appropriate regulations for fill stations and dive operators that I think are reasonable. Since this is my self confessed personal bias and I do not try to tell others they shouldn't go there I have the right to decide what it will take to make me change my mind. :argue:
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Other good resources are DAN and Scubaboard Dive Medicine Forum about the best Anti-Malarial drugs and so on for divers.
@bop- Do you have a link to the Maldives situation with Roman so I can educate myself as to what happened?
I really don't want to stomp on that hornet's nest *sigh* should have kept my fingers from the keys. Summary general conclusion contaminated fill, others sick but not dead. I don't think there are any links anymore I just have a long memory it was a long time ago. I do apologize for bringing it up.:banghead:
I really don't want to stomp on that hornet's nest *sigh* should have kept my fingers from the keys. Summary general conclusion contaminated fill, others sick but not dead. I don't think there are any links anymore I just have a long memory it was a long time ago. I do apologize for bringing it up.:banghead:

I understand :wink:
Because Sharm actually has a terrorist presence up North so I don't think the odds are as infinitesimal as Coz. Mexico also is nowhere near as politically de-stabilized as the Middle East and Egypt, and as far as I know no major airlines have suspended flights to Quintana Roo. I am in no way claiming the area is dangerous to travel to. I am merely stating that at this time it warrants some extra concern until the facts surface.

Yes, the terrorist presence is "up north"--in the Sinai. Have you been there? There are road checkpoints all over the place between Sharm and "up north" in the Sinai. Troops toting serious guns, etc. Now, compare the likelihood of a terrorist sneaking past all that and doing harm to you as a tourist in Sharm with the likelihood of someone, I dunno, doing harm to you anywhere else in the world where there is a dodgy area outside the perimeter of your tourist zone. Not to get all Donald Trumpy, but we have a border with Mexico like that. Being from Arizona, you are probably familiar with border crime.

Look, I know my analogies are not quite apt, as there HAVE over the years been terrorist incidents in Red Sea tourist areas. Unlike a few murders here and there by ordinary criminals, when dozens of people--indeed, tourists "like us"--are killed at once, it frightens us. An acquaintance of mine was injured in the 2002 Bali bombing. There have been still more terrorist acts in Indonesia. But it remains a HUGELY popular destination for divers. I believe we need to keep it all in perspective.
Man, there sure are a lot of people protecting their favorite destination in this thread. So far only two responses, one omitting the destination(I assume it is the Cozumel bad gas incident). As a rather timid traveler, I think this information is valuable as well.

I went to Cozumel earlier this year after lots of research (and reassuring from cardzard and Roxanne). I tested every tank I dove in coz (and a few tanks that others were diving). I sure as hell wouldn't be planning a trip to a destination where it SOUNDS LIKE a plane was shot down recently! At least until there was some indication something had been done to prevent a recurrence.
Yes, the terrorist presence is "up north"--in the Sinai. Have you been there? There are road checkpoints all over the place between Sharm and "up north" in the Sinai. Troops toting serious guns, etc. Now, compare the likelihood of a terrorist sneaking past all that and doing harm to you as a tourist in Sharm with the likelihood of someone, I dunno, doing harm to you anywhere else in the world where there is a dodgy area outside the perimeter of your tourist zone. Not to get all Donald Trumpy, but we have a border with Mexico like that. Being from Arizona, you are probably familiar with border crime.

Look, I know my analogies are not quite apt, as there HAVE over the years been terrorist incidents in Red Sea tourist areas. Unlike a few murders here and there by ordinary criminals, when dozens of people--indeed, tourists "like us"--are killed at once, it frightens us. An acquaintance of mine was injured in the 2002 Bali bombing. There have been still more terrorist acts in Indonesia. But it remains a HUGELY popular destination for divers. I believe we need to keep it all in perspective.

Nope I have not been there but I do have a trip booked on a liveaboard out of Hurghada next July. Being an Arizona resident I am very familiar with the Mexico border and the problem that crime and incidents cause. San Carlos Mexico is a very popular scuba destination due to location that was on the itinerary of EVERY dive shop here. It is about a 7-8 hour drive from Phoenix and was very reasonably priced. Until not too long ago all dive shops here cancelled trips there for years because of the border and cartel issues. Even though the chance of being involved in some Cartel violence was extremely low no one would even risk booking a trip or setting up a trip. There were swath's of armed federales there for protection as well.
I see this as a purely personal risk aversion decision. If im in PNG in Moresby I have security guards.....im a single petite female...that is a part of being in Moresby that I accept and put measures in place to negate somewhat any security risk to me personally. PNG is a dangerous place. Ive dived hmm, 17 or 18 countries, travelled to over 30 and have made decisions that worked out good and one that worked out bad. Last riots from the redshirts in Thailand I left Siem Reap in Cambodia to find I was the only person on the plane as all other pax had cancelled due to news reports the redshirts were taking the airport. I got a private Royal Cambodian Airlines brand spanking new jet all to myself..pilot did say if the airport had fallen to the rebels we would head onto phuket - we got to BKK to find an almost deserted airport with a lot of tanks and bored looking military and no redshirts to be seen. Travel warnings from AUS and UK and US govt all stated Do Not Travel......best flight and quickest customs clearance ive ever had in and out of thailand.

Ive had one attempted assault/abduction/robbery/who knows what in my 32 years travelling .......and that was in the lovely paradise of Moorea. When has French Polynesia ever appeared on a travel warning?

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