Why it should be LAW that people should get certified

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Every California citizen should be required to own a handgun, assault weapon, and taser to protect themselves against the invasion from the south and can use paintball guns (they are guns by the way not "markers") to practice on drag queens from San Francisco that look like Nancy Pelosi. How's that for right wing?:D That will get you an A plus!

Ted Nugent has infiltrated SB!!!! I like it.
Maybe instead of being finacially and physically able to scuba dive before 15 they should instead be financially and physically able to help their parents out a little more instead of parking behind the X box and playing on the I-phone.
As someone who taught AP English for many years, I am going to suggest you change your topic to the one Kingpatzer suggested. It is highly debatable. With a little research you will find that it is being done to some extent in some places (see Quebec), and it is quite controversial. You could stir up some of the arguments in a forum like this and get a lot of ideas.

I have toyed with a polite way to say this for a while and can't think of it, so I will just come out and say that some of the arguments you are suggesting for your position border on the absurd. I think you would be shot down quite rapidly in a debate.

Finally, please reconsider your approach to the question. Don't start off with a position on a controversial subject and then start researching it to find support. That's akin to the police arresting a suspect in a murder and then going out to look for evidence. Instead, ask a highly debatable question, research it, and then come to an opinion after carefully weighing the evidence you have gathered.
My new favorite topic....

Kentucky just passed the best law ever. To be on Food stamps, Medicaid,or Cash Assistance on your Children or yourself You have to pass a DRUG Test. Now every other state should do the same.

I enjoyed Animal Farm more than 1984. George Orwell was a great writer.
A couple of friends and I were recently discussion the fact that no one in the present high school generation knows the novel 1984. As someone who used to teach it and who still thinks it is a great book, I am sorry to say that its day has passed, and rightfully so. It was trying to warn us of a dystopian future, but Orwell made the mistake of making a date for the title. It seems silly now to warn us of a "future" that passed more than a quarter of a century ago.

Orwell was specifically concerned about warning us of a communist domination of the world, and many of the scenes and events were not really of the future but were taken from the existing realities of communist states of the time. During the cold war, that sort of thing was very much real. When the Soviet Union collapsed, many people emerged from a life much like that described in the novel. Today, that threat does not loom before us like before, and it has been replaced by other threats that demand more attention.

The central truth of the novel is universal, though, and what we need is a more relevant novel that holds to that central truth. The evil leaders in 1984 who tortured the masses and brought suffering to them did it for one simple reason that is inherent in human nature: they enjoyed it. They liked to make people suffer. It was good fun.

Sadly, that says all too much about us.
Kids in high school today were born after 1984. Not after the book was released in 1949, but after the "future" the book was written about, 1984.
I feel so old right now!

I was born after 1984, it's pretty awesome :D Though I am also almost 11 years out of high school so getting old as well :wink:

To the OP, if you have a passion for scuba why not a topic on the effects of overfishing fishing on the underwater environment? Or pollution and what should be done about it. Could bring in ideas such as the tragedy of the commons and things like that.
Alright so besides how cool 1984 is (Im probably gonna read it after all this :) I still need a topic preferably related with scuba diving. I don't want a topic like overfishing and pollution because pretty much everyone knows that is an issue but a debatable!!! topic that won't be easy to defend (that is why I chose my original topic).

Thanks for all the input positive and negative :D
Alright so besides how cool 1984 is (Im probably gonna read it after all this :) I still need a topic preferably related with scuba diving. I don't want a topic like overfishing and pollution because pretty much everyone knows that is an issue but a debatable!!! topic that won't be easy to defend (that is why I chose my original topic).

Thanks for all the input positive and negative :D

But if you are on the negative side for say, 'whaling should be banned', it becomes very interesting topic to debate :) Being on the pro-pollution side would be fun! I did debating for years and to a high level, and those topics were always the most interesting - where you were given a topic to argue that 99% of the general public disagrees with. You can debate anything....
Ok so the topic must be debatable but it isn't a debate...It is a speech- 10 minutes long- so I need to have enough claims and enough of an argument to fill that time

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