Zeagle N2ition or Oceanic Geo

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New York
New member here. I'm a relatively new diver. I did my open water certification here in NY a couple of years ago and dive on vacation. I love diving and I'm going to be moving to southern Florida next year so I plan to dive more and continue my certifications.

I wanted to buy my own computer/gauges for my dive trip to the Keys in July. I've been researching all over the web on what to get. The general consensus seems to be to buy a pressure gauge and a wrist computer. The N2ition and Geo stand out as popular choices for divers like me.

The N2ition is only $170 on Dive Gear Express and I could probably get a used Geo for under $300. What do you guys think I should do? Any good comparisons of these 2? Thanks in advance! Glad to be part of the forum.
the bottom line is it comes down to what form factor you want and if it is worth the extra price. N2ition is larger, cheaper, but should be able to get into the DSS mounts *should be verified this week*, the Geo is basically a watch.

If you're doing more local diving up in NY with less frequent diving when travelling, then I'd go with N2ition. If you're doing more travel diving and will just use the Geo as your watch while on the trip, then the extra is probably worth it.
Thanks for the response, tbone. I don't do local dives in NY because the visibility is terrible. I've been diving on trips to the Caribbean. When I move to Florida next year I will be doing local dives.
Being relatively new to diving some of the technical differences between these items are not apparent to me. Aside from the form factor is there any advantage with the Geo as far it's features and abilities?
My wife owns the Geo 2.0 and she loves every bit of it. I do, too. I think it's one of the best rec-only computers on the market.

Get the N2ition. I haven't dove it, but I've dived its clone. Not as nice of a computer (just general feel and UI) but not a distant second by any means. For the price, it's pretty unstoppable. The algorithm on it is great, unlike many other "big name" products. Unless you really prefer the size/look of the Geo....get an N2ition for half the price.
Don't bash NY diving, you guys have some great wrecks if you can get over the 10ft viz and cold water

it's a nicer computer, it has some features that the N2ition doesn't because it is more modern, but it is splitting hairs for most divers. The both are fully capable of taking you through AN/DP type classes where you'll be doing O2 decompression, the third gas on the N2ition really isn't needed but it is nice. I.e. sometimes I'll be doing stage dives where my stage doesn't have the same mix as my backgas. With the N2ition you can set the stage *sometimes air, sometimes just a slightly different mix*, backgas, then O2, with the Geo you would have to set it to the lower O2 percentage and deal with the extra decompression. That is a LONG way away in your diving and the difference is usually less than 10 minutes, so it's not the end of the world.

If most of your diving is going to be local in FL, i.e. your own gear, not flying around etc etc, then I'd save the cash and grab the N2ition. It has some setbacks mainly having to reset the Nitrox mixes every day *with a 3 gas you'd usually leave 21%, 30/32%, and 100% in the mix and just adjust one of the first two if you had two*. With the Geo you'll have to adjust one of the gas mixes likely every day when you get into decompression, and until then leave it at 21 and 30/32 and adjusting one whenever you dive.

Personally, I'd save the $130-$230 and put it towards a Petrel later, or put it towards other dive gear.
Didn't we just have this thread?
Didn't we just have this thread?

Like that's ever stopped anybody on Scubaboard before! Look for Split Fins threads, Spare Air threads, BPW threads, Jacket threads that become BPW threads that become BPW vs Jacket threads that become bellyaching about all the BPW guys not shutting up about it. There are more, but I was getting sad already looking at it.

Also, tbone is the guy who started it the last time....so it makes sense his response is a tl;dr of the other thread.
Thanks for all the info, guys. Much obliged. I think I'll buy the N2ition and a pressure gauge with a compass later this week after a little more research.
As far as NY dives go maybe I'll do 1 more this summer before I leave the state, lol.
I'm diving Key Biscayne at the beginning of July to test it all out.
oh, N2ition does get the digital compass, which while not my favorite for navigation, beats wrist compasses for quick reference. One less thing to buy.
Is it an ok computer for rec divers to use or a bit too complicated?
Its either this or the suunto zoop which seems friendlier toward ave divers IMO, but the zeagle has a compass.

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