Smoking on a dive boat

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To each his own, I guess. I don't smoke, but there was a guy smoking on the last boat I went out on (Narcosis out of Palm Beach, FL) and it didn't bother me any. Best I could tell nobody else had a problem with it. Not like you'd be able to smell it over the diesel exhaust anyway.
Interesting map. Look at all the countrys with low cigerette use. Whre countries are down on cigerettes they are up on drugs. Remember the days when we all smoked and obesity rates were low. Quit smoking cease taking that natural apitite suppressant and pack on 50-100 lbs. How many of those low smoking countries arent on opients and other addictions. What am i talking about thats not other countries that is the good old USof A. Thats right the usa is gong to pot, litterally. I am not sure what is worse,,,, being a cigerette baby or a crack baby. I can say that many of those that grew up as cigerette babies and passed over the drugs can still hold a job and be an assett to society.

One thing i noticed about the aricle is that other countries are taking the west's example of taxing the problem away. Again if you cant win the hearts and minds of men you legislate against them. OH AND THEN CALL IT PROGRESS. Another thing i noticed is that no one is banning the sale or producton of tobacco. Must be more to gain from taxation than elimination. can you imagine when looking at mexico and its low smoking and high drug/cartel problems what would happen if boose was eliminated also. Yea thats the ticket send mexico a few folks like polisi and the gang, and all thier problems will go away.

Not to poke fun at your post but just to point out that things are not always as simple as they look on the sulrface. So who cares if I die of lung cancer when the option is being gunned down on the street by a cartel.

QUOTE=boulderjohn;6697162]Who Smokes Most: A surprising map of smoking rates by country[/QUOTE]
So who cares if I die of lung cancer when the option is being gunned down on the street by a cartel.

Have you considered the third option? Not dying of lung cancer and not getting gunned down by drug cartels? It happens all the time. And I dare say lots of people care if you die of lung cancer... hopefully starting with you. Family, friends, all the way down to the general public who end up sharing the burden of medical costs.
Interesting map. Look at all the countrys with low cigerette use. Whre countries are down on cigerettes they are up on drugs. Remember the days when we all smoked and obesity rates were low. Quit smoking cease taking that natural apitite suppressant and pack on 50-100 lbs. How many of those low smoking countries arent on opients and other addictions. What am i talking about thats not other countries that is the good old USof A. Thats right the usa is gong to pot, litterally. I am not sure what is worse,,,, being a cigerette baby or a crack baby. I can say that many of those that grew up as cigerette babies and passed over the drugs can still hold a job and be an assett to society.

One thing i noticed about the aricle is that other countries are taking the west's example of taxing the problem away. Again if you cant win the hearts and minds of men you legislate against them. OH AND THEN CALL IT PROGRESS. Another thing i noticed is that no one is banning the sale or producton of tobacco. Must be more to gain from taxation than elimination. can you imagine when looking at mexico and its low smoking and high drug/cartel problems what would happen if boose was eliminated also. Yea thats the ticket send mexico a few folks like polisi and the gang, and all thier problems will go away.

Not to poke fun at your post but just to point out that things are not always as simple as they look on the sulrface. So who cares if I die of lung cancer when the option is being gunned down on the street by a cartel.

Gawd ... there's so many non-sequiturs in that post I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Oh wait ... it is April Fool's Day ... nevermind ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Quit smoking cease taking that natural apitite suppressant and pack on 50-100 lbs.
Smoking doesn't keep you from getting fat. There's plenty of fat people who smoke. It's the eating of food which makes you fat.
smoking is an appitite supressant whether by habit otr chemicaly. take the cigs from fat people and watch what happens.

Smoking doesn't keep you from getting fat. There's plenty of fat people who smoke. It's the eating of food which makes you fat.
smoking is an appitite supressant whether by habit otr chemicaly. take the cigs from fat people and watch what happens.

Yep- they start becoming spell-check, syntax and punctuation Nazis.

(Holy crap, we hit three hot buttons square on the head with that one: Nazi, fat, and grammar)

---------- Post added April 2nd, 2013 at 04:20 AM ----------

.... I am AMAZED that you can still smoke in casinos....

Understanding why this is allowed
would be the key to understanding
the entire reasoning of social control
by authoritative mandate.
The point is that smoking get's too great of share of condemnation. Smoking is too easy of a target to pick at. Preticularly when compared to gang violence, drugs, industrial chemicals ect . that i believe take more life than cigaretts at this point. Alchohol related incidents not excluded. I can only assume that for non smokers getting loaded is ok because teh anamoity is just not there aes it is for cigarettes. . I realize the drunks are not staggering onto the boat, and the smokers are so to some point smoking is the only issue related to the boats. Complaining about smoking has become a sport in it self. I have watched people complain about not being able to breath in the presece of an electronic cigerette because they thought it was real.. I have had people cry second hand smoke from me all because they saw me with a lighter in my hand. BTW the lighter is used for shrinking shrinktube. I am not a smoker and i have to take the rath of the non smokers because i dont ride thier band wagon. The difference in me is not only that i accept that people are people and some will never change, it is not my job to change you. I dont let what bothers me take over my life. I change what i can and accept the rest. When i am gone no one is going to remember me for shutting down a nail salon because of it being equivilant to a gas/glue sniffing parlor.. I just dont go there. I dont go near them, and when the wife goes there and i have to pick her up i sit outside where the fumes are the least. Where the environment for me is managable. I dont picket the salon, I know that in 2 weeks i will be right back there again on the bench outside the salon waiting for her to finish. I just accept it and move on. Life is too short.

Have you considered the third option? Not dying of lung cancer and not getting gunned down by drug cartels? It happens all the time. And I dare say lots of people care if you die of lung cancer... hopefully starting with you. Family, friends, all the way down to the general public who end up sharing the burden of medical costs.
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