Appropriate to ask for a refund? Trip report from my first salt water dive!

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Ok so here is the story. I am about to go on my first salt water dive after about 20 dives in a quarry. The dive was paid for by my wife as an anniversary present, and I also chose to hire a DM as it was my first ocean dive and I figured I would be short on air and didn't want to cause an instabuddy to cut their dive they paid for short. I also wanted someone who knew the site and would be concentrating on me to make sure I didn't have any issues. I am diving 120's so I should be able to get good long bottom times.

Well, on the first dive of a two tank dive, we end up back on the boat @ about 25 minutes with me having >1500 psi in my tank because the DM had a cramp. I understand that things happen, but this was an easy dive in very mild current. He then tells me that another DM who was the actual DM on the boat would be going down with me on the second dive. Shortly there after once everyone is on the surface for their SI, I see the second DM go in the water for a dive on his own. Once he is back on the boat, I ask if he was going to be the one doing the second dive with me, and he said that he could, but it would be a short dive as he had very little SI, and that I could just find someone to buddy up with if I wanted.

I ended up asking two guys if they minded and had a nice second dive with them, although we did get separated when they went through a swim through, that I didn't realize was a swim through. Apparently they signaled me to follow, but I didn't see it. I got a little nervous at that point and definitely began sucking down some air. At this point I decided that I was going to head to the anchor line and make my way up, but swimming up and over the wreck, I saw my instabuddies and rejoined them. I followed them around for a little bit more and then signaled that I was starting to get low on air and would be going up. We did agree before the dive that I was fine going up the anchor line by myself, so no fault on them for that. I ended up back on the boat with about 900 psi in my tank at about just over 40 minutes. I did enjoy the second dive very much so, but for sure felt ripped off on the first dive. I did get the extra $20 back that I paid to have a DM dive with me, and I did ask for a partial refund on the first dive, but the person at the dive shop when I got back said they couldn't do that and I should call later to talk to the captain of the boat.

So general consensus; Should I be entitled to a partial refund since the first dive was cut short by the DM?

Cramp? So what? Never had a cramp that lasted very long and never ended dive because of one. And he couldn't do 2nd dive...c'mon man. Find another boat.
Okay, I feel I need to clarify a few things. First off, I didn't argue or complain once the DM called the dive. We made our way back to the anchor line and made a normal ascent. I didn't say a word about getting any money back until the DM said I could go to the shop once we got back and request a refund for his services. While standing at the counter and requesting the refund that the DM said I should, I casually and half jokingly said they could give me a partial refund for the dive since it was cut short by their DM, and that is when the person at the count said I could talk to the captain. I didn't make a big deal about it, didn't make any demands, and I didn't really see it as a big deal. I never even did bother to call back to speak to the captain as the lady at the counter suggested. I was just curious to see others responses to the situation. I think it just got blown a bit out of proportion here, and that is probably my fault for not being more clear. I would definitely dive with that outfit again, although I probably wouldn't request or pay for a DM.

---------- Post added October 14th, 2014 at 03:08 PM ----------

Yes, I believe that you are entitled a credit. If it were up to me, I would offer you a full credit for a future dive. This credit is a Win - Win. I have an chance to redeem myself & you get another dive.

I feel that it is vital to create customers for life.

Do you feel that is fair?

I would actually feel that that offer would have been beyond fair and that I was taking advantage of you. If that was your solution it probably would have earned you a customer for life.
Cramp? So what? Never had a cramp that lasted very long and never ended dive because of one. And he couldn't do 2nd dive...c'mon man. Find another boat.

I was wondering why a cramp would need to end a dive.

I'd certainly ask for a refund. The operator's employee cut the dive short due to non-emergency reasons. Just refunding the DM fee doesn't do anything for the fact that the dive was essentially missed. (Unless this was a deep dive- 25 minutes is painfully short of a dive.)
Okay, I feel I need to clarify a few things. First off, I didn't argue or complain once the DM called the dive. We made our way back to the anchor line and made a normal ascent. I didn't say a word about getting any money back until the DM said I could go to the shop once we got back and request a refund for his services. While standing at the counter and requesting the refund that the DM said I should, I casually and half jokingly said they could give me a partial refund for the dive since it was cut short by their DM, and that is when the person at the count said I could talk to the captain. I didn't make a big deal about it, didn't make any demands, and I didn't really see it as a big deal. I never even did bother to call back to speak to the captain as the lady at the counter suggested. I was just curious to see others responses to the situation. I think it just got blown a bit out of proportion here, and that is probably my fault for not being more clear. I would definitely dive with that outfit again, although I probably wouldn't request or pay for a DM.

---------- Post added October 14th, 2014 at 03:08 PM ----------

I would actually feel that that offer would have been beyond fair and that I was taking advantage of you. If that was your solution it probably would have earned you a customer for life.

I don't think anything was blown out of propotion, you asked a standard new diver question, and got a range of answers. No, you didn't make a big deal out of it. You were very cool about it, and it's all good.

Question - I understand you booked the boat through the shop, but is the boat affiliated with the shop other than the shop partners with the boat? For instance, the DM you hired who failed, he was a shop DM. The boat DM, was he an employee of the boat or the shop or could you tell? The boat captain, was he an employee of the shop, or could you tell? The boat, was it owned by the shop, or could you tell? The reason I ask is that the shop was happy to refund the money that you had paid them for their service (providing a dive guide) but told you that you had to speak to the captain about a refund of the partial dive. That indicates to me that the shop had paid for your spot on someone elses boat, taking a commission, and that any refund would be between you and the captain/boat owner.
Okay, I feel I need to clarify a few things. First off, I didn't argue or complain once the DM called the dive. We made our way back to the anchor line and made a normal ascent. I didn't say a word about getting any money back until the DM said I could go to the shop once we got back and request a refund for his services. While standing at the counter and requesting the refund that the DM said I should, I casually and half jokingly said they could give me a partial refund for the dive since it was cut short by their DM, and that is when the person at the count said I could talk to the captain. I didn't make a big deal about it, didn't make any demands, and I didn't really see it as a big deal. I never even did bother to call back to speak to the captain as the lady at the counter suggested. I was just curious to see others responses to the situation. I think it just got blown a bit out of proportion here, and that is probably my fault for not being more clear. I would definitely dive with that outfit again, although I probably wouldn't request or pay for a DM.

No worries. I didn't get a sense from the replies here that anyone thought you were being a jerk or a cheapskate. My reading of your post was just as you say you intended it: to see out of curiosity what others think. Nevertheless, some of the responses should be helpful to a diver unfamiliar with this kind of diving trying to put everything in perspective as he looks toward doing more.
I'm with Skittl on this one. If I paid the money to the dive OP for the DM (not a side deal with an independent guide) then I would expect a refund for the cost of the guide for both tanks and some sort of renumeration for the "missed/shortened" dive caused by his employee. I'm all for thumb the dive for any reason if it's with my buddy or insta-buddy no harm/no foul. In fact I'd still give them a jolly rancher 'cause odds are they feel worse about it than I do. If I enter into a contract with a dive pro and they don't hold up their end of the deal then I should be compensated. From a safety stand point I would not expect a dive pro not to thumb a dive over hurt feelings or the cost of refunding the payment, hence professional. I would not yell, complain or otherwise be the customer from hell. If compensation was not offered, I might consider voting with my feet on future dives. IMO, the dive OP missed a golden OPortunity not only with the customer in front of him, but with every future customer he (the customer) might come into contact with. When I receive good customer service, I'm vocal about it.

Valid points made by Wookie. I would add those to side about independent guide.
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I'd keep things in perspective. This was the OP's first ever ocean dive, not his last ever ocean dive. Your first dive ever is more check out, dial in, gain experience. learn, educate yourself, rather than trying to wring out every moment of the dive.

Had this been a dive vacation and every dive every day for a week was screwed up, I'd recommend being concerned. First ever ocean dive got cut short a bit... big deal. That dive is so inconsequential in your life and your future years of diving, it's nothing even to talk about. Diving will only get better for you from here on and you're learning what everyone learns with experience about diving, to ask questions, to speak up proactively "hey 2nd dive master, you're going on a dive right now, but you're taking me on the next dive right?", and most importantly to vet your dive op prior to booking. The more you put into researching your dive operator the better the pay off, but you have to first even know what the questions are, and with this experience you're getting your first education. Like I said, first dive ever, many more to come...
Cramp? So what? Never had a cramp that lasted very long and never ended dive because of one. And he couldn't do 2nd dive...c'mon man. Find another boat.
cocoajoe, Skittl1321--To be honest you guys don't know what you're talking about. Some people like myself are prone to serious cramping--once I cramped in both arms & legs at the same time on the same dive. A severe cramp in one leg can easily end a dive ASAP. Potassium pills cut my cramping by 80%.
a few years ago i was on a charter with a bunch of relative strangers (through a forum). i paid for 3 dives as everyone else did, the guy who organized the trip was my buddy we jumped in for the first dive and he called it,it just didn't feel right. he offered to refund it and i refused on that code anyone can call a dive any time, i would expect the same treatment if i needed to call it, so i tend to side with the crowd that says your lucky to get the 20$ i would be more than happy with that ! but i do understand the feeling it blows just an excuse to go dive again
It was nice that you got your DM fee back & not neccesarily something that would have happened anywhere. Many guys would figure that they showed up and gave it their best shot so they have a right to their money, and there's logic in that too. Kind of like when I've paid a mechanic for hours for labor during which he didn't manage to fix my car. Any more of a refund just isn't the way it goes. The captain & crew all did their best and deserve their normal compensation, and costs are in no way decreased by someone having a short dive, or no dive.

I think if I hired a mechanic to fix some domafache or whatchamadoodle on my car and they did not fix it I would not be paying.

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