Attaching bolt snap to SPG

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I use these Dive Rite attachments as well. They are brilliant!

Thanks for the second endorsement of these. I have a couple, but I have been reluctant to try them out.

If you have to "break" them away, do they actually break, or do they just pop loose? I.e. if I put one on and try it for myself to confirm I can "break" it away, am I going to ruin one?
If you have to "break" them away, do they actually break, or do they just pop loose? I.e. if I put one on and try it for myself to confirm I can "break" it away, am I going to ruin one?

If you're going to rely on it for the long hose, you should test it when you don't need it, rather than finding out when you do need it.

Besides, let's say you successfully break it, you can buy a replacement set of 2 for $2.75 from DGX. What's to lose?
Thanks for the second endorsement of these. I have a couple, but I have been reluctant to try them out.

If you have to "break" them away, do they actually break, or do they just pop loose? I.e. if I put one on and try it for myself to confirm I can "break" it away, am I going to ruin one?

I have experienced three reactions.

1. Hose slides in loop. leaving a bunch of hose and reg/spg accessible.
2. Bungie pulls out of plastic tab
3. Bungie tears
If you're going to rely on it for the long hose, you should test it when you don't need it, rather than finding out when you do need it.

Besides, let's say you successfully break it, you can buy a replacement set of 2 for $2.75 from DGX. What's to lose?

I would definitely want to test it on land before relying on it. I just wanted to have an idea of what to expect.

And, before today, I didn't realize that my current setup, with cave line attaching the bolt snap, was a potential hazard! Thus why those little DR doodads have just been sitting in my parts box. :)
Curious how many OOG fatalities have occurred because a bolt snap was cave-lined to a long hose instead of on a breakaway. kensuf mentions guys that have died by being passed a stage that was low on gas, were these attributed to the donor being unable to deploy the backgas long hose? I'd like to read those reports. IUCRR links?

Still not sure why passing the stage reg and switching to your bungeed backgas for the 15 seconds it takes to sort a stuck bolt snap is such an emergency, even in a restriction, even in zero vis. I can remember doing this several times during various courses without issue.

It's a pretty big stretch to "OMGURGONDIE!!!!" Especially if you've done anything remotely akin to elementary gas planning.

I think if this were as serious an issue as made out to be, the WKPP/GUE guys would have been dropping like flies many times over, UTD the same. If you want a breakaway, go ahead, but let's not pretend that a cavelined bolt snap is going to result in your doom. If you're at that point in the dive, you've screwed up so much other stuff I highly doubt it's going to be the deciding factor.
Why does it need to break away? It's easy enough to pop it loose, I guess, but I've never had it come apart without wanting that to happen. It would cut loose easier than cave line and I use them on my SPG and my long hose. Hell, I use them on my student's kit as well.
OOG plus a stuck boltsnap is a 6 sigma event. Might as well stay home in the bed with your head under the covers.

Tied on snap for me. No surprises with breakaways breaking when you don't need it to or bungee things popping off.
Why does it need to break away? It's easy enough to pop it loose, I guess, but I've never had it come apart without wanting that to happen. It would cut loose easier than cave line and I use them on my SPG and my long hose. Hell, I use them on my student's kit as well.

That's why I put break in quotes. I don't feel like it needs to become physically broken. It just seems like it needs to let loose somehow if the reg is clipped off and I am in a big hurry and just grab the reg and give it a good twist/yank.
on a "myflex" type hose, it will slide....
on a "myflex" type hose, it will slide....
Most anything will slide on myflex. I use the ninety degree elbows on my long hose and it holds there well. I position the bungee thingy on the narrow spot on the SPG and it holds there quite nicely.

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