Anyone still have fun diving?

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i dove today.. i'd tell you about it, as a matter a fact I will...

once upon a time... there was two divers and there parents onboard a boat heading out to a wonderful yet small reef called, Seperated Rocks... we dropped down and when we hit 39ft we got neutral and crused the thousands of Sand Dollars heading on a compas bearing towards the reef.. the twodivers came up on the reef they saw a bunch of FISHIES and pretty CORAL.. only problem was that some of these secluded reefs just off the coast are being destryed by people dumping stuff... one of the divers took 3 beer bottles a hat, a sandle and a few other bits of junk up with him... over all it was a very fun dive and the two divers enjoyed it a lot...

The End
good job

i always try to bring garbage out with me if i find any ... usually fishing line, soda cans, beer bottles...
Well I'm still one of those newbies who comes up with a #@#& eating grin in his face thinking man, "that was soooo sool, I wish had started this years ago.". I'm also one of those who roll over at any depth and look at the "ceiling" thinking "Man this is so awsome...I'm under x feet of water and breathing...seeing the marine world the way only a comparative few get to see it."

The the guage hits truns pressure and that "sinking" feeling hits as I ascend....."This one's over" Then I remember, The next one's just around the corner, and the cool factor kicks in again.

Do I love it......YUP:D
You know, this is a good thread. People don't tend to post too much on this board just to say, "Here's a description of the great dive I did today." I don't -- I don't think anybody would be interested in reading it. But on reading the original post in this thread, I realized how much I enjoy reading OTHER people's reports of their dives, particularly if they are well written or accompanied by good pictures. Maybe we should all share more.

You make a good point. I love reading dive reports, even when I've been on he dive. After a dive with Claudette, for example, I look forward to her report in the SoCal forums. It's like doing the dive over again, especially when see through her fun-loving quirky point of view.

I have thought about writing up the dives myself, but I don't think I would do is justice.

Ok, that's an excuse. I'm a procrastinator, and keep putting off the writing of it.

Sigh, That's not true. I'm just lazy.
I'm not going to read every post but here's my take on your comment. The amazing thing about ScubaBoard is the VAST amount of diving experience, expression and expertise mixed in with generous amounts of humor and some scattered troll droppings.

I try to read and absorb the lessons of others, laugh at the goofiness of others and wonder at the whole sport of SCUBA. I can't really impress the joy of diving on non-diving friends and family members. But they know I have fun doing it.

I believe that everyone that has taken the time to join SB and contribute just understands on some other, unspoken, level that we're all bound by the fun and personal satisfaction we get out of breathing underwater.

It's also a bit of a mystery to me that that SCUBA subculture of fun and personal satisfaction yields up a better quality of character in a much higher percentage than I see in the rest of non-diving society.

Just my 2 bits.

Most of us are just full of piss and vinegar since we are not underwater and don't live somewhere cool like Coz or Hawaii.

Its not diving that tempers our love of being underwater.

The only crying I see on a dive trip is on the last dive of the last day.
Pure joy: I solo dived a wreck 30 miles offshore Georgia. Have been diving this wreck for years in greenish water with 20' and usually way less vis. Wreck is a WW II Liberty Ship, 458' long, dive usually done entirely within the wreck. Yesterday was pure magic. Blue water, 70' vis, wildlife everywhere: 100's of 'cuda, nurse sharks, turtles, huge jew fish, spotted eels, blue angels, a large ray, huge schools of bait fish, etc. Little current so I could swim outside of the wreck on the bottom. A truly awesome day. Found a new swim through. Wish it could stay this way but I love the wreck even when I can't see. Pure joy.
Would we spend so much time discussing/debating topics about something we didn't love? From the tone of many of our "discussions", it is possible to get the feeling that we've lost the JOY of diving. I think that is an illusion. Those who have lost the love for diving would simply stop using ScubaBoard. Being here pretty much means we love it!
Go to the PPD forum. They know how to have fun.
i'll take that as a compliment for the PPD., THank you .

we did have fun, four of us hitched a ride over the weekend on one car. one guy parked at my garage then we all went in "chip-on" for gas and toll ways fees. .... then we went on separate resorts... hehehehhe.... and ended up doing our own preference for dive that weekend. we are stil friends.... :D

oh one guys (the gy who parked at my garaged) even paid for our breakfast at Jollibee

--to each his own I guess.
DIVE AS I WILL !!! by : paolov

"yeah Baby!!!" from the nemesis of minnie me...

PS.. we really just make fun of other PPDs..... and those that make fun of us as well... we are fun loving group ask LArry ....:eyebrow:
:D Diving is a pure pleasure, it doesn't matter when and where you're doing it... I'd love to film every dive to relive every moment... As long as there's time for a staff dive now and then it helps remind you of why you're diving, time to relax and just enjoy the blue, the fish... theres no words just get down and see the bubbles

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