Bonehead moves - $$ sacrifices to dive gods.

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I pushed a full tool rack of tools (10-15k) overboard without connecting it to the down line once when I was a young lad on my first offshore trip years ago. Needless to say the dive supervisor and dive superintendent were none to pleased with me. We're all old friends now but that day will live in my memory forever.
Came up from a dive on the Duane. Unstrapped one tank strap, answered a question from aother diver, got into a conversation, forgot about the tank. When SI was over I noticed that one tank strap was not pulled down, pulled it down, jumped in without checking pressure gauge, looked at gauge when we hit the deck. Goooooolly. I only had 1000 psi. You know the rest.
So....I was a fairly new diver, diving with a friend at the local quarry. We came up in the middle of the quarry, because he was a bit low on air, and started to surface swim back to the docks. I hooked the mask onto my wrist temporarily for the swim back, and sure enough, it promptly fell off and floated into the depths *sigh* It was a gift from my husband, which made it a bit sadder.

Fast forward to a year later...I'm hanging out at a friend's house, and what did my wandering eye spy? My mask, sitting on his workbench, all crusty from spending months underwater! Turns out he found it on one of his dives, didn't have any idea who it belonged to, and took it back to his house. How lucky am !?!?
I don't know about boneheaded but I've certainly made a few donations to the dive gods.

For a while I had both my computer and compass on a bungee mount and since the rings from my dry gloves are so large and have a detent in the middle it was a good place for the bungee to go and remain tight...

So while diving from a RIB after the dive while still in the water I had to take my gear off. This was the first time I had done this. Getting out of the gear bumped my bungee mounted computer and down it went to the bottom 180 feet below.

While doing a night dive there were many Ratfish around. So many that some of them started to bump into me. One bumped into my wrist and knocked off my bungee mounted compass. I didn't realize what had happened until later.

I don't bungee mount in that fashion anymore!

After a night shore dive in cold water I was walking chest deep in the water holding my fins. After a minute I realized I only had one fin. My fingers were so cold I couldn't tell the difference. After looking for the fin for an hour we left only to return the next day to find the fin!

I usually have a dive light attached to my chest D-ring throughout the dive even though I hold it in my hand the entire time. For some reason I unattached it for one dive. After the dive while on the surface still in 10 feet of water I instinctively let go (thinking it was still attached). I borrowed another light and went back down but never found the light.

Back in the days of the knife on the calf diving I had a plastic knife sheath locking devise fail so the knife just fell of at some time during the dive. I posted on a local dive board and it turned out someone had found it....but decided they didn't want to carry a sharp knife without a sheath around so left it at a certain location and never went back for it. They told me where it was, I did the dive, found it!

I've also found a dive light roughly comparable to the one I lost as well as a dive knife. I've yet to find a dive computer or compass so I'm still a net contributor to the dive gods.
Found my snorkel to be annoying so I took it off and tucked it into my cumberbun. At the end of the dive, they wanted us to take off gear in the water before boarding. Forgot about the snorkel and away it went.

Talked the DM into diving the spot a few days later and found it in a crevice!
I lost a dive knife when climbing up a ladder once. I got it free so I guess I'm even now.

I lost a $40 spool too at the surface when inflating an SMB at the surface.

That's about it so far luckily :)
My only donation so far (and won't be the last if I don't replace all my Home Depot clips that keep breaking) is a lobster snare that I didn't have a bolt snap on. I thought I could get away with tucking in the BCD, but it did not last on my first long surface swim out. Everything has since been attached to me one way or another, as it should be.

I did buy another one which has recently been retried in favor of a tickle stick/net. At $40 a snare, I can live with that offering to the sea.
Having done my OW and most of my dives in New England, I was excited to do my DMT course in tropical waters. I don't see how people need a wetsuit in 31C water. Thus, I was all excited to go in with a t shirt and board shorts, you can jump into the water with the same clothes you arrived to the dock in, no contortions needed to get into a wet suit, no exposing your beer belly or your pale buttocks to the Dutch coeds! In my excitement, I forgot to check my pockets and took my iPhone 3G to 10 meters. Though, I did find an ingenious tech who managed to fix it (new screen, new battery, new power controller)... though same tech has decided to steal the phone and not give it back... Thailand...
Having done my OW and most of my dives in New England, I was excited to do my DMT course in tropical waters. I don't see how people need a wetsuit in 31C water. Thus, I was all excited to go in with a t shirt and board shorts, you can jump into the water with the same clothes you arrived to the dock in, no contortions needed to get into a wet suit, no exposing your beer belly or your pale buttocks to the Dutch coeds! In my excitement, I forgot to check my pockets and took my iPhone 3G to 10 meters. Though, I did find an ingenious tech who managed to fix it (new screen, new battery, new power controller)... though same tech has decided to steal the phone and not give it back... Thailand...

Oh no! I'd die if I had to go without my iPhone for more than a few mins :shocked2:

Actually once I found an iPhone under a pier. I showed my buddy who held up a camera, indicated that I should pretend to be on the phone and took a photo. I thought nothing more of it until we got out of the dive and he said 'oh that sucks about your phone' or something like that. I was confused but worked out he had figured I must have left my phone in my drysuit pocket and jumped in with it and he said 'you seemed to take that pretty well'. I reckon! If it was my phone I would have strangled him for wanting to photograph my loss :wink: I dried it out and checked the SIM to try to find the owner but no luck. Anyway, my own iPhone has a nice shiny case on it now that I took off the one I found. :)
I was doing a surf entry one day....really, we should have called the dive before even attempting, but we didn't. The surf was crashing pretty good and I got to one that I wanted to duck under. I ducked under and then swam out past the surf zone. Something didn't feel right, but I wasn't sure what the deal was....just before we were about to descend, I realized that I had lost my mask, and that's what didn't feel right.

My other bonehead move was in Hawaii in June. We had just come in from a dive and were going to drive to another site. As we were taking off our gear, I tossed my mask, computer, and compass on top of the Jeep. Before we took off, I grabbed the mask (computer was in the mask) and tossed it in the Jeep....forgetting the compass. Not too big a deal as I hated that compass anyways and wanted one to fit in a DSS boot :wink:

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