Comparing Doppler's class and GUE's DIRf class...

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Dan MacKay once bubbled...

Hi Puffer,

So let me get this right..just because you do not like the profession of the person who wrote the article you dismiss the validity of the article? How about the rest of the very well know researchers and professionals and the thousands of man days that went into the conclusions of the following refercences listed in the original article? Hmm, Puffer you have absolutely no credibilty in this as you have yet to list a single researched and published paper on the premis that smoking is not detrimental to ones health and that it poses no heath risk when diving. Here is my argument in nauseating detail if you wish to read them.


Hi Dan,
Nope nothing against dentists and not sure why I put that in. I had to look up what DDS meant but what I should have done was look up the guy's name instead. It appears from a search that you or JP kindly left out the fact the article is copyrighted to guess who GUE 2002. And here I thought Dr. Ranz was just some curious fellow like myself seaking the unbiased truth in the world of dive 'science' on why smokers shouldn't dive. Silly me.

Don't know where you guys get the notion I advocate smoking as healthy in any of my posts, in fact I think if you reread my posts I use descriptions like bad habit, nasty habit, etc. I think my first post regarding smoking was to basically state CO in a young healthy smoker was not a big deal due to tolerance and the fact they breath hyperbaric oxygen at depth with lowers the half time for CO elimination. I then stated that a far greater risk to all divers was in the form of CO on the back of dive boats instead. We are working with some pretty concerned provincial and federal agencies at this point in time after a few diver CO incidents in the last two months relating to this issue. Risk is all relative and the risk of CO in a habituated smoker who dives is miniscule compared to what you the non-smoking diver is getting on the back of many of these dive boats. If you want a smoking gun then this is a very big one.

My second post again did not advocate smoking but simply pointed out that the article you sited was basically correct for the person who has smoked all their life and who has many of the chronic end stage changes we do see in smokers. No difference of opinion there. Problem is these people with emphysema, increased hemoglobin, unstable atherosclerotic plaques and all the other life time smoking risks the guy trots out just are not seen in the diving population period. These folks with the longterm health effects Dr. Ranz mentions are at home on the couch watching reruns of Flipper and dreaming about doing the sport we so much enjoy. In fact when I reread his article again and looked at all the 'conclusions' the guy makes about why one should not smoke and dive and then see out of 23 references only one has anything to do with diving it is clear the author has taken and been given the liberty by the group he writes for to make great leaps of faith about smoking and dive risk when in fact no data actually exists to support those connections. The one article on diving and smoking actually referenced says in the abstract there "probably" is an association which remember has nothing to do with causation.

Please don't twist this and say I advocate smoking as healthy pastime. All I am saying is the science backing up the risk does not exist to exclude the typical smoker who would likely knock on any technical agency's door. This is the young fit medication free diver who knows smoking is unhealthy and I am sure would love to quit, but for a variety of reasons has not yet been able to. All I am saying is give the guy a chance to prove himself and you get the chance to influence him so he might quit, for all. To exclude this young diver though on the basis of some very flimsy data where none basically exists is misguided. Show me that the navy has an exclusion policy for their divers and I will be more convinced as the navy usually does look at the science before making a policy decision.To knowingly choose to ignore though other greater health risks to all of us smoking and non-smoking divers such as diving with unknown tank fill contaminant levels from using an unaccredited lab or expose ourselves to lethal CO levels on the back of our dive boats just reinforces one's impression that certain groups would rather make claims not based on science, but more likely based on self-rightiousness or lack of knowledge.

So smoking is bad, GUE can make whatever policies they want even if misguided, and I have beaten this horse to death. End of story.
pufferfish once bubbled...

It appears from a search that you or JP kindly left out the fact the article is copyrighted to guess who GUE 2002. And here I thought Dr. Ranz was just some curious fellow like myself seaking the unbiased truth in the world of dive 'science' on why smokers shouldn't dive. Silly me.

Yup just like it is okay to train non-smokers at NTD and let them breath air tested by an unaccredited lab which is unable to reliably test for CO, oil, and particulates. And who was talking about tar coated bronchioles and CO filled aveoli.

Wrong again Honey,

I told you the material belonged to Quest some posts back. You present more entertainment value then the ‘Daily Show’ with Jon Stewart. You are advocating obesity, smoking and diving. You had to slam the shop again. Dude you are too much. But keep on trucking. The milage we get out of you is priceless.

You do not even have your facts straight about your air quality crusade. You have yet to come clean with the mystery Ministry of Labours Regulation numbers you keep magically quoting. You have zero creditability. All you are have with the air issue is a hard-on for the Ontario Underwater Council.

God bless the pagans.
Hello guys

I just have to put in my comments on this topic. I've been diving for some 27 years now both as a sat commercial diver and yes if you want to call it TECK diver oooohh. My thoughts on all these different agencies and individuals who try and set forth some type of imaginary proper method of diving and gear configuration is all crap. You can take all the courses if you want but in the end the only thing thats going to get you out of a tight situation is you and your mental physical well being to do so. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the same TECK diver on a dive boat at different times with different gear and configurations every time why! because he is getting caught up in all this high teck nonsense and confusion out there. If you people would learn how to swim before you learn how to dive maybe there wouldn't be so many divers running into so many problems at depth when over weighted with teck gear. Hay! did you know that by Taking Yoga classes it would improve you and make you a better diver, believe it or not its true, and if you don't believe me just ask me.


PS smoking kills
NTD tests it air through the OUC to the original Z180 standards. They had also offered to consider changing this practice, if Pufferfish can present his air testing case critically and candidly. The Pufferfish has yet to comply, as he cannot produce documentation that does not exists. The original Z180 standard is similar to the standards generally used through out the U.S. Ontario as it stands with the original Z180 has one of highest air quality standards in the world.

That is right Puffer, despite all your bs, these folks are still open to what you have to offer; if you can ever get around to offering it. Personally, I think MacKay, Pate and Tom are wasting their time. You have zero creditability; else you would have provided the info months ago.

The real issue is in getting the none testing shops to test.
I'm not certain I see the argument here. I haven't seen any one say that smoking wasn't bad or that GUE didn't have the right to set what ever requirements they see fit.

If GUE thinks the best way to project their values is to turn away smoking atudent that's their decision.

I don't see where pufferfish has zero credability as col.cluster suggests either. Nor do I see why such direct insults need enter the conversation. This certainly isn't the first time an MD (or experts from other relevant feilds) have questioned GUE's science.
Well DMI, I'll bite.....tell me about the YOGA thing. Maybe I can "reproduce" the yoga experience on my own vs looking like an idiot in a park praying to Budda........or whatever.....

AS an aside, you wouldn't find too many "Tech" people switching rigs at all if they learned it correctly in the first place.

AS a Holgarthian advocate....basically DIR without the GUE :censor:'s all been done before.

Divers have been doing it right before GUE ever came into being, and it's no wonder some DIR divers refuse the accept the GUE relationship between their diving and the GUE organization.

I love RULE # 1: Never dive with a stroke.......

Gee I haven't a clue why they are disliked..........

GUE never claimed to have invented DIR, as someone else pointed out, they teach it. And as Dan said, we don't hear anyone who has taken training through them complaining, only those who refuse to.

But thanks for clarifing where all the attitude is from.

OK so I MUST have heard it wrong..........NOT.

A don't call me Steve, who's he?

I discredit those who place their opinion in the FACT category, and then never defend it with anything more than excuses that I wouldn't accept from my child! I am NOT anti DIR, I'm anti GUE B.S.

Of course, my numerous attempts at asking was to no avail, and it's a wonder WHY i got heated???

Utter foolishness.

They claim they wouldn't enter the discussion, stating my flames.........Hmmmm, nice excuse, too bad they didn't answer on the first 1 or 3 times I asked. Too bad they didn't answer another fellow who had asked the same question...and he for sure didn't flame anyone.

If you're gonna call yourself elite, or DIR TEACHERS, and say "Don't dive with a stroke" (and we'll tell you what a stroke is), then I expect from a high preaching point, to be explained to us lowly Padi OW kids the reason for it, and not just an easily explained away opinion.

Can we just leave it at that?? I'll take my TDI Tech courses, and be called a Stroke if that's what it'll take.

So sorry if it got out of hand, it shouldn't have, but it did, and it takes two sides to argue, and there WAS 2 sides doing the argueing, but I guess only one has to be removed, do it was be because I argued harder, so's funny too, I really don't care that much what GUE says, so I have to laugh at why I argued so hard.........I guess we got caught up in it, and as you could see, I removed myself from the thread.

It was best for all........well, it was best for me.



Tom R once bubbled...

The trick to teaching pigs to fly is pretty easy.


First you need a tall building.


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