Dan Grenier lost at sea.

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Doc Intrepid:
Thank you both. They could well be ashore somewhere. Prayers for them both and hopes for recovery.
To all concerned,
It has been over 1 week now and no sign of Dan or his diver partner. We must at this time assume that all is bad. We have exhausted all means avalible to us here in Fiji. The Goverment was no help it was Bamboo beach's efforts and the staff at Bamboo reef divers and a few kind indeviduales who we tank with all of our heart. A breif review of the incedent. Dan was diving on his boat Crystel Explorer with a friend from Australia. While other divers where doing a normal dive Dan told his wife he was going to do a drift dive and she was to pick them up when the other divers came up. Not the smartest move but it was his call. When the boat went to the pre-arranged spot for pick up no divers. They waited and started to search. When nothing turned up they call for help. All of the dive operations in the area including Bamboo beach resort put all of their boats out to search. Still no results and the search was to be contiuned the next day. At first light Bamboo beach hired 2 planes to begin searching, next day 2 planes and helicopters and so on for the next 5 days. We here are all at a lose and numb but what I have learned and will carry from this is I will never ever buy a black BCD again or black fins. I want bright colors on all of our rental equipment and signal devices on every diver. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. I don't know if Dan was lax because he was doing a private dive or just had it turned off that day. I wish to reassure everyone that this was not a dive with any guests from Bamboo Beach Resort and I believe that dan would have handlled it different if it had. It is still a great destination and a safe place to dive. We have been operating Marlin Bay Resort for over 12 years and can not count the dives done. NEVER ONCE was there an incident. Please keep Dan in your prayer's and pratice what you have been taught.
George taylor co-owner of Bamboo Beach Resort
Man, that sucks if you don't even have a proper search crew, might as well have been flying blind. This is so sad........... The first couple of hours after diver lost is the most important and everyone should assist with the rescue plan. I think in a situation like this it would be good to drop a fresh diver in the same spot, and follow him to get an idea of the direction of the current.........
george taylor:
To all concerned,
It has been over 1 week now and no sign of Dan or his diver partner. We must at this time assume that all is bad. We have exhausted all means avalible to us here in Fiji. The Goverment was no help it was Bamboo beach's efforts and the staff at Bamboo reef divers and a few kind indeviduales who we tank with all of our heart. A breif review of the incedent. Dan was diving on his boat Crystel Explorer with a friend from Australia. While other divers where doing a normal dive Dan told his wife he was going to do a drift dive and she was to pick them up when the other divers came up. Not the smartest move but it was his call. When the boat went to the pre-arranged spot for pick up no divers. They waited and started to search. When nothing turned up they call for help. All of the dive operations in the area including Bamboo beach resort put all of their boats out to search. Still no results and the search was to be contiuned the next day. At first light Bamboo beach hired 2 planes to begin searching, next day 2 planes and helicopters and so on for the next 5 days. We here are all at a lose and numb but what I have learned and will carry from this is I will never ever buy a black BCD again or black fins. I want bright colors on all of our rental equipment and signal devices on every diver. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. I don't know if Dan was lax because he was doing a private dive or just had it turned off that day. I wish to reassure everyone that this was not a dive with any guests from Bamboo Beach Resort and I believe that dan would have handlled it different if it had. It is still a great destination and a safe place to dive. We have been operating Marlin Bay Resort for over 12 years and can not count the dives done. NEVER ONCE was there an incident. Please keep Dan in your prayer's and pratice what you have been taught.
George taylor co-owner of Bamboo Beach Resort

Sad to hear.
I have been diving for 35 years and I have been diving with Dan every year for the past 11 years in Fiji. We go back to the Loma Loma days and I helped him find new dive sites when he moved to Nanunu i Ra. He is the best diver I have ever known. Dan did recon in Viet Nam and is a trained commerical diver. Dan had safety equipment with him and knew how to use it. I do not think the color of his BC would have changed the out come of this accident. Brad Doane, www.seafilm.com, a life long friend of Dan's has been in Fiji searching for him. Please contact him if you can be of any help with finding him. Dan has a wife and two small children in Fiji. They could use your help as only the big hearted dive community can give. It could happen to any of us and no techno gadget going to change that. I hope you that do not know Dan will understand how deeply we feel our sorrow over the possible loss of our friend. Blaming anyone at this point is irresponsible and just wrong.
Dan did his duty for his county maybe his country could use some of that high tech stuff we pay for to find him. Husband of ChicoVal
I need to get information to someone over there involved. I may be able to help and can't seem to get anyone to PM me.

Obviously, time is of the essence. George/Chicoval, or someone on-scene, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. I'm in a conference and I can't check email very often.

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