Everyone Should Try This!!!!!!

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No harm and in this case it was probably perfectly safe but that's not my point. Some people think scuba diving is something that should be taken seriously. Do you feel walking on the bottom demonstrates that you are taking it seriously?

I've seen two other people walking on the bottom (or ceiling). One was a cave diver, I use that term liberally. He decided to try and walk on the ceiling of a high-flow cave. He obviously had to inflate his wing quite a bit to do this. Well the flow caught him and blew him out of the cave (from 50' deep). Those on the surface said he looked like a Polaris missile. Fortunately he was in the beginning of his dive so DCS wasn't an issue but he's lucky he didn't embolize. The second time was in basin and some OW divers were screwing around walking on the bottom. Of course they didn't realize the crap they were kicking up was getting sucked into the cave and would have blown out the viz for anyone in there (which can be quite dangerous).

IMHO scuba diving requires some respect for the dangers of your environment and doing things like walking on the bottom demonstrates that you don't have that respect.

My issue with the original poster and your profile photo is not one of safety or damage to the environment but rather an issue of attitude.
Y'all need to lighten up. He walked on the bottom of a quarry for heck sakes.
If I was there I'd go with him.
Yesterday I walked through a field and stepped on worms.
This morning I killed a cricket in my living room.

He walked on the bottom, so what?
I have been trying to think of easy ways to have sex on the bottom so how about that?

LavaSurfer...I think you need more cylinders...
well what the heck I'm home sick can't dive dont' want to work so I'll drag myself down into this thread.

I get really pissed when I see someone walking on the bottom, two things, if its in the ocean your obviously going to be doing damange, if your in my local mud hole, your killing the vis even if its already low to begin with, talk about no respect for the sport or environment, or the other divers around you.

If your on a platform or something where you can walk around without killing the vis then so be it go for a walk I really don't care.

Now to the original poster telling everyone to try it, well thats just crap. I've seen other posts by this guy and read is profile, some of his posts cracked me up but I'm scared someone is going to read that garbage and believe some of it, I see in his profile information he wants to be a cave diver, thats scary, the problem here is age, reading all of these posts makes me think he is 12 years old, the last thing he needs to be thinking about is cave diving or pushing to be a 'tek' diver, he is pushing to fill a body bag so please people do not encourage him.

To the original poster:

If you want to learn to dive a hog rig and properly use a long hose and such, get with some local divers that know their stuff, take some classes, don't learn it on here, you need to take this stuff seriously, serious as in this stuff will kill you, I'm curious what your parents have to say about all of your activity, or did you just get the credit card from them to become a 'tek' diver, I looked at your gear list, boy I bet your LDS loves you.

If you seriously want to be a 'tek' diver quit walking on the bottom, get some classes, quit blowing money on gear, well unless its your parents money, and please whatever you do, do NOT answer anyones questions on this board when they start asking because they might actually believe you.

Someone needs to call this boys parents and let them know what he is doing.
IMHO scuba diving requires some respect for the dangers of your environment and doing things like walking on the bottom demonstrates that you don't have that respect.

My issue with the original poster and your profile photo is not one of safety or damage to the environment but rather an issue of attitude.

I understand what you are saying but at the same time SCUBA should be fun, yes it should be taken seriously as your life and others can be at risk but SCUBA is a hobby a pastime something you do because you enjoy it.

My scenrio was there were 10 divers all on their last dive the leader of the dive suggested that when we made our way to the sandy area we could deflate or BCs and try "moonwalking",when we got there every single diver did it why...because it was fun something that none of us had experianced before.

it seems that the two times you have come accross this people have been put in danger or possibly having their dives ruined in our case that did not happen, it was just a large sandy area with the occasional goat fish and blenny nothing got stomped, killed maimed no one got hurt or had their dives ruined, but I tell you what did happen one we were all back on the boat everyone was beaming and laughing saying what a great last dive they had just had and how cool the moonwalking was.

yes it should be taken seriously but it should also be fun.
To me scuba is like sex, if you have to start doing freaky stuff to make it fun, then you were doing something wrong to begin with.

not sure what you want me to explain lots of other people here have already covered it. As to your walking on the bottom scenerio I wouldn't bring it up to you I would just think in my head if I saw it look at those goof balls, as far as destroying the vis in a quarry if you've dove one you already know how that happens.

I have seen people walking on the bottom do damage to coral, I've yet to see anyone walking on the bottom of a quarry, I'd be tempted to cut their hose if I knew I could get away with it.

heh, I guess in the quarry defense I've seen people that would probably stir it up less if they just walked instead of kicked :)
I understand what you are saying but at the same time SCUBA should be fun, yes it should be taken seriously as your life and others can be at risk but SCUBA is a hobby a pastime something you do because you enjoy it.

My scenrio was there were 10 divers all on their last dive the leader of the dive suggested that when we made our way to the sandy area we could deflate or BCs and try "moonwalking",when we got there every single diver did it why...because it was fun something that none of us had experianced before.

it seems that the two times you have come accross this people have been put in danger or possibly having their dives ruined in our case that did not happen, it was just a large sandy area with the occasional goat fish and blenny nothing got stomped, killed maimed no one got hurt or had their dives ruined, but I tell you what did happen one we were all back on the boat everyone was beaming and laughing saying what a great last dive they had just had and how cool the moonwalking was.

yes it should be taken seriously but it should also be fun.

I agree but in the case of your profile picture, I don't see the context. To me, it looks like you're just screwing around and not knowing anything else about you, I wouldn't want to be in the same ocean as you. Now, you are probably a very responsible diver but if I were to simply judge you based on your profile photo I'd think you were just some jack-*** walking on the bottom.

As far as the OP is concerned, he quite obviously falls into that category.
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