Galapagos Pictures

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Dallas, Texas
Amazing pictures! Galapogos has been on our list of places to dive since we began in 2000. Love your place in Utila! It truley does look like "paradise" and more.
Thanks, Utila is a fun spot. GO TO THE GALAPGOS! Its truly amazing.
Very nice. I'll be there on the Aggressor II in June. Can't wait.
This was just posted in another thread

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Sea lions massacred in Galapagos

Sea Lions Massacred in Galapagos. The article states, "The Galapagos sea lions have no natural predators on land and generally do not fear humans."

It reminded me of your statment, "Most have no natural predators on land and therefore completely ignore your presence, allowing humans to approach them very closely."

I found that so exciting that the animals aren't scared of humans like wild animals pretty much everywhere else in the world. It's very upsetting that a few stupid humans might destroy the galapagos animals' trust of humans. Hopefully I will get to visit the Galapagos before humans ruin it like they have most of the natural world.

By the way, on a happier note, your pictures are great.
Nice pics!!! Definately on our list of places to go!
Diving Princess-

Sorry its taken me a bit to respond. Your are absolutely correct, this is the downside of the lack of predators and why the gov't of Ecuador must take action. Problem is, I don't think they will, at least not until its too late. There are mixed opinions of how to deal with this, but I side with the camp of controlled tourism. Severly limiting the tourism will only encourage those with evil motives to take advantages of the lack tourism to exploit the islands and their population for profit. It is a huge dilemma and I don't know the answer, but I would absolutely tell you to go.

Separately, I spent 4 great years in DC working on the hill. You live in a great part of the country, enjoy!

Thanks Steen- its a must do. Truly magical.

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