Gas prices affecting you

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The biggest surprise (sarcasm doesn't have the same feel in
writing :)) is that all the oil companies have had record profit years the last few years...

if all of a sudden nike shoes hit an all-time price high, and they were selling
like hotcakes, wouldn't you expect nike to make a record profit?

True H2Andy... good point. Using your example yes they would, but with the price per barrel going up you would expect the profit margin to remain relatively the same, not record profits. Remember the time frame in between the original gulf war and the one today. Prices per barrel did not go up to the same ratio that we saw at the pumps. I think there were times when the barrel price went up 1-2 dollars and we saw a 5-10 cent increase! Why do gas prices fluctuate as much as 10 cents/litre in 2 hours? These guys have rubber gloves on and are bending us over... (don't picture this in your mind though, ewww)

When I first called attention to this about 2 years ago I was almost burned at the stake.

Truth is new technology is out there and ready. I guess they just want to bleed us dry before they make it available. Still raises some questions on the matter of how we will overcome our dependence on the other non-driving uses of oil.
expect the profit margin to remain relatively the same, not record profits.
Interesting perception...
Lessee, now, let's sharpen the pencil...
10% of a dollar is .10...
10% of two fifty is, well, .25...
If two fifty is a record high price, then .25 will be a record high profit, won't it? Margin needn't change....
ofcourse they are making more now, they love this!.. I mean all the stickers on the gas bars here in canada show the Pie Graph.. saying how the only make 3% welll that 3% is ahell of alot more now that they are charging $1 per litre instead of the .60 cents!
Truth is new technology is out there and ready. I guess they just want to bleed us dry before they make it available.
I love statements like this...
If the technology to provide energy at less than oil prices were really "out there" then someone would be selling it. I would be selling it.
If you "know" there's something better and cheaper "out there" then you show me where to buy it and I'll buy it.
The simple fact is that so far, all those fancy alternatives are still more expensive to produce than oil, and we won't buy 'em until they aren't.
"They" don't want to "bleed" you - "They" want to make money, and if "they" could deliver cheaper energy at a higher profit margin "they'd" do it in half a heartbeat.
Or you could beat "them" to it and become a go-zillionaire!
But the real truth is that in today's market nobody can deliver cheaper energy than the oil companies. That's the truth.
Actually Rick you are correct in that there is no one universal alternative that will replace fossil fuel. Nothing we have found is as energy dense, and relatively safe. Any alternative will demand a substantial change in lifestyle. Man hours will be back in vogue for sure. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the future is not as bleak as many proponants wish to paint it.

The next ten years are darn sure going to be interesting though!
(all prices in dollars/cents per litre)

We are at 1.089 out here in Victoria, BC... rumour has it that's about the most expensive gas in the country... at least it was during a quick price sampling done last week.

Oddly enough, it is a few cents cheaper just north of here... about 20+miles. And when it was 1.024 here, I was able to get gas in North Vancouver for 0.86. Even then the prices in Vancouver alone ranged from 0.86 (at the pump)... 0.89 on the sign... and 0.99 a few blocks away.

Here's a trip down memory lane... remember when gas in southwest Ontario was 0.49... and when it first cleared 0.55?!? Everyone got upset and complained at the time... but now I don't think there is anyone in Canada that would complain if there gas was suddenly 55cents a litre again :) (wishful thinking... )
Where the big issues are going to come, Everything is going to start going up because of it.. Transport cost are going up.. cost more to bring things in.. but yet the cost of living never goes up!.. many people are still making the same pay they where 10 years ago! thats where it really starts to effect some people!

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