girls problem : wizzing in ya wetty....

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diver_sam_851027: ladies have to get stripped down and find a suitable outhouse.......or other location if the toilet's unavailable while being discreet enough not to flash our bare @$$'s out in the open!!!

yup, that's another disadvantage

i have seen several women take off their wetsuits and walk into the water,
waist-high. they discreetely take care of things, and no one's the wiser.
in a boat without a head, i've seen one woman take off her wetsuit and
go for a short swim :wink:

of course, this works in warm waters. not sure if you'd like to do this in the
Great White North
We are all (hopefully) adults. We all have "bodily functions". Be brave- tell the rest of the boat you gotta pee, please be kind enough to turn the other way and make way for the swim platform.
i have a small boat and keep a bucket onboard for the girls. when i have to go they turn their heads and when they have to go,we turn ours and they wrap a towel around themselves and go !! when you gotta go,you gotta go !!
Everyone has peeed in a wet suit. The water you dive in washes it out anyway. Also pee is alot more sterile than most water you drink. You wash out your wetsuit in a freash water tank after the ocean dive also. It really is no big deal!!
Actually, no they haven't, and I'm not lying. I made 800 pee-free dives in wetsuits. Anyone who believes that it rinses out while diving has never worked in a dive shop. I washed rental suits for eight years and can attest that it does not. Also, when you pee in a wetsuit you feel warmth immediately, but then your body's core temp lowers, making you feel colder. You have to produce more urine to warm your body. I prefer to go before I get in the water.
If a semi-dry wetsuit doesn't allow circulation, then how does water get in but not out? is there soem sort of magical one way valve?! lol.....

Be a whizz and take a whizz....or is that give a whizz.....

You girls are really missing out on one of the ultimate barometers of living the high-life and that is the ability to write your name in the snow.....and if you're in control, you can write your name in block print instead of continuous that take a true champion.

I can go 2 minutes before going into the water, but as soon as I feel the cold, I've got to go again. Holding it in for an hour isn't an option. I just am sure to hydrate hydrate hydrate (hmmm, this probably doesn't help issues now that I think about it) and rinse. Was always sure to wash the suit out at the end of the day.

Now I dive dry, so it isn't an issue. But someone needs to come out with a decent p-valve for women. The cold no longer sparks the urge to go every 5 minutes, but the thought of wearing Depends during a long deco is not very appealing. :)
i have certain constant numbers i've developed (through exahustive research).
they are P, T, and H

my P constant is 3.5 minutes (time it takes me to want to pee once i get in the
water wearing a wet suit)

my T constant is 32 seconds (time it takes me to tangle a reel once deployed)

my H constant is a bit more complicated:

H = SS * TLF * GC

where H = hurling time upon boarding a vessel
SS = sea state
TLF = Task Load Factor
and GC = Gastrointestinal Constant (this is a value of zero)

the result is given in minutes. for example, let's say a sea state of 4,
and a task load factor of 1 (minimal work):

H = 4 * 1 * 0 = 0 minutes to hurl time
m and m:
I've read a few small articles in dive magazines about a new invention - a way to pee in your wetsuit (ladies) without having to take it off.... does anyone know more, or have used such a device. They descibe it as a "cup" or a "funnel"! :11doh: Where exactly does it 'funnel' to? Do you need to cut a hole in the crotch of the wetsuit?

Read about this in Asian Diver magazine, guess this is what you're talking about:
After working as a raft guide and dealing with smelly wetsuits, I do not pee in mine either. Call me crazy but pee may be sterile on exit, it certainly gets the funk thanks.

The device you are thinking about is the "Porta-Jane" or something along those lines. You can get them at camping stores or on campmore. I don't think they would be much use unless your wetsuit opened in the front. Also, I think it would just be a mess.

I go for the swim, or use the head, or hang my butt off the side of the boat. Everyone stares when I jump in the water and I get pee fright. Maybe the guys are just staring cause there is a girl on the boat. I really need a dive buddy!
I know who I'll invite to a pool party now, especially after this discussion!
LOL! This thread would be perfectly at home in the humor section. I especially like H2Andy's constants, although I think I've got his P constant beat by at least a minute.

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