Living in Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi-ken

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Pomeroy, Ohio, U.S.A
Hello everyone. I didn't realize that there was a diving group here in Japan. I am very new to diving and will take my Open Water course on the Great Barrier Reef this summer vacation (natsu yasumi). I will leave for Oz on July 24th.

I was wondering if there would be a time that I could come to an outing (gathering/party) in Tokyo? I live fairly close but would have to plan ahead in order to have a place to stay, etc. Are there any gatherings on the weekends? I work M-F of course teaching English to K-6th graders.

I am truly excited about this new hobbie I will hopefully love. I've heard after one dive you're hooked and I've always been a 'water bug' as my family would always say. I am just afraid of being seasick!

Anyway, I hope someone can shed some light for me about this group. :)


When you get certified you'll have to make a trip down to Okinawa too. I can't speak for the diving in "Naichii" (as the Okinawans call mainland Japan) but the diving down here is spectacular. 20-35 meter visibility is the norm, with water temps ranging from 20 degrees c in the winter to 30 degrees c in the summer.

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