Modified Thirds, Turn-Around Pressure and Lost Buddy Search SPG Calculations.

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Because simple things don't take 900+ words to explain

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Albert Einstein
No Tortuga . . .explain an Excel Spreadsheet to anyone who doesn't even have basic computer keyboard skills -it will take 1000 words to just to set up and sum a column.

E=mc^2; but you've gotta understand Special Relativity to appreciate Einstein's wonderfully simple and profound Energy & Mass Equivalency Statement.

Modified Thirds and a Lost Buddy Search explained simply: you might have to use up your Thirds Value reserved for a Buddy Out-of-Gas Contingency.

(The method & implications are explained in detail and derived in Post#1).

---------- Post added May 22nd, 2013 at 10:47 AM ----------

I HOPE that's directed at me. Please let it be. And if it is, we have an accord.
That's directed especially to you & others on this Board -including a few Moderators- who indulge in outrageous schadenfreude, all in the name of the self-righteous "DIR Practitioner".

Karma is coming around for y'all. . .:devil:
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My German isn't what it once was, but wiki says that "schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others." You think I get pleasure from other people having a tough time? Really? Missed dives. Close calls. Wasted $$. You think I LIKE it when that happens to people? Wtf?

I try to spend the majority of my time on this board giving simple, concise, and direct solutions to problems people are having (although I don't always succeed). I've made most of the mistakes others have made, or I know someone who personally has. How, exactly, is that 'schadenfreude'?

Really. Tell me. I wanna know.
I really don't even know how to respond to this anymore. You need a role model. And a hug.
I am confused.
In his minds, DIR divers wish for the demise and misfortune of others. Twisted and asinine I know. So I believe he is saying that DIR divers will soon have misfortune or meet their demise. Sick ass.
In his minds, DIR divers wish for the demise and misfortune of others. Twisted and asinine I know. So I believe he is saying that DIR divers will soon have misfortune or meet their demise. Sick ass.
Nope . . .simply what goes around comes around.

Y'all make fun out of someone else's misfortune & hard lessons learned --karma comes back even harder on you all. . .
Nope . . .simply what goes around comes around.

Y'all make fun out of someone else's misfortune & hard lessons learned --karma comes back even harder on you all. . .

Who does this? Please show me!
My German isn't what it once was, but wiki says that "schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others." You think I get pleasure from other people having a tough time? Really? Missed dives. Close calls. Wasted $$. You think I LIKE it when that happens to people? Wtf?

I try to spend the majority of my time on this board giving simple, concise, and direct solutions to problems people are having (although I don't always succeed). I've made most of the mistakes others have made, or I know someone who personally has. How, exactly, is that 'schadenfreude'?

Really. Tell me. I wanna know.
Who does this? Please show me!
Not DIR, and an example of someone not usually on this Board --but still a harrowing bit of very bad karma coming back around and worse . . .

Context is my Bends Hit in Truk over four years ago now, and Andrew Ainslie's ("Professor A^2") derisive comment about it:
Bends Hit in Truk Lagoon - Page 8

And ironically, the near tragic but serious lesson learned about extended Rebreather Cave Penetrations and Gas Planning that befell him two years later:

(And I choose not to name anybody else here on ScubaBoard to prevent a flame war . . .but y'all know who you all are).
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Just so I understand this clearly:

You are taking the fact that A. Ainslie's commented negatively about your bends hit in 2008, and a karmic contributing factor to his near miss incident years later?
I don't know about the karma is ironic, but nothing more than that.

In my opinion, your making this comparison and drawing karmic parallels is worse than the comments that he made in your thread about your Truk Lagoon incident.

What do you do? Stalk everyone that posted someting negative about your hit, and wait for something to happen to them? And then document, track, and post it for your own sense of self gratification?

Seems pretty bad to do for someone that believes in karma.:confused:

That being said.....I think it's good of both of you, and others, to post about your near misses.

Your statement:
"And I choose not to name anybody else here on ScubaBoard to prevent a flame war . . .but y'all know who you all are"

is confusing to me as well. You are obviously using one or more "DIR" divers on this forum as the basis for making the derogatory comments earlier in this thread. Rather than just allude to "some people", why not be specific?

If you are going to use posts of others as a basis for posting some of the hateful things that you just should certainly cite them specifically.

This entire thread is odd.
Just so I understand this clearly:

You are taking the fact that A. Ainslie's commented negatively about your bends hit in 2008, and a karmic contributing factor to his near miss incident years later?
I don't know about the karma is ironic, but nothing more than that.

In my opinion, your making this comparison and drawing karmic parallels is worse than the comments that he made in your thread about your Truk Lagoon incident.

What do you do? Stalk everyone that posted someting negative about your hit, and wait for something to happen to them? And then document, track, and post it for your own sense of self gratification?

Seems pretty bad to do for someone that believes in karma.:confused:

That being said.....I think it's good of both of you, and others, to post about your near misses.

Your statement:
"And I choose not to name anybody else here on ScubaBoard to prevent a flame war . . .but y'all know who you all are"

is confusing to me as well. You are obviously using one or more "DIR" divers on this forum as the basis for making the derogatory comments earlier in this thread. Rather than just allude to "some people", why not be specific?

If you are going to use posts of others as a basis for posting some of the hateful things that you just should certainly cite them specifically.

This entire thread is odd.
Mitch . . .my mother always told me to return Good with Good, and Evil with Justice (that actually was a quote from an old Kung Fu TV episode, but it still resonated with her).

"You teach best what you need most to learn. . ."
--Richard Bach

I got bent over four years ago because of narcosis, not diving the original plan and poor gas management decisions --so now I know better about Deco Theory/Ratio Deco; the limitations of doing multi-tasking on Deep Air; and robust conservative gas planning. And I freely share these Lesson's Learned, even with certain "DIR Practitioners & Moderators" here on ScubaBoard and elsewhere dismissing my experience as "buffoonery". So okay then, no malice from me even with the indignity . . .but they do get what they deserve.

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