Monterey conditions. (let's keep it going )

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945672_10200364421646696_1437642243_n.jpgButterfly House 05/05 vis was 50' to the left and 50' to the right (100')
Dove shallow at North Monastery on Sunday (5/5) with a buddy who was testing out new gear & a new wetsuit. Kept it in the kelp bed before the washrock and conditions were pretty awesome. Maybe an occasional ankle slapper on the entry. Hardly any wind-chop when we entered in the morning. Vis was definitely greater than 25 ft because I could clearly make out the kelp canopy from down below. The usual critters were about and we found a really really old weight belt. The buckle was rusty and had a lot of sand stuck to it.

My computer read 52 °F near the shore and updated down to 50 °F when we hit our turn. Looked like lots of folks were diving South Monastery and a few up at North.

Looks like swell conditions should be holding up this week.
Breakwater today saw a cool foggy morning. Vis was a bit all over the place, before the bend was green and about 8-10. followed the bottom of the BW down to 40 ft. It was green and nasty, 5+ maybe. Though the best was above 35ft, call it a green 15+or-. Tons of nudies, saw a huge sheep crab, several cabazones. Always love all cracks and holes to check out. Lots of life to see if you go slow and look closely. Happy diving all!

---------- Post added May 9th, 2013 at 04:50 PM ----------

BTW, water temp was 52 at 40ft....
Dove Breakwater yesterday after checking out Monastery. Monastery looked surgey but doable. I didn't want to work that hard. Talked to some divers comming out of South Monastery and they said vis was about 20ft and surgey. Went to Breakwater and had 10 ft vis. Water was flat and sun was out. When I surfaced the wind had kicked up, the sun was gone and it was cold. Pretty nice dive shooting macro. Water temp 54.
Dove Lobos today. Vis inside the cove was around 25 ft, and outside was, well incredible. No surge to speak of at 90 ft. I couldn't see the kelp stocks moving at all. Another scooter crew reported 90+ outside Blue Fish cove in the morning. Monastery was flat, and the waves were tiny. Was it worth the 5+ hours of driving and over 360 miles...yeah!

Point Lobos.jpg
Dove the "Caverns" off of Beach Hopper II on Friday (May 10) off Carmel's shore. Quiet seas in the morning and good visibility, maybe 50 feet or more. Water temp 44 deg F at about 60 ft. Seas got pretty rough on the return trip, but it didn't affect the diving.

Dove Carmel State Beach (Carmel River) yesterday. Excellent conditions. Very calm seas, hardly a ripple, so easy entry and exit. Once out into the sandy channel, visibility was great, over 50 feet. Some surge in the shallower depths, like 10 feet, but nothing once we reached more or less the center of the bay (what seemed to me to be the sandy bottom of the river channel). Water temp 46 deg F at about 55 ft. My computer seems a couple degrees colder then others.
Dove Lobos today. Vis inside the cove was around 25 ft, and outside was, well incredible. No surge to speak of at 90 ft. I couldn't see the kelp stocks moving at all. Another scooter crew reported 90+ outside Blue Fish cove in the morning. Monastery was flat, and the waves were tiny. Was it worth the 5+ hours of driving and over 360 miles...yeah!

It was also COLD. We saw 46f, and on the scooters that was very chilly. Moving back into 50f-ish water at 30fsw on the way back in felt like getting in a bathtub. :)
While not exactly Monterey, I figured I would report anyways for those who are interested.

We dove Jade Cove and Mill Creek yesterday. Both had moderate surge and visibility in the 10'-20' range. Vis was worse in close and shallow but improved with depth. Temps were approximately 50 degrees at both locations.

We got a couple of small pieces of Jade, numerous rock fish, and a decent size ling.
Mother's Day May 12: Butterfly house
Did 2 dives
entry: knee high easy entry
surge: surge in shallows out to 40fsw, then calmed down
Vis: 10-15ft in shallows opened to 40ft at depth

time: 50 min
Max depth: 55fsw
Avg depth: 30fsw

time 41 min
Max Depth: 78fsw
avg: 38fsw

Awesome day above and below water. Aside from a couple spearos passing thru to the water, my family had Butterfly beach to ourselves , hangin under the umbrella and soaking up the view.....good times :)

ken loomis

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