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If anyone has the faintest clue what your statement means we might be able to reply.

With that attitude you'll fit in well over at spearboard, with all the other weekend warriors :crafty:
Anyway, all elitist freedive spearos claim that they are better spearos anyway due to lack of bubbles, stealth, etc. Why then would any freediver have a prob. with scuba spearing if they are so good anyway?

clear enough for you? Elitist? Just remember any fat ******* can throw on a set of tanks and call themselves a spearo. some of us take pride in our sport and learn to do it right. have you ever seen the amount of damage a scuba spearo can do to a reef? all your hoses and **** hanging everywhere? a freediver shoots a fish he hauls *** to the surface and wrestles it out. how many scuba hunters shoot a fish, sit on their *** and stick it on a stringer? to many.
Oh, I get it now, since you cleared it up. What you're saying is:

You're the BEST! No one is better than you! You are the best freediver dude or spearfisherman or whatever there is! Everyone damages reefs but you!

Well, anyway, I'll be untangling my hoses from the reef or something. Or sit on the couch and string stuff up maybe. I have all night.

clear enough for you? Elitist? Just remember any fat ******* can throw on a set of tanks and call themselves a spearo. some of us take pride in our sport and learn to do it right. have you ever seen the amount of damage a scuba spearo can do to a reef? all your hoses and **** hanging everywhere? a freediver shoots a fish he hauls *** to the surface and wrestles it out. how many scuba hunters shoot a fish, sit on their *** and stick it on a stringer? to many.
Oh, I get it now, since you cleared it up. What you're saying is:

You're the BEST! No one is better than you! You are the best freediver dude or whatever there is!

Find anywhere where I've ever said that and I'll buy your degernerate @ss a beer. sound like a plan? have at'her
I think you just did. I drink Miller High Life or Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Oh, and what is a degernerate?
Oh, and "to many" what?

clear enough for you? Elitist? Just remember any fat ******* can throw on a set of tanks and call themselves a spearo. some of us take pride in our sport and learn to do it right. have you ever seen the amount of damage a scuba spearo can do to a reef? all your hoses and **** hanging everywhere? a freediver shoots a fish he hauls *** to the surface and wrestles it out. how many scuba hunters shoot a fish, sit on their *** and stick it on a stringer? to many.
Amphib,quit being a "Richard Cranium" :censored: I openly challenge any and all freedivers to come to my area and come with me.BTW I normally start at 120' and we get much deeper.Fish are spookier when bubbles are generating noise so you shouldn't have any problem sneaking up on the 20# gags here now.Maybe you'de like to try your hand at some lobstering @145' shouldn't be an issue for ya'.
BTW I just loafed thru a 24 minute 5K getting in shape for a 15K in a few weeks.I guess my <10% body fat qualifies me as a "lard$&%"too.Don't drink or smoke.College educated.Own my own house outright since I was 29.Own my own buisness.Any more stereotypes you want to eat:wink:Oh, I forgot to mention my static is over 5min and dynamic is sometimes 4min.How about you?
I hunt @ 100' , if I wanted a fish at 120' i would EARN it by training untill i could hunt that deep. yeah, you're in a good shape with an good static, your point is? why waste that talent on scuba hunting? What can you find Deeper then 100ft that you can;t find above it? big huge ancient grouper? well i don't belive in shooting them either, so really can;t see the point in it all. Lobstering at 145' ? so you;re a techy that can toss a bug in a bag, congrats! I'll chase them on a single breath far shallower, still seems far more sporting to me. "Fair Chase" ask a land based hunter about that concept.
The Underwater Hunting Forum is here to discuss where to hunt, how to hunt, hunting equipment, seafood recipes and hunting adventures. It is not the place for folks who are not underwater hunters (or at least have an interest in becoming underwater hunters). If you're here to complain about spearfishing or lobstering or any other kind of hunting underwater you've come to the wrong place.
Seems pretty clear that is not the place to complain about spearo take on scuba. This is a hunting board on a SCUBA site, it would be safe to then assume that hunting while on SCUBA will be discussed here, but as the rules state, this is not the place to complain about it, regardless of your personal opinions.
Second that - this is SCUBABOARD.... not freedive board. Better to have this discussion on deeperblue or some site like that. I don't go over to that site to troll there - why does it seem you are here trying to do just that????
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