PADI Master Diver Rating

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as I stated - some people will collect cards for vanity. Most people, however, don't.

Different agencies do different things for different reasons. The NAUI master diver program may be a world away from the PADI MSD, or another agency equivalent, but none of those agencies claim that their programs are at all related. Look into the details and see what's right for you.

I often have to answer the question: "should I do Dive Master or Master Scuba Diver?" and well that depends on you. For people considering furthering their education - have a look at the different courses that are available to you, from whatever agency, and talk to their respective instructors to determine exactly what the right path is for you. If you are a purely recreational diver, who is happy tootling about on relatively shallow dives with a professional diver looking after you (and why not) - then MSD is the course for you. There are plenty of other courses available to divers who have the interest.

As posted above - look around, make your own judgement.

Happy diving,

In regards to Phil 218's original post. I too have been trying to decide the merits of working towards the Master Diver Cert. or becoming a Dive Master. I am leaning towards the Dive Master path. The Dive Master Course looks like it will do a better job of making me a more competent diver in all of the basic skills of diving. I will also be taking a few specialty courses in areas that I am interested in such as, Deep Diver, Navigation, Peak Performance Buoyancy Control and Wreck Penetration. These will better allow me to pursue my main interest of wreck diving.
For me in my situation this looks like the best path. Phil may come to a different conclusion. His situation is probably different from mine. The Master Diver Cert. is certainly worth looking at, even if it is "only" a vanity cert. You still do a lot of diving and learning to get to the point of being able to purchase the card. And that card shows your commitment to the sport so I say go for it!
What ever your decision, have fun, dive safe.:D
Rather agonizing over which path to take, you could chose to do both. I have my MSD and working on my DM.

Posted via Mobile Device
Bobby Demosthenis:
there are always people who claim its for 'card collecters' for 'vanity' etc, well so what, PADI doesn't think so, they sure earn enough money from it.

PADI looks at it as a cash cow. Feed it if you want.

MSD is not simply a vanity card...I have an MSD. The specialties i have are as follows: Ice Diver, Deep Diver, Oxygen first aid, Night diver, peak performance buoyancy, and medic first aid.

What does the Master card tell about you (other than how you spend your money) that the other cards and your logbook didn't already show and in more detail?

PADI MSD may reflect very high quality education and experience.

True, but then again, it may not.
I concur, if you're considering DM, then you should certainly include a MSD rating, and all the education that goes along with it, in your diving career path. There is always something to learn, to grow from, to experience and to see how others teach, that can become a part of your own personal evolution as a diver, professional and educator.

Only a fool believes they have become the best they can be - there is always room for continual improvement. And you'll never get there by turning away opportunities to learn, ask questions, and observe.

Look at all the agencies, take courses from diffferent agencies, instructors, shops. Get a good overall exposure. And ultimately you might find that some perhaps are better than others in some areas, while others seem to offer more in other areas. There is no 'right' agency and 'wrong' agency.

Happy diving!
PADI looks at it as a cash cow. Feed it if you want.

What does the Master card tell about you (other than how you spend your money) that the other cards and your logbook didn't already show and in more detail?

True, but then again, it may not.

The answer is obvious. It tells whomever that 1) i have at least 50 dives 2) i've done at least 5 specialties. Personally..i don't carry my logbook everywhere i go, and i certainly don't carry all my cards. THAT would be vanity.

Like i said before..i would like the course to actually be a COURSE and not just a card. Its a nice feeling to get that card, but i really think it should be more stuctured.

Oh yeah..i have my DM to. I actually did DM before master IIRC. Thought i might go pro. In addition to more structure to MSD, it would nice if there was another level. Like Master Specialty diver or something for when you have X number of specialties :)
The answer is obvious. It tells whomever that 1) i have at least 50 dives 2) i've done at least 5 specialties.

These are all things that the other cards and your logbook already show and in more detail. So, your answer is actually "nothing."

Personally..i don't carry my logbook everywhere i go, and i certainly don't carry all my cards. THAT would be vanity.

The alternative is to carry just the cards you need, AOW & Ice Diver (and likely you don't really need to carry the Ice Diver Card) should do it for the situations in which you're qualified to dive. Of course you can carry your Master Diver & Ice Diver instead since you don't want to carry the AOW and be considered vain.
Not to stir the pot TOO much but
I actually did DM before master IIRC.
Wouldn't it be nice if people decided to become "Dive Masters" after they've had a bunch of actual experience -- enough to at least be a "Master Diver?"
I'm sorry dude..but that made absolutely ZERO sense. Why would i carry the ice diver in say...Bonaire?

And again, since i don't carry the logbook when, for instance, buying new gear, how are they gonna even know (or care) what certs/cards i possess.

MSD/DM are the highest certs i possess. So if gonna be buying gear, one or the other would be the only card i need to carry right?? Now, if i'm gonna do a night dive, or deep, or w/e, then i'd bring one of those.

Not to stir the pot TOO much but Wouldn't it be nice if people decided to become "Dive Masters" after they've had a bunch of actual experience -- enough to at least be a "Master Diver?"

To true...however, since i have my logbook with me at the moment...i got MSD 02-mar-97 . I did DM, i was wrong. I did it the "right" way. By the time i did DM, i had 100 dives Of course...probably still did it to early, but in addition to deciding if i want to go pro, it was also a way to improve my own skills/education
Sounds like some (or maybe just one) of the posters here are not impressed with the PADI system, unfortunate to see such a close-minded approach, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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