Padi Master Scuba Diver?

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Sheesh, nothing like dredging up 2 year old threads.....I'll bet the original poster isn't even an active member any more!
I have the MSD card. and the DM and the instructor. Wasn't really sure what I wanted at the time. Do I regret taking the specialities? No way. And the MSD card was bundled into the specialties, so no cash out. Great thing about it is that was the only card I brought on dive trips and if I lost it, no problem.

I think it does say something though when they see it. Once it even saved me from having to do what I call a feeler dive. You know the nice easy dive just so they can evaluate if you are ready for the big one tomorrow.

One thing that would make the card more meaningful though is if they printed your actual specialties on the front. Some would mean more than others in that case.
Sheesh, nothing like dredging up 2 year old threads.....I'll bet the original poster isn't even an active member any more!

Would you prefer these exact posts on a new thread? Are various topics never revisited? If the thread is worthless maybe it should be deleted.

I was not replying for the OP to read it. I was going to start a thread asking about MSD, but this thread exists. All thoughts are still relevant. The topic may be old, but it is a new topic to me, since I have never been to the point where MSD is a possible option for me.
A certification would have the most value if there were real skills and knowledge to be demonstrated to an independent body. Similar to that of pilot training - it does not matter what flight school you go to - you have to sit with an FAA certifying pilot to get your license. If you can't demonstrate skills and knowledge to their satisfaction, you don't pass - period. This would not eliminate the idea of school favoritism because this certifying diver would have had to be trained from some agency - but it would minimize some of the problems with lax certification.

As a pilot and a diver I dont think its fair to compare the FAA to PADI or any other dive agency. A pilots license is NOT a certification, and is issued and regulated by the government. Your PADI cert is just that.. a Certification.. and nothing more (its not a license, as much as you might want it to be). I dont think most of you would be in favor of the government regulating who can get a cert and who couldnt. Then again the gov does a crappy job when it comes to handing out drivers licenses.
As a pilot and a diver I dont think its fair to compare the FAA to PADI or any other dive agency. A pilots license is NOT a certification, and is issued and regulated by the government. Your PADI cert is just that.. a Certification.. and nothing more (its not a license, as much as you might want it to be). I dont think most of you would be in favor of the government regulating who can get a cert and who couldnt. Then again the gov does a crappy job when it comes to handing out drivers licenses.

Did you actually read my post? I did not compare PADI to the FAA. I said there SHOULD be an agency, independant of ALL dive training agencies, that evaluates and issues certifications similar to the way the FAA issues licenses.

I'm a pilot, and there are lots of pilots on this board. That's why I used this as an example. Your post has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

PAID=PADI so I agree more plastic says master scuba diver
aboalreem, you should really try to pay attention when you are running searches and posting to these old threads. This thread is from 2005! You have posted many like this in the past few days... adding you 2 cents in to arguments that ended a year (or 3) ago. It's your right, I guess, but it is usually considered better form to join in new threads (or start new discussions) than jump into ancient history and bumping it to the top of the list.
yes i have to admit that i pretty much agree with the other comments , i hold the msd certification card , i already held all the other requirements , and i just completed my efr and rescue diver course so for £30 \ £40 quid i thought well why not ? , yes its more money but after everything i have spent on all my courses over the last 5 years whats another few quid , you do get a patch and a certificate plus your cert card so really its pretty good value ! , and yes i have got the patch along with others on my suit and i do put msd next to the rating box on the manifest and yes i have got a certain amount of pride in it ( i dont chest beat or even mention it to other divers unless they ask ) you,ve done all the work so why should you not get the recognition ? , finally i will say that i seriously believe just having the patch on display makes me a better diver as i know i am being watched and i have to behave professionally and responsibly and therefore i try harder ! ( physcological maybe but it seems to work ) , any way my point is if you,ve earned the right to wera the patch and bear the card go for it !
aboalreem, you should really try to pay attention when you are running searches and posting to these old threads. This thread is from 2005! You have posted many like this in the past few days... adding you 2 cents in to arguments that ended a year (or 3) ago. It's your right, I guess, but it is usually considered better form to join in new threads (or start new discussions) than jump into ancient history and bumping it to the top of the list.

There's an echo in here..... :D
I did the same thing when I first joined SB. Chalk it up to computer-dumb oldtimers like us.

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