Rules for the Scuba board Fitness Challenge

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Am thinking about checking out my body fat, where do you get those calipers with instructions as to how to calculate your body fat from the measurements?

fat calipers

Here's one source for you!
I was so good yesterday morning. I got up and took the dog for a walk before work, watched my portion size and switched to veggies instead of chips at lunch. I even walked to the store to buy the veggies.
Today I did half the exercise from yesterday because I overslept. But still fit some in. I agree that if you plan ahead it saves you some real disasters at meal or snack time.

Congrats to those who have done well.
Keep up the positive attitude!
What I was doing before obviously wasn't working for me so I need to tune what I'm doing without deprivation. The words thin but miserable don't work for me.
OK lots of announcements.

#1 The people that did post on this thread, and were not on the list (while I wasn't looking) did a no no. But, since Spectre is one of my favorites, and since he offered valuable support I didn't delete it. I moved it to the now "Support thread."
For those already successfully down to the weight and health they desire, they can use that thread.
This thread is ONLY for those of us that want to get healthy..and will be counting the pounds drop.

#2 Today and Thursday are the official Weigh In days. Also known as WI.

So yesterday if you blew it, pick yourself up, dust yourself off..and start today!
Next Tuesday for the Tuesday people, we will take lost pounds and wait to add Thursday people to that total.
Friday we will know how much weight Scuba board lost in one week!
Isn't Decaf not "truly" decaf? I've heard it is something like 25%...any truth to that?
I think it is typically more like 97% removed.

Caffiene is highly soluble in water, and I read in a newletter on tea that if you dunk a tea bag for 30 sec, then dump the water and start over, you wind up with about 80% caffeine removed. Haven't tried this to see what % of the flavor is removed too, but I know lots of people use a teabag a second time so this would mean the second cup is decaf.
Wont be able to weigh in today, but tomorrow or thursday are easy - I've had to take it easy the past few days since I wrenched on my shoulder some last week removing dive gear in the water so I didnt get trapped between several boats (thats a story all to itself!). Its rested and had time heal up some and its high time I get back to my routine!

Here's how my day is breaking down today:

8.00 - bowl of Kashi Good Friends™ Cinna-Raisin Crunch (really yummy!) and 16 oz glass of water
10.00 - Banana and fresh 16 oz glass of water
12.20 - Black Beans and Rice with Chicken - another 16 ozglass of water
2.15 - Black Cherry yogurt - you guessed it, more water

Still to do today:
Chiropractor at 5.30
Dinner - curry chicken and rice - and a nice glass of water :D

My secretagoge is on order and my new bottle of vitamins from ( is at the chiropractors.

Tomorrow: cardio and abs work out - 30 min on the bike with a target heart rate of 152bpm, no higher than 192bpm. I average 182bpm for the duration. Abs come after the bike. Thursday will be weights. Friday may mix the two.
Why is it that when i am starting another health kick and trying to get it to work, that someone comes into work with a cold and gives it to me??? No matter how much i wash my hands, there is always that stuff in the air!

Oh, well will try to get in more exercise later today. Having been trying to split my lunch up into several smaller snacks to prevent any cravings and to digest somewhat.

Hope its all working for you all!
Well, no exercise for me. Since I don't belong to a club, and I either walk or bike ride, or swim in my pool..and it's pouring down rain outside activities today.

Food intake should be good today. Tonight is the one and only night I watch TV..American Idol and 24..back to a couch potato for sure..
Daily diary ...... Going to try and cut down on the amount of bread and carbs. I eat. I tried giving up bread, rice, pasta and potatoes and lost a huge amount before but the doctor nearly had a heart attack so I'm just going to reduce them as bread is all I eat. For example : todays menu :
Breakfast - cup of tea and hot cross bun (hardly any butter at all, normally swamped)
Lunch - another hot cross bun
Dinner - tomato soup and garlic bread
Snacks & Drinks - 1/2 pint of Diet Pepsi & 2 more cups of tea
Didn't manage to get my bike out of the shed though - too much rain and lack of help to get it out meant its still in there. I'll add it to my to do list for tomorrow!
God - where did today go - so much for exercise!

(Just weighed in at 149lbs - would like to be about 135lbs-140lbs max)
Can really tell Easter is coming when the hot cross buns come out!

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