Should or would you have your children dive with you?

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My son and I did eight dives in St. John when he was 10 years old. He was a natural, and loved it. We had a DM the whole time. I remember on the first dive he couldn't clear his mask and he had a slight panic and swam to the surface with DM slowing him down. Depth was about 25 feet, probably not a good thing, but all was well. After that no problems. He and I went on to get certified when he was 12. and just this last xmas we took the nitrox course, and he upgraded to full adult OW certification. His math skills wowed the class, and he enjoyed it immensely.
Now he has his own BP/W...a full hogarthian kit. I think I will buy him a Fusion suit as he is now 17 year old and the fusion will allow him to grow in body, and still remain a great fit well into adulthood.

So now we have found our own special activity/sport we can do together, and as he goes on to college and life ahead, diving will be his to own, and he will always have access to the beauty of the undersea world.

All the best,
I think I missed what I was trying to get at. Let me try again, we all know the 14 yr old that is capable and then the other, same age, who is far from capable.

I know exactly what you are saying MissDirected. I am in High school and got certified when I was in eigth grade. I can honestly say that I am very mature for my age, and that is something you definetly need to take into consideration when taking kids diving. I am also rescue certified, and know way more than I will hopefully ever need to know about scuba. The decision is really depends on the competence and maturity of the kid. Even 12-13 is pretty early. I honestly think that 14 is a good age to start, because then the kid really understands what they are doing, and all the risks involved. If you are just doing some fun 20-30 foot dives in the keys, then it's not so risky. If you're doing 30-50 ft+ dives out of the country, it's a different story. Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?

Here is another thing to consider... Would you want an 11-12 year old as your dive buddy?
Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?

Here is another thing to consider... Would you want an 11-12 year old as your dive buddy?

I would say the answers to both questions are YES and YES. At least when a good Instructor qualifies them as ready and works with them to complete the class. I won't take just any youngster... but I will take 10, 11, 12's that are ready.
Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?

Here is another thing to consider... Would you want an 11-12 year old as your dive buddy?

Does any teenager really understand how fragile their life really is?

Yes, my son at 12 yrs was trained by a very good team of instructors. The PADI course director really focussed on the young divers, and spent the extra time to teach them. My son both was able to understand the physics and became a great dive buddy. Blistered my hide good if he saw me taking any short cuts!
For nearly 10 yrs I assisted, teaching Tae Kwon Do to kids. Children are all different, learn at very different speeds and have have huge ranges of maturity, but most children can learn very complicated and demanding skills if the teacher has the skill and patience to but keep the child focussed and make the instruction fun. Skills learned at such young ages become ingrained, and will be a part of that child for their entire life.
Just my opinion.
Haven't read all the posts, but my wife and I were certified long before our oldest son was old enough to be even a junior open water (she has much, much more experience diving that I do). Once my wife became an assistant instructor and I had dived much, our son turned 10 years old and he got is OW. The three of us dive together and it is great. We do shallow dives with him and have a blast. There are times he has asked to sit out a dive because he is tired or not feeling well...we of course let him sit out on the boat and soak up some sun! He is just one of those kids.

I guess if you really know your kids, then diving with them can be safe and extremely enjoyable! And like I said, with the 3 of us diving together, it does help.
Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?
I took the skills test and written test when I was 11 under the same requirements as an adult, did the dive tables and all.

I'd say yes.
i got certified when i was 16(20 now) thing that ever happened to me. I m no expert, but i have seen divers my age do things that would jepordize others, but it's isnt only them, older divers too do dumb things. Maturity is the key here. Dont generalize teenagers and kids...

Would like my dad to dive, but he's too far on the green.(golfers you know this)

What i think is dangerous is a group of teenaged divers(some are DMs and Instructors) on holiday together with no adult supervision, add alcohol to that...a potentially dangerous situation. Have seen that before and didn't go because i didnt want to be pressured into doing things which would put me in a chamber.
Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?

Do they realize or comprehend death at that age? and how easy it can be attained thru diving? when at that age they are young full of life and cannot fathom death.

At that age do they yet understand the affects physical ect, on bones? their hearing loss and other diver related injuries?

Do they dive cause they like to or because of pushy parents?

That said I have two sons one the big football player big guy I thought after years of top man on the dive boat would welcome diving now 17 YO-I asked and offered the cert and left it on the table=no interest.
His 8 YO brother has did discover scuba and cant keep a wet suit off him or snorkel out of his mouth! It pains me as In a few years he could cert but I think in his best interest safety wise,phsical & mental I will take him places like Molasses reef in the Keys as he could snorkel-free dive and offer shore dives to sites as such the springs of Florida-lake dives in the 10'fsw-15'fsw range and not the 50'-60'fsw range I see some folks with kid's on.
My daughter learned at 15, in Shetland, cold water and some rough seas and loved it - she's now 17 and has left home to study, but when she's back we have great fun in the water together, there's no-one else I'd rather buddy - I'm having a fabulous time showing here all the things I've seen and experienced over the years.A couple of weeks ago, I took her to her first 'big' wrecks, 2 of the cruisers in Scapa Flow - and her first over 30m+ dive on thre Dresden, the second dive, se started recognising guns and breeches and things - she came back buzzing - her mask leaked the entire dive as she was grinning.
Having been close to one ortwo dive incidents whilst growing up, she certainly knows what might happen - any younger, and mature or otherwise, a teenagers thinking is simply too concrete.
Does a 12 year old really understand what narcosis and the bends are?

Do they realize or comprehend death at that age? and how easy it can be attained thru diving? when at that age they are young full of life and cannot fathom death.

At that age do they yet understand the affects physical ect, on bones? their hearing loss and other diver related injuries?

Do they dive cause they like to or because of pushy parents?


Actual Conversation from a class I was teaching:

Boy Age 12: asks Instructor - "So Nitrogen Narcosis is caused by going deep?"

Mother Age 38: before Instructor can answer - " No, Nitrogen narcosis is caused by breathing Nitrox."

Boy Age 12: while Instructor watches with a Grin - "No mom, Nitrogen Narcosis is like getting high... you know, like you do... if affects your brain."

Mother Age 38: "Shhhhhh, you're not suppose to say things like that."

Instructor: Finally Getting in a Word "So Would you both Agree that we can use the Martini Law here... each Atmosphere of pressure being like drinking a Martini so that by the time you got to 99 feet you would have drank 4 Martinis?"

Mother (looking quizzically about ' like duh)

Boy Age 12: "That's like 4 joints mom"

Mother Age 38: - to Instructor "We are so far off base here. Nitrogen Narcosis is caused by Nitrox right? I read it in the book"

Instructor: "Your son is closer to right then you are. While Nitrogen Narcosis is not caused by depth... the increased pressure because of the depth increases the amount of Nitrogen in the body causing Nitrogen Narcosis. Nitrox is something completely different and beyond the scope of this Open Water Class."

Boy Age 12: "See Mom"

Mother Age 38: (Gives him a dirty look.)

So to answer your question... I'll take the 12 year old diving with me anytime... you can have the ditz.

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