smoking on a dive boat

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I'm frequently on boats with smokers, I think that's fine if its not in an enclosed space. Most smokers would consider non smokers when choosing where to smoke. If the chap is smoking in an enclosed space he's been an ***, and people should tell to smoke outside. And that's coming a guy who smokes.
When I was a smoker (pre-1975), I must admit I was on occasion inconsiderate to others nearby. Of course in those days a much higher percentage of people in California smoked. Now the only time I seem to notice it here on the island is when the cruise ships are in town with folks from other parts of the country/world.

We allow smoking on board the King Neptune, although not many do. On occasion people are either inconsiderate, or just not thinking about the direction the smoke is blowing. I think it is important that dive boats which allow smoking have restrictions as to where it can be done to minimize the impact on other divers.

Having been seriously addicted at one time in my life, I can understand the need to smoke and recognize that an 8+ hour dive boat trip may be longer than they can hold out. However, if they are inconsiderate towards others, just douse the cigarette by throwing the offender overboard.
Hand him some dip and say here ya go, leave me out of your passion for tabacco please. If your feeling nauseated run before he opens the can or you will be back to the barf idea.

Also Doc Bill made a good point about the nic fit desire to smoke, cigars are different, no nic fits so they were indulging themselves only for that reason.
A buddy and I were diving on a dive boat Saturday. Would it have been wrong of me to ask the guy smoking a cigar if he we put it out? Being a non-smoker I try to to make a big deal of smoking but considering the combination of 3-5 foot seas and breathing in the diesel fumes it was making us and a few others on the boat sick. :confused:

Im a smoker and I can tell you that I dont even bring my cigs with me on a dive boat, its just something that you dont do on a dive boat..
OK, I'm new to this board, so I tried to stay away from this one, but I just can't, so let me make my friends and enemies all at once in this post.

My PERSONAL (highly opinionated) Smoking rules:

For the smokers:

1. Make SURE the boat is smoke friendly BEFORE you book a reservation.

2. Go to the Stern and “Puff away when under-way” and “Don’t light UP when the anchor is DOWN.”

3. DO NOT FLICK the butt overboard. “Field-strip” the cherry & and throw the butt away properly.

4. If “majority rules” and you are getting the stink-eye from everyone else on the boat, be prepared, and deal with it appropriately. Good manners instead of backlash puts you on the higher ground.

5. A simple ice-breaker, such as “Anyone mind if I kill myself?” spoken as you hold a pack of cigs will usually lighten the mood and make the entire subject open to discussion.

For the NON-Smokers:

1. Just because you “smell” it, it doesn’t mean you are getting second hand smoke and will be in an iron lung next year from sensing that odor.

2. If it is “in you face”: You infact ARE inhaling the cigs left-overs, or the lit end is a risk to you or your property, ASK the smoker to move away.

3. Be POLITE when voicing your concerns. MOST smokers will gladly walk as far away from you as possible if you simply ask. Most smokers do not want the “Oh my God, you stink” or the…”My Uncle died from cigs” lecture. JUST ASK. Smokers know the war stories, and STILL CHOOSE to smoke. You’re not “teaching” them anything. JUST ASK them to move the habit they choose AWAY from the habit you do NOT choose.

4. Don’t be a WUSS. If it bugs you, ASK. If they are an ***** about it, I’m sure on a dive boat, you’ll find plenty of non-smokers to “have your back.”

Now this is what makes democracy great. Those who choose something, and those who don’t co-existing. Don’t preach your non-smoking ethics, and don’t smoke upwind of the other.
I was going to completely stay out of this one, but I just had to jump in and say, great post, Curbs! I think that's the most sensible post in this entire thread.
I've actually done that. I bring a cigar with me in a little plastic bag to keep it dry. then while I'm floating around waiting to get back on board I light up. You should see the looks I get when I walk up the ladder puffing on a nice big cigar like I'm a big movie star. :eyebrow:

Sound's like you have more of a gimmick than a smoking hobby. Try a rubber chicken and a clown nose next time while screaming, "Heeeey LADY!" :wink:

And BTW, sensible posts are boring.:D
I don't know why you would be concerned with your PPO2 if you are "preloading" with CO2. PPO2 being your partial pressure of oxygen and controlling your MOD. Maybe someone else more familar with gas theory can answer your question, but thats my take from the Nitrox course I took. 1.2 is always safer than 1.4 for PPO2 so it's not doing anything but warning you earlier when you reach MOD.

If you were free diving I would be more concerned with the CO2 intake.

Best regards,

Standing at the back of the boat while smoking does nothing but recirculate that smell right back up to the front. Even on a moving boat. Stinks.
Depends on how tough the guy looks. If he looks like a weakling/push-over get on his case and read him the riot act. If he looks like someone who would like to kick your *** on general principals I'd say leave him alone.

So, does this mean people on a dive boat behave more like toddlers in a sandbox in terms of maturity and ability to communicate than adults in other places?

I hope not.

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