Standard DM gratuity?

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Let's see,

1) Carry ALL my gear to the boat.
2) Load it on the boat.
3) Set up my gear on the tank.
4) Put on my wetsuit with no help.
5) Do a giant stride in to the water with no assistance.
6) Get out of the water with no assistance.
7) Change my tanks by myself.
8) Get back into the water by myself.
9) Get out of the water by myself.
10) Break down my gear and get it ready for tranportation.
11) take off my wetsuit unassisted.
12) Unload my gear and CARRY it to my vehicle.
13) Help unload the tanks.
14) Oh yes, pay for the dive trip.

Most of the above is taught in O/W class, which
was paid for by moi.

So If I'm doing all this, what is there left to do
but get me to the dive sites.
Paid for the boat, so anything else should be included.

Please explain the reason for this post.
Carrying/taking care of my stuff, showing me rare finds and going above and beyond the call of duty are the three things that make me feel like tipping is in order. Other than that DMs get paid to do what they do. I understand that this isn't much most of the time, but they do get to dive all day everyday, which ain't bad.
next spring we are booked for 3 trips to the doria already....
DUDE.... my dear dive!!! the doria
Which is fine. Just realize that for an employer to attract a decent staff (on the dive platform, behind the bar, whatever) he/she will have to start paying a living wage. This means the $65.00 two tank dive will now cost $75.00 to $80.00 and the $3.00 beer will now cost something like $3.75. I would also bet the same people who complain about tipping would be the same people crying about the new high cost of diving.
I was just about to make that point!!
well said....
Sorry, but I dont agree with this one at all.
I am of the sort that likes to earn my money by working. By no means am I saying that others do not do or feel the same way. It embarasses and angers me to recieve a handout for doing the job that I was supposed to do. Many people work on dive boats in exchange for free trips or other perks provided by the shop, often there DM insurance is covered. In most cases the recieve some sort of compensation. Your experiences may vary. Many times the people are not living on the tips they might make. Dont get me wrong if a DM gave me a service which I had not paid for I would surely compensate the person for their time.

I get both angry and ashamed for the people(both the customers and the DM's) when I come off a boat and the DM is sitting on the dock waiting, almost begging for you to tip him or her. Although this has not happened to me in South Fl, in North Carolina it has. I have no need for the DM to help me in any way. Why should I give them a tip? Because I feel guilty? I paid for a boat ride, If I needed a DM to be a guide I would have paid for the service. If a dive op needs to raise prices to allow to pay the DM's they should do it. Forget having the DM's wait at the dock as you get off the boat, its my opinion that is degrading to the DM, and no one should be degraded.

Now of course we could all just tip the DM's but I see no reason to tip them just as I see no reason for myself to recieve tips.

I would never tell my students that they should tip the DM. In my classes I stress self reliance, there should be nothing for the DM to do for you besides tie into the wreck, give you site beta and maybe sell you some snacks. No changing over tanks, no carrying tanks, you are the one diving it you should be able to do it. If you feel that this is worthy of a tip, then go ahead and tip them. But do it because you want to, not because your instructor told you to.

I think most people (vacationers and locals alike) just treat DM's like **** and expect an extra service due to the instructors not stressing self reliance and even allowing the DM's during the class to do all the grunt work for the students.

I have always stressed self reliance to all of my students, also had them do their own grunt work.... but I hope you keep in mind that not all of your students will be heavy divers... some go off and dive but once a yr on their vacations. Do they become dependent on the DM's and others for their safty and fun? should they ..of course not...... do you think that a DM works at keeping them safe .... I hope so.....this industry has moved closer and closer to the rush'em thru OW class and is making more and more dependent OW divers............No it's NOT a good thing ...but my hat is off to the working DM on any dive boat........PS I always tip them even if they do nothing at all for me........I've been in those shoes!
Mr. Brown/Scuba:
DUDE.... my dear dive!!! the doria
not really sure what ya mean there?
Our dive boat and the others that I know around me here in South Florida do not pay the DM. The only compensation the DM gets is from tips.

On our boat the DM really works...loading tanks/gear, helping set-up, fixing gear problems, rendering first aid, and generally being a help and guide, in and out of the water. I understand and believe in being self-reliant. If an individual does not feel the DM deserves a tip or just does not want to tip then that's his/her personal choice. The service provided will be the same on our boat regardless. I personally tip because I feel good in doing so and I know the work involved.


The Horn:
After more conversations with my dive buddy and others the tipping question is still out there. My honest feelings is that I would not tip a DM on any charter any where in the globe.

Why....Quote "I didn't start the tipping society, but it's how it gets done here. I too agree that DM's should be paid and not tipped, however, until Charter owners step up (or all the DM's go on strike) it's not gonna happen."

I honestly would not believe a DM would not be being paid for thier job. If they are not.....stupid ....stupid..........don't get it. It's been on my mind for several days but do not get it at all.
I know this is probably off topic, but....

I've always wondered about the tipping culture... Since I live in 2 tourist destination towns, and my business caters to tourists, since my stores sell souvenirs...

I often hear from my friends who wait tables, that europeans OFTEN stiff them, when it comes to tips.

So, as I understand it... when I go to europe, most restaurants have gratuity included, so there's no need to tip for service... Unless you want to give a little extra.

Is this common knowledge here in the US? Do most people know this?

If so... then do europeans and other non-american tourists coming to the US know that the tip is NOT included in the US, unless it's stated so on the menu??? OR are they just bad tippers, compared to americans?

Just wondering Utila. The Europeans expected the most in service and never once did she ever get a tip out of them. With all of the Europeans that visit Utila and the rare American, an American tip would go a long, long way in appreciation and service.

Just a helpful "tip" if you ever visit Utila.

Good Diving,

If the DM on the boat is working without compensation and people are obliged to give the DM money at the end of a trip or charter it should be stated that the charter cost is $xx Dive master services: $xx. Then there is no ambiguity or confusion. The DM is then paid for his work. If you do not require his services then you don't pay for them and you don't feel awkward at the end of the dive.

If The DM is paid by the boat then a "complimentary DM services provide" would be great to see and then you could offer a "tip or Gratuity" for over and above action.

waiters and Waitresses are paid by the restaurant and the "tip" goes to help that pay. Lousy service should receive nothing. The "expected" 15% is a bit rediculous. If the DM on the boat caused a problem for you or neglected you would you still feel like giving them an obligatory ten spot? Like wise waiting for hours for food etc would not warrant extra cash.................

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