Surface Interval Scuba?

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I sure hope this is a properly planned legit push dive in the cave and not a
"we made it to XXX feet, high five!"
type dive :-\
I sure hope this is a properly planned legit push dive in the cave and not a
"we made it to XXX feet, high five!"
type dive :-\

When asked by the official team a few years back to act as a deep TMx support diver apprentice team member it was my understanding this cave is to be off limits without their permission and knowledge to dive it since it is one that is relativaly more dangerous then the typical cave certf. cavers dive....? The org. has done a large amount of work there, then of course Steve may have their ok for his dive....? If he does dive it I pray all goes as planned !
Just to clarify some of the information. Yes there was a tech trip planned. Yes there are medical situations bringing currently dealt with. Yes the shop was supposed to be covered but obviously not. We will deal with that internally. Right now the focus is on Lesley. I will say thanks to those who took the time to drop an email and voice their concerns. Also shame on those who jump to assumptions such as CCR in GS. It really shows a real lack of knowledge and quite frankly a total disregard to the truth. Of course that is what makes life so interesting. There is always some fool who will post whatever comes to mind with having never given thought to making an a total ass of themselves. All I ask is if your gonna post, please get your information straight.. May I suggest getting it right from the source. Oh wait, that would require some effort!.
Just to clarify some of the information. Yes there was a tech trip planned. Yes there are medical situations bringing currently dealt with. Yes the shop was supposed to be covered but obviously not. We will deal with that internally. Right now the focus is on Lesley. I will say thanks to those who took the time to drop an email and voice their concerns. Also shame on those who jump to assumptions such as CCR in GS. It really shows a real lack of knowledge and quite frankly a total disregard to the truth. Of course that is what makes life so interesting. There is always some fool who will post whatever comes to mind with having never given thought to making an a total ass of themselves. All I ask is if your gonna post, please get your information straight.. May I suggest getting it right from the source. Oh wait, that would require some effort!.

I take it your the source then, enlighten us?
Since you are going to take the time to ask, I will certainly take the time to respond to your question. Since there is no specific question, I will cover all the relevant issues voiced in these posts. First, I did make a few dives in GS. If anyone takes the time to read the GSEP website, you would gather the impression the system is open to the public. it basically implies an open invitation to dive there as long as you are a qualified diver. However, GESP assumes no resposibility for anyone diving there. Furthermore, each individual will need to assume risk and liability for themselves. With that said, I did make a trip to GS this weekend. It was planned. There were emails sent between us and certain members of GSEP. No concerns, restrictions or issues voiced in those emails. As a matter of fact, we were told it was not a problem and come on down. The email BTW was sent as a courtsey to the GSEP members so we did not step on their toes or interfere with their efforts. As for the CCR, Alan again is WRONG. (seems to be becoming a trend) First there is the lack of knowledge between a Nomad and an Optima Rebreather and now the intentional tossing out of CCR information about a dive I personally never spoke to him about. Then we get to the rules. No where on the GSEP website as of Friday the 13th were there ever any "RULES". In all the emails between our group and GSEP member, there were never any mention of rules. I took the email stating "as soon as we clear our dives you can have the site all to yourselves" as an agreement for us to dive there. In fact, this would be my 2nd set of dives in the system. In no way did any team member have the intentions on interfering with GSEP efforts or extend the line beyond the current exploration efforts of GSEP. It is their project and we respect that. As for the rebreather in the system, I will wait for the person who brought it up to show us exactly how a rebreather fits into Good Enough! Not to sure about a support role because I have never discussed it with him. So naturally I have no comment. As for the system being off limits. Again, I refer you to the GSEP website. Can anyone point out where it states the cave is off limits? Does posting the exact coordinates, depths, gas blends, and photos really send the signal of off limits? For the record, I do not need permission to dive the system. However, out of respect for GSEP, we do choose to coordinate our activities with theirs. It was when we discovered their intentions to be on site the same weekend we had planned that we sent the email. The reply was a direct invitation to dive with them. So yes, I guess we did have permission. But do we really need permission to dive a public site? How many have called the state Oklahoma before diving Murray. Or the city of San Marcos before splashing in the San Marcos River? The point is guys, I do not care what you post as long as it contains the truth. If the sky turns pink tomorrow and you can substantiate the claim, then by all means post. As for me, I choose to spend my time actually out diving and not sitting on my computer posting (or stirring the pot) on SB. Hence I have so few posts. Just remember anyone can post anything at anytime. When will your time come?
Ok let me put this out here I by no means intended to stir up a hornets nest with this thread I was just trying to find out some information. So I want to apologize to all parties involved.:bonk:
No need to apologize dementid. You simply was inquiring about SI Scuba. I appreciate your concerns. It is always funning how some always tend to curve posts into their own little stirring of the pot session. Especially those who never have the right information. Of course this is to be expected on every forum out here. I did read a post recently about Eagles Nest after a good friend pointed it out to me. Basically the person posted a bunch of untrue information Eagles Nest and was called on it. The difference is, he made a public apology for his mistake unlike a few here who would never admit to their mistakes. Instead they send "private messages" as to not be ashamed of their actions. Please do not worry about your post. I incourage you to post what you wish. It is the others posting false information I fired back at. Gossip, don't you just love it! It's all fun and games until your turn comes to sit in the hot seat. Hope this clears some of your concerns and sheds a little light on post here on SB as they always tend to go aray. Not your fault by any means.
Steve, I simply repeated what I had been told or read.....allot of misleading data gets posted, just the nature of the forums...and most gets corrected to the truth and actual facts involved we hope.

"John, is this the trek were the owner was suppose to have hit 528ft./CCR in Goodenough Springs cave???? I heard this from someone-?" Note the ?????

The indv. was wrong I read/heard this from....and as to a trend.....the facts about certain things of recent interst were just not correct, I simply added only what I had been told or heard to questions being asked in the threads. *That is the point of the forum to straighten out miss leading and not correct info., just as you have. No offense intended.

PS- what is wrong with Lesley. I pray she is doing better with what ever the med issues are.
I was expecting more to the story - around the dive itself -, did the dive get called off?
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