Tell us your most embarassing bloopers?

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OMG! That's funny that it actually works for some! :) I hadn't ever heard of it working before.

NetDoc and you had the same weird imagination as me :) but for me and others it hasn't workedl. My guess is that the sea water gets all round your tounge and prevents enough spit getting onto the mask. NetDoc and you may have super spit or very talented tongues or something.... who knows?

I have since recommended it to others for a laugh and they have pushed me overboard after trying it out on a dive cos it didn't work at all.

It's pure entertainment to watch your buddy lick their mask underwater.

While I was still a young pup of 17, I was a cadet in the local Fire Dept, that had a underwtaer search and rescue outfit
My best friend and I had enrolled in a OW class, in order to dive with the outfit. We were allowed to go along for the training dives, but no tanks until we were certified. so My friend and I were just snorkeling around. The drill was to search for a ficticious aircraft that had supposedly gone down in the quarry. After a hour of searching, one of the divers asked if a car, would do, as he had found one down there. They hooked a reference line down to the rear bumper, and were working on running the plates thought the police to see who it belonged, to. My buddy and I got permission to hold our breath and go down to look at it. we were really excited to do this, as it was after a"car" so down we both went. I was in the lead on the rope. I knew what we were going to see, but the terrain was not even, and there was a knob with a bush on top, we had to go over, following the rope. when I topped over the rope I ran straight into a green slimy, chrome, and red thing (the tail light) It scared the bejesus out of me, and I couldn't get out of the water fast enough. I didn't care what anyone else thought, I was getting out of there. Turns out, my buddy had the same reaction. the whole dive team got a belly full of laughs when they saw up coming up like twin polaris missles. Kinda embarrasing for two macho young man.
I led a trip to the tropics of about 10 people. I was diving in just my swimsuit (no wet suit) Somehow I didn't get my weightbelt on tight enough and while standing on the back of the boat and after making sure I had everyones attention I began giving instructions to my group when my weightbelt slipped off of my hips pulling my bikini bottom off with it.

The two male divemasters from the charter company quickly dropped to their knees to help untangle my bikini from my weightbelt as I stood there trying to cover myself up.

Its a story I still hear about from time to time.

I was diving in the tropics in a current swept area, the divemaster told us to jump in and swim quickly to the bottom.

I deflated my BC all the way and jumped in. I thought it was a little hard submerging but I wrote it off to the current. The dive went fine until I realized I forgot my weightbelt on the boat.

I cut my dive very short so I didn't need to make a safety stop and I headed up, Feet first, Kicking to slow my ascent. It all worked fine and It has never happened again...

On my first ever scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef. I was 12 years old at that time.

I was waiting at the back of the boat ready to jump in. In the water just a bit submerged I saw the divemaster and a girl doing a regulator drill.

I saw her take her regulator out of her mouth and put it back in.
"Hmm I thought...piece of i'm gonna impress the DM"

So when it was my turn to jump in and he looked at me (just a few inches below surface) I proudly took out my regulator and suddenly there were bubbles everywhere

I obviously held the mouthpiece upwards...gave me quite a shock
Other than that everything went fine :)
A similar thing happened to me on my first check out dive Sebastian but I was 22 at the time but I acted like I was 12...

Right, so I'm on a dive boat in Panama, about to do a dive in some fairly fast water, but I'm reasonably confident. Done lots of fast water.

So I'm all geared up and sitting in the tender, we stop at the reef, the helmsman is working like a dog to keep the boat centered and saying things like, "water good, rocks bad."

I chuckle in my usual suave way, put one hand on my mask and reg, the other on the back of the mask strap and back roll in. The very last thing I see, a millisecond before the water washes over my mask, is my boots sillouetted against the sky - with no fins on them.

I just managed to snag the end of the tow rope as I rocketed past and hauled my panting self back to the boat to get my fins.
Once at the surface with a 7mil hood on and water in my ears I could hear a reg slightly freeflowing but I couldnt tell from where. I said to my buddy someones reg is freeflowing to which he not so kindly pointed out that it was me.

BTW has anyone else noticed that some of the more vocal know-it-alls around here are remaining suprisingly quiet?
During a practice session my buddy gave me her regulator a part of a buddy-breathing exercise. For some strange reason, yet unknown, I thought it was her octopus so I didn't give it back... After all there was no need to, right?

A good thing we were practising in the shallow end of the pool...

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