The great big, all-inclusive Leisure Pro note

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When I first started out and didn't know any better, I bought a reg from LP - to sum up my experience with that - NIGHTMARE.

Well, what happened.This cuts several different ways.
Yeah,,Let's hear it..We got all Year...Tell Your story..Junkie :06:
Well I bought a Mares Abyss from their site. After I received it, it was fine for about 20 dives or so before the pressure spring went. So I called their service department - and after being on hold for about 20 mins (long distance) I finally got a person. From there I explained the problem - to which the "service" guy told me there was no-way this could be. So after debating for about another 20mins (long distance) I told him I would get back to him. From there I went to my LDS and gave the reg to my friend whi is also an instructor and certified to repair regulators. He took a look at it and called me to tell me that it was exactly that and the spring was faulty and LP should honor their warranty to fix it. Next step I called again - (another 20 mins) - and this time told the guy what my friend had said. The "service guy next asked for the number to call him at the LDS, which I gave. So thereafter, my friend calls me and says he just spoke with the guy and had a lengthy debate over the reg. Now I was to call the guy back a 3rd time and another long hold time - finally after some more debating, the "service" guy tells me all the things I need to send to have them look at it - and if in THEIR findings it is faulty then I will only be charged the shipping cost to send it there. So after about 2 1/2 weeks and I hear nothing, I call to find out. They STILL have not serviced it. Now I argue to get a manager, which I finally get after another lengthy hold time - where he apologizes and says that it will be taken care of immediately. So I finally got my reg back after another 10 days - wher it held for about 15 more dives and the same thing happened. I gave up - sold it for $100 and went to my LDS and got a new reg.

NIGHTMARE is all I can say.
Sorry to hear that Junkie...I guess We all have that story about something or another..Me it's Cell Phone Companies..from My own experience with them...I have never had a problem. I can tell You down here in Cuba..they are one of the preferred sites everyone shops from. Everyone here Dives at minimum 5 times a week. I have not heard about one equipment failure or gripe about leisurePro from anyone. But I know it happens...Nice Reg the Mares Abyss..what do You Breath from now?
Good to hear it..Good luck with it. How's the Diving in Lauderdale..? Where should I go if I visit...I'll be in the Keys for Leave in 8 days..Iv'e done that before though..already have a boat lined up. I have also done Largo..but never been to Lauderdale. I bounce in an out of JAX NAS just north of You. Bolt down to Daytona and Cocoa Beach to get My fill of ...well...insert Bad things here..
My entire life is run almost entirely via mail order... hate shopping with people pestering me. Anyway, I have a lot of experience with this crap.

When your LeisurePro reg busted, you should have just told the phone rep it was "busted" and sent it in. Don't complicate matters by acting smart/giving details, and for the love of god don't bring an LDS into it. That's just asking for complication and wasted time & effort, which appears happened to you.

Simple and dumb, works great. :wink:
Well they have alot of good dive operations here obviously. The ones that I dive with are South Florida Dive Headquarters or ScubaTyme - Pro Dive is Awesome too. Best dive and a must do is Tenneco Towers. Don't miss it. Tons of great wrecks here. Drop me aline if ya need a buddy to dive.
That's a bad story.
I tried to "just send it in" - if you refer to my post, it says that they said this could not be. The reason I went to the LDS is that one of the guys I dive with and instructor works there and he is the one that was helping me in this - not LP. I wasn't trying to act "SMART", I was going off information from a professional. LP was no help and didnt want me to send it in - that's about the bottom line.

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