The Pasley "HURRY HOME" August '07 Dive Reports

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Date: aug 18
Dive Location: Deer Creek Rd
Buddy(ies):Steve, Lisa, Maciek, John
Bottom Time:58min & 72min
Max Depth: 34' & 31'
Vis: 8' to 15'
Wave height: what waves?
Temp at depth: 62 deg
Surface Temp:69 deg


Wow Rick, you have one optimistic temp gage...

I had 58 degrees. You trying not to scare away other divers?:D
Dash Riprock:
Wow Rick, you have one optimistic temp gage...

I had 58 degrees. You trying not to scare away other divers?:D

Oh Man! You let my secret out of the bag:D
Yet Another Marineland Dive Report.
I arrived about a half hour before sunrise to find the gates still locked. So much for the Coastal Commission. It didn't matter, as the trail is still plowed under in places. I pulled my little red wagon through the hole in the fence and headed down to the cove. It was nice to gear up without the hot Sun beating down on my neck.
The surf was up today, with sets of three to four feet. Fortunately there were long lulls between the sets. I timed my entry and headed for the Point. Despite the six foot vis I was able to locate the statues this time. They each have encrusting sponges, algae, limpets, tube worms, nudibranch eggs and black eyed gobies sitting on them. The Jesus Blob even has a white urchin for a hat.
I didn't find many nudibranchs today. Perhaps the floating snot in the water scared them away.
As I made my way back to the cove the vis deteriorated to zero. I cut my dive short (51 minutes) and timed my exit. I walked out without a problem. On Sunday with lake-like conditions I tripped on a rock in six inches of water and fell. Go figure.

Barnacle and tiny anemone living on a finger sponge


The Jesus Blob. It used to be a plaster statue. All that remains is the concrete and sand screw.


Our Lady of the Garden


The life on the statues appears to be very healthy.



Hermissenda crassicornis on a mission.


Sea cucumber


Merry's Birthday is the 22nd, so we took the week off and had a relaxing time in Avalon. We arrived Wednesday and spent the day eating Olaf's waffle cones and walking around town. Thursday and Friday were spent on the King Neptune in search of Giant Sea Bass. We were shut out on Day One, although most of the other divers saw some. We found gravel and sand. Merry did manage to come home with at least ten new species for her shell collection. On Day Two our luck changed. Our first dive was at Italian Gardens where it is almost a guarantee to find them. We dropped below the thermocline and there they were. I spotted two in the kelp with a few more zipping by overhead. Dr. Bill told me it was two males chasing a female.
Our next dive was at the West End Quarry where we saw the largest Scythe Butterfly fish I have ever seen. It was about five inches long. It was the only one we saw, but Dr. Bill said he had at least ten in front of his face. Merry found a Hopkin's Rose nudibranch that measured less than 2mm. It looked like a pink dot on a kelp leaf.
While looking for more butteryfly fish I spotted two Rainbow scorpionfish, very rare in Southern California. They were within twenty feet of each other, so maybe they traveled here together.
As I dropped down for the sixth dive of the trip I saw slight movement in the sand. It was a baby Navanax polyalphos about 6mm long.
We came back on Saturday afternoon so we could relax, wash gear and get ready for some cold water diving again at Marineland tomorrow. The water temps in the shallows at Catalina were in the 70s.

Baby Navanax polyalphos


Baby Hopkin's Rose


Island Kelpfish


Norris top snail


Ready for my close up, Mr. Norris


What's a Catalina dive without a Blue banded goby?


Rainbow scorpionfish


This one was shy


Dr. Bill video tapes his favorite dive buddy


GSB and diver


The birthday girls meets Mr. Black


Merry says goodbye to her new friend
The surface temps at Catalina this week were as high as 75F. I dived in 55F this morning with Jeff Shaw and it felt good to be home. We met at Marineland around 7:30 and quickly loaded the wagon for the jaunt down the plowed, piped and newly fenced trail. The Down Time anchored outside the cove over nothing but sand. We guessed they had Open Water students who were afraid of rocks and fish. We headed to the main reef instead.
We quickly found the statues where EJ posed for me. The crack between the pinnacles were filled with Rubberlip surf perch and a large male Sheephead. My housing must have been used to Catalina, as it fogged after a few shots. I tried to get some Christmas Tree worms and nudibranchs without luck.
We walked out easily despite the rising surf. The cool. overcast morning really helped our wagon pull up the hill. We only had to rest a couple of times.

Down Time exploring the sand


Evil Jeff gets a little healing from the Jesus Blob


Our Lady of the Garden gives Jeff a little love as well.


Standing guard at Ted's Pinnacle


Rubberlips galore


Spanish Shawl keeps a lookoout


Sea Hares making spaghetti
Hi All,

Went up to Refugio today to help out a couple of friends with a OW class. Another friend was there with her class also, we had a total of 26 divers there. At one point on the second dive we all entered the water together it looked like a military op. I wish someone had taken a picture. The vis. wasn't that good around 5-6 ft on the inside of the reef & opened up to around 9-10 ft. Not to many critters there today but we did see a couple of huge Sea Hares.

Date: 8/24/07
Dive Location: Catalina: Avalon Dive Park
Buddy(ies): Scott and Penny
Time: 1:30 pm.
Bottom Time: 1 Hr 9 Min
Max Depth: 77 fsw
Vis: 20-30 feet
Wave height: N/A
Temp at depth: 62 F
Surface Temp: 76F

I was in Avalon for the week with the family and luckily I was able to break away from everyone to get a dive in with Scott and Penny.

We hit the water at around 1:30 looking for the ever elusive Giant Sea Bass. On one of Scott and Penny’s previous dives, they were fortunate enough to spot one. This time we were not so lucky.

We dropped down near the stairs and slowly worked our way in the direction of the Su-Jac. This was a very pleasant mellow dive that I enjoyed very much. We spotted a few Kelp Fish (my pictures did not turn out well), schooling Salema, Horn Shark, Juvi Garibaldi’s and towards the end of the dive as we were working our way to exit at the stairs, we swam around for a while in a huge bait ball.

Here are some highlights from the dive.











Date: 8/25/07
Dive Location: Catalina: Avalon Dive Park
Buddy(ies): Solo
Time: 12:01 pm.
Bottom Time: 50 Min
Max Depth: 65 fsw
Vis: 20-30 feet
Wave height: N/A
Temp at depth: 67 F
Surface Temp: 76F

Another great day in Avalon!!

Once again, I was able to break away from the family and get a dive in. Talk about crowded!! There was a line to get in the water. Jeeeezz……

My plan was to visit the swim platform hang around for a while and search for Nudi’s. Well, I never did end up finding any…DAMN!!! But the dive was great and I had a wonderful time going in and out of the structure. Too bad I had a short fill. Finding it was a piece of cake and when I was working my way back, I ran into another bait ball. Check out the video.

Here are some highlights from the dive.










Hi All,

Went up to Refugio yesterday to help out a couple of friends with a OW class. Another friend was there with her class also, we had a total of 26 divers there. At one point on the second dive we all entered the water together it looked like a military op. I wish someone had taken a picture. The vis. wasn't that good around 5-6 ft on the inside of the reef & opened up to around 9-10 ft. Not to many critters there today but we did see a couple of huge Sea Hares.


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