Thoughts on the PADI Scuba Diver Cert

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Unfortunately I take issue with many things in the dive industry. The problem is there isn’t much that I don’t take issue with. If I thought I it had any chance of succeeding I would start my own agency today. There are some things that will never change though. The dive industry is an industry that exists for one reason and one reason only. It exists to make money. There are thousands of resorts/charters, tens of thousands of dive shops and hundreds of thousands or instructors and DM’s. Equipment manufacturers, hotels and restaurants are all raking in the bucks. Even the nonprofits make money they just put in a different column on their balance sheet. Maybe agencies like the Y are nonprofit but the y-affiliated shops sure are for profit.

In a perfect world I would expect that everyone who wanted to go underwater would receive good thorough training and pay a fair price for it. I would call that diving. However is “diving” what we sell most people? I don’t think so. Most “divers pay to participate in what I call underwater tourism. The resort course has been around for a very long time. The idea is you don’t need to know much to be taken by the hand and shown a fish. Do I agree with it? NO. Do I like the idea of a pre-entry-level course like the Scuba Diver cert? No. OTOH, I think it’s better than 90% of the OW certs that are being issued because it requires supervision. Most OW divers need supervision but they get a card that says they don’t. Again the SD cert includes far more training than a resort course and the diver gets the same level of supervision on a dive that has the same restrictions. Left up to me I would first eliminate the resort course. BTW the PADI resort course is called a Discover Scuba Diving program. It consists of essentially the first CF water training session, and the first OW dive. It qualifies (in theory) a person to dive under supervision for ONE YEAR (it used to be 2 weeks) and requires registration with PADI. Why should PADI not charge for that service? Everyone else involved is charging for the service they provide. I think the person with SD cert is better prepared for the dive than the resort course participant and it isn’t even close.

As far as taking issue with the agencies over things I don’t agree with, my first priority is OW training. And this includes all agencies. I know Walter is fond of the Y but I have seen a few Y instructors and their classes were as bad as any others. I will say the same for NAUI and the rest. So first there is the general poor application or even violation of standards and then there is the possible opportunity to improve standards.

It seems to me that the question with the SD cert is the same as with the resort course and that is…Is it ok to take someone sight seeing underwater before they learn to dive? None of the agencies have asked me and they aren’t going to either. I think we should just rename the industry from “The Dive Industry” to “The Underwater Tourism Industry” and call it good. Then we could start a new dive industry and we wouldn’t have so many running around thinking they’re divers when they aren’t.
My feeling on this is that it is not PADI's fault the way people in this country are. It is not only the diving industry going to s**t, it is everything in the country. Everyone wants everything for nothing, no-one wants to work for anything anymore. IMO it's disgusting, I am a plumber, we do strictly new construction in houses that range from $800,000 to $15,000,000. These people want you to do the work on this house, for the same price as someone doing the work in a $70,000 house. The 2 are not even remotely the same. No-one appreciates "quality" anymore, it's all about the bottom line and time. I do not fault PADI for offering programs that people want, PADI employs alot of people that need to make a living, you cannot fault someone for making a living. Now the DM's and instructors who are not following established standards and rules should have their certifications revoked. These people "KNOW" the risks involved that these people do not, in my mind this is gross negligence, if I owned a shop taking people deeper than their established limits would not be tolerated.
I think this problem, not just with diving, is only going to get worse. The children today expect even more for nothing. I only wish I had a solution to this.

Make every kid operate a paper route for a year. That will teach them something about responsibility and the effort required for a good job.
I think that if kids had some more responsibility, this world might be a whole lot better.
I'm not sure we're really talking about kids here, or at least, not only kids. The "resort" divers usually are well grown up...
yes but it starts with the kids. Kids today want a freeride. My lil guy is only 2 but I hope I can instill a better sense of responsibility in him than I've seen with most kids today. I don't know how you can correct the adults who have already been bred to think this way.
newdiverAZ -

Here here!

newdiverAZ once bubbled...
I don't know how you can correct the adults who have already been bred to think this way.

One word: liability. As Mike Ferrara said it very well, it's all about the green stuff anyway.
I have less of a problem with folks who have a card that requires supervision and more of a problem that the reality around the Caribbean is that they'll probably not get it.

I had the misfortune of witnessing a DM take an OW diver who hadn't dove since 1969 (yes, 1969!!) on a 100 foot wreck dive. Divers (not the DM) were on the boat explaining to this guy how all this new fangled gear worked (you know, a 2 stage reg and a BC with a power inflator).

I agree that you can put any recomendations you want on the card....unless there's some way to enforce's pointless.

I think there is some space for Scuba Diver certification, and that is when people don't have enough time to do the full Open Water, especially when on vacation on some exotic island and they happen to realize, suddenly in the middle of their hard-earned week of relax, that there is something called "dive centre".

They come in, they do an "intro", they get hooked but they are only staying another 3 days.

If they put enough energy into it (ok, wishful thinking) then why not?

Why limit them to a series of intros?

They get their card, they are happy, and maybe on the next vacation they finish the rest.

Even the Advanced Open Water Diver course is nowadays split in two.

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