Trouble with dive shop

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You know,

I know of shops requiring that their DMs and Instructors use shop equipment, but they make it possible to buy at cost or even better, for them to get a "Key Man" discount from the manufacturer.

I would never put myself in that situation, but I am an independent cuss at that.
Thanks for the replies so far. Schlink - I talked about loaners and rentals but they weren't for that either. The "boss" just kept questioning why I wouldn't buy their regulators. I am totally for supporting the dive shop I am working out of, but I don't need a 5th set of regulators to perform a FREE service for them being a Dive Con. I think I'll probably end up in Small Claims court just to get my $$$ back. This dive shop has a rep for being "difficult". It sounds like I have many in agreement so far.
Many Dive shops want their Divecons and Instructors to use the gear they sell while teaching classes, not taking them. Also, I think its ridiculous that they are REQUIRING you to buy the gear BEFORE you take the class because AFTER you become a Divecon, you would be eligible for the KEYMAN program, and you should be allowed to purchase gear needed for teaching in their shop thru the keyman program (getting a substantial discount on retail price, around 50% off).

If they insist on you buying the gear before the class, ask them if you can get it keyman (ie- a discount since you are going to be teaching thru them, and you shouldnt have to shell out retail because they are making you buy it).
If they wont do this, ask if you can hold on purchasing until AFTER the course (please let us know what they say to that).
Then, ASK FOR A REFUND OF THE COURSE COST. Make sure you ask for a refund or settle this before the first scheduled class session.
If they dont give you a refund, threaten court action...

Please post a follow up...
"Keyman discounts" has never been discussed. A buddy of mine that is a Dive Con through that shop gets a small percentage off of purchases - but no 50% off. Maybe some of the senior Instructors do, but I don't know for sure.

I was very professional during these discussions with the dive shop, but even if they come around, I am scepticle at this point if they will employ me to Con for them for free, much less Instruct later through that shop. I wonder why they took my money for the Dive Con classes to begin with, but maybe I already know the answer.
Thanks for the replies so far. Schlink - I talked about loaners and rentals but they weren't for that either. The "boss" just kept questioning why I wouldn't buy their regulators. I am totally for supporting the dive shop I am working out of, but I don't need a 5th set of regulators to perform a FREE service for them being a Dive Con. I think I'll probably end up in Small Claims court just to get my $$$ back. This dive shop has a rep for being "difficult". It sounds like I have many in agreement so far.

Sorry to hear that you are getting rip off by LDS. Check out the consumer right protection law. You can actually file a complain with a local govt office(I can't remember which one I filed) that handle the complain. I would make the incident known to as many people. Local dive clubs, other LDS, complain letter to Rodales with the name of the dive shop. Tell them you are giving them some free publicity for the way they treat you. Check out what Local Better Business Bureau and small claim court can do for you. Good luck.

I hope you can get your money back.
About 6 months ago, I paid for my Dive Con classes and received my study manuels to start classes. I'm planning to keep going to instructor as well. Once I was finally contacted this past week (6 months later) to get things situated for these classes, I was told that I had to purchase the dive shop's regulators in order to go through the classes. I acknowledged supporting the dive shop and that I wouldn't be using my other brand regulators during classes, but they still insisted me purchasing a set of their regulators (at approximately $1400) before I can proceed with my Dive Con classes.
Nonsense. The dive shop is simply trying to bully you into buying whatever junk they can.
This is the first I have heard of this policy from the shop. They do not want to lend me their equipment nor do they want to give me a refund for the $560 I paid for the class. The policy sheet I received from the dive shop today states on the first line of the Dive Con responsibilities page to "Wear, use, OR buy dive shop equipment". To me that says I am not required to purchase all my gear there as long as I am using that brand during classes. What is your opinion of this situation? I will become a Dive Con and and Instructor, but I have other dive shops I can turn to. Keep in mind that I have already spent about 5 thousand dollars in this shop. :bounce:
The shop you mention must be run by total scumbags. (Quite common) What is the name of this shop? Where is it located? I've had similiar problems with dive shops so, I sympathize with your situation.

If it were me, I would demand my money back. If they refuse to comply, have your lawyer accompany you to the dive shop to further discuss the matter. If that doesn't work, take it to court. If you were actually working for the shop, the might want you to use their gear. However, you are simply taking a class and this does not warrant you purchasing new gear. Dive shops have this odd beleif that they can dictate how things will be to their customers. I suggest that you show them otherwise. Whatever you do, be sure to contact SSI and file a complaint. Contact the local rep of SSI and start there.

After you get this matter resolved, I recommend that you avoid dive shops like the plague. Some of the most dishonest people you will ever meet are dive shop owners.
Request loaner or rental equipment.

If denied, I would show up for the class and force their hand. They'll either have to cave in and work out an arrangement or deny you access to the class making it more clearcut for a small claims case.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but don't SSI Divecons and Instructors have to be affiliated with a LDS or at least teach through a LDS? I don't think you can perform those duties outside of a LDS. If that is the case, is this LDS to be your so called sponsor who you would be aligned with? I don't know if I were to be in such a hurry to risk my reputation on a management that runs their operation like that.

One other thought is to beat them at their own game. See what their return policy is on the regulators. If you can get your money back for any reason within a specific time period I would buy the gear. Use your credit card. Return it after the class and show them the return fine print. Any problems call your credit card company and tell you don't like the way the regualtors perform. As long as you are within the return policy and they refuse, don't pay then credit card. The credit card companies usally take the side of the consumer.

Try and resolve it amicably. But if not, as long as you state the facts as they are without distorting them and without any defamation or name calling, letting people know how they show customer appreciation for a long time family of customers who spent thousands of dollars would be very negative publicity they may not want. Good luck.
I agree with the others. Regardless of how this turns out I would definitely contact SSI and let them know how this shop does business. If they get enough people complaining about their business practices maybe they will see a need to talk with them.
I apologize for yet another post. I promise this will be the last. But this sort of behavior really irked me. The more I read the posts the more I can sympathize and feel your frustration. I had a problem with my LDS that I now drive clear across the state to a very accommodating shop to continue my education. For me it worked out because I really like the new shop I just wish they were closer. I gladly drive that distance for the outstanding customer service. I also know many others that dislike the shop but go there anyway because they are the only game in town. Sorry. Back to the point. If you have to use those specific models of regulators, can you rent that same model from another shop? Keep us posted on how you make out.
except (and this is a big exception), they say up front that you must provide the gear when you sign up for the DiveCon class. This is normally not a problem as the only people that our LDS will train as DiveCon's are frequent customers.

I would definitely say that you are being taken for a ride. Get a lawyer and get that money back.

BTW, what kind of regs do they want you to use that cost $1400.00. The regulator that our shop is trying to advertise is less than $500.00. As a DC (meaning no diving involving staged deco or overheads), I am curious as to why they are making you buy a set instead of just one regulator.

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