Viena Illinois Divers

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Mr. Sam Miller (Since we are being so formal and such)

Last year I traveled to Northern Iowa to visit the area where my father grew up. I toured the farmhouse my father grew up in and the one-room schoolhouse he attended. I spent hours visiting with my 98 year old great-aunt viewing pictures and talking about family history. Like you I also visited the cemetery where many of my ancestors are buried. This was a very informative trip and meant a lot to me. You as well as others have never heard about this trip because it was never posted on this or any other scuba diving forum. Why, because this trip had nothing to do with scuba diving. However, should I have posted the details of my trip it would have been perfectly logical for those reading it on a scuba diving forum to think, “One of our scuba diving brothers is coming to our area, maybe I should give him some information about the local diving”. If I had posted this, I would not have slapped anybody who responded by basically saying I don’t care about you or your local diving because I’m from Missouri. Do you get the point!

You have spouted much advice; let me return the favor. If you find it necessary to post details about a trip you are taking on a scuba forum, try and have some correlation to scuba diving. If you simply want to blog about your trip or discuss tracing your roots there many resources on the web –,, to name a few.

Yes, I am proud of being from the Midwest. Thank you for crediting me for being a “self representative”. You see, the people in the Midwest are good, descent, family-oriented people. If you ever decide to lower yourself and come dive with us we will be gracious hosts. We are not the back-woods hillbillies that you may seem to think from Deliverance. If fact, most of us own our houses, drive cars, and some even have college degrees.

I don’t want to pick a fight with you – you don’t know me and I don’t know you. We belong to the same Scuba Brotherhood, but don’t insult us. You came across arrogant and over-the-top.

Since you also insist on boasting about the beautiful diving you have in California, I too enjoy the diving that is offered in the Midwest. We don’t have beautiful beaches and oceans; so, we dive what we have. But, just in case you are worried, I managed to save up my egg money, slaughter a few pigs, and sell some ‘coon hides to afford a trip to Bonaire in two weeks. I certainly will be thinking of you.

S. Nagel
After reading your profile and your post on this thread. I think you may have left out one very important qualification :D BULL SH--ER.:D
Mr. Miller,
When you originally posted in this forum, I read your profile and was very impressed. As you continued to post here, I realized you are self-important, pompous, but mostly rude. The two people you've been insulting are very active in promoting diving here in the mid-west and are respected. You will not be missed in the Mid-West forums.
So much for the the hospitality of the Heartland!

The gentlemen reaches out to fellow board members and divers and you tear him a new one because does not want to dive while visiting?

You know I lived in Indiana for 4 years and have dived there so I guess I can post in "your house".

I visit every couple of years and hook up with buddies. We don't dive because frankly my time is limited and I don't care for quarries.

I am surprised at one of you guys. :)
They called themselves Guerrilla Divers.
Composed of elite divers with Macho mentalities, back when men were men, and FEAR was a lispy companion of the common Man. It was a time before insurance liabilities, lawsuits or beauracratic regulation of the "sport". Guerrilla divers didn't need "Buoyancy Compensator Vests". In fact, "Anyone who needs a BC deserves to drown" was a popular adage. Exploration and the Hunt came first, excitement and fun followed. Safety was the stepchild of fitness, good reflexes and a cool head.
This was a time of great Adventure."

I know some old salts that live in the middle keys that have stories that reflect this thinking. Now they are course directors and uphold the highest levels of saftey and policies. It's funny how time changes things.
No one cared if Sam wanted to dive when he was here. I think every one was verry hospitable towards Mr Miller. This is how I saw it.

Sam Miller: I would like to make contact with divers in an around Viena and Cypress Illinois.

SteveC: A trip to Mermet Springs would be a must ! (That is where you will find DIVERS.)

Sam Miller:I was anticipating a response but it is apparent that there are no divers from the Viena and Cypress area or there are divers from that area but they do not monitor this board. I suspect the later. (I'm confused why don't moore people want to talk to me?)

Sam Miller: Steve C,I have no interest in Mermet Springs. (Must be something wrong with Mermet Springs.)

Sam Miller:It is very apparent after a month of displaying the post that there are no divers in Viena or they do not read this board. (It could be they dont find you as interesting as you do. It must be they dont exist or read this board)

I suspect Sam hoped moore people would be interested in this post. Then he could have filled pages with his stories and many acomplishments.

I dove Mermet yesterday for the first time with a few of my dive buddies and we all had a great time. The vis wasn't the best (it has rained so much around here/there lately) so I was thankful they had everything attached with labeled ropes. Even with low vis we still had a ball diving there!
Out of all the quarries I have dove at...Mermet is definitely one of the most organized quarries I have seen.

Hand feeding the HUGE catfish there was awesome too! :D

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