What do you want in an online diving logbook?

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Hi all

I've been developing an online dive logbook (divinglogs.net) as I spent ages going through the others out there without finding one that was simple to use while still effective and useful. I've finished developing the main part of it which is working nicely now, but Im very interested in finding out what you would look for in an online logbook as I develop it further. By this I mean the features you would want besides the basic logging of dives.

Im busy building support for importing from dive computers, which would then also draw dive profiles etc.

Any thoughts are much appreciated!
Hmm, if I wanted an online log I suppose I would want to be able to add pics to that dive. Perhaps the ability to compare that dive to my others, and the option to share the certain information with other divers.

I think being able to incorporate the history into a spreadsheet too would be helpful.

My two biggest concerns would be security and privacy. I would not want to have to include information that some hacker could use against me, and I want to be able to keep a copy of my online log on my hard drive in case YOUR computer crashes.
I love the idea of an online log, especially if you are in a jam and a charter company wants to see a log. I'd like to see an option to print reports and logs. Also support for mobile devices would be great.
The ability to compare your dives with dives others have had on the same site would be excellent. As well as the standard virtual notebook features. Those being equipment lists, site conditions / coordinates, and a notes section. The ability to attach pictures would also be great.
I love the idea of an online log, especially if you are in a jam and a charter company wants to see a log. I'd like to see an option to print reports and logs. Also support for mobile devices would be great.

That might get me to sign up, but don't just limit it to Iphone and Droids, Blackberrys are very common too...
It'd be nice to keep track of gear. Serial numbers, service history, ect. You could upload a scan of your invoices of purchase or service. To keep track of all that paperwork. It could take a lot of server space I suppose but maybe you could figure out how to integrate it with a cloud storage service like windows skydrive. You could set reminders of when gear should be serviced, send out emails automatically or something. User could define if/when they want each piece of gear to be serviced.

Printable reports/logs would be nice too. Not to a standard 8.5x11 sheet. My log is more like 5.5x7 sheets. I'd like to print so it can fit in my log.

Import/Export would be key for me. I don't need anything fancy for export. Simple as a .csv file, but then I could back it up off the server.

It would be nice to keep track of buddies. Name, address, phone, cert. agency number. So that if you need to contact them you have all that.

I see that you have a spot for adding Dive Course info. I'd like to have a spot to enter my PADI number and a spot to enter the instructor info. His/Her name and instructor number.

It would be cool to integrate it with facebook. Just add a "Share" button so people could get a link to your dive info/photos if you wanted your friends to see.

Keeping track of dive sites would be nice too. I see you can add them, but it might be nice to be able to add a google map or something.
Less required information to sign up and mobile support would be my two biggies. Maybe I'm a nerd, but I actually pull out my iPhone between dives when there's coverage, it would be great to be able to at least do basic logging from a mobile device with the ability to add more details when back on the "real" computer.
I would want the ability to export in a readily usable format like CSV. I personally wouldn't use your application seriously until that's available, I want to be able to take my data with me if your site doesn't work out for me.

I would prefer to have the units of measure as a personal setting rather than a choice on every form. I'm not very likely to use metric units so I would rather set that once and forget about it.

I suggest converting the forms from text boxes to selects where practical, and also using the last entry as a default where appropriate. For example, I probably won't be using anything other than an AL80 any time soon, and my buddy is almost always my son. I don't want to have to type in or select those things for every dive if the application could have presented a reasonable choice as the default.

I suggest adding surface temperature, weight used, and exposure suit to the "extra information" part of the dive form. Those items are in the PADI log book so many divers will expect to record them, and perhaps be discouraged from using your site if that information isn't tracked.

I would find an Android app very useful but I don't view it as a requirement.

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