Your most embarrassing moment?

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Scuba Instructor
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I'm not really a shy person (I probably didn't need to tell anyone here that) but I had a really embarrassing moment recently while diving and it got me to wondering...

But first, this is what happened.

I was recently in Egypt diving and my buddy and I had signed up to dive a wreck that was just along a remote bit of beach/desert. The day before this dive I wasn't feeling well and even had to sit out a dive in the afternoon and go lay down because I felt sick to my stomach....

And as luck (fate?) would have it, the next day I had the runs..... bad. I still decided to make the dives that day but in retrospect I wish I hadn't.

To get to the dive site was a 90 minute bus ride. There was no toilet on the bus but I made it to the site with a lot of teeth grinding and wishing we would just drive off a cliff to get it over with....

I was SO relieved to get there because all I could think about at that point was relieving myself.... but that feeling was short lived....

No toilet. :shocked: Not even something even remotely close... just nothing....

No hills or shrubs to duck behind.

No features on the landscape for 5km......

I knew right then and there that this was going to get ugly. :shocked2:

There was only one solution. At that point it didn't matter if 15 other divers--including (as luck or fate would have it) a highly disproportionate number of women--were watching and wondering what the heck I was doing..... I had to..... just .... take off all my clothes and walk out into the ocean to do my thing.....

Naturally as luck (or fate) would have it, the shore there doesn't drop off very quickly so I also had to walk quite a ways out (and BACK.... :eek: ) before the humiliation was complete.

But it wasn't complete yet.... was it? NOoooo... I made the two dives without incident and then we drove 10 minutes to where there was a place to eat.... and again....

No toilet. Well there was, but it was just an outhouse type thing with an empty bucket and a bucket of water and ... no door.... :crying: At this point I didn't care if I died on the trip back I was NOT going to do a repeat performance.

pfffffffff..... some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

Ok. what's your story?

Last week I banged my head on the inside of the wheel house door on a dive boat.

YOU WIN!!...sorry I was laughing inside
That was pretty good.

Closest I can get to that was not one of my own, but one of the female instructors at my LDS was teaching a DPV class to a bunch of teenage boys. It was summer, so she is diving with just a T-shirt... and a bikini. She ramps up the throttle, and the 4 knots is just enough to whip her bottoms down to her ankles.
Thanks for the post, Rob. You've just made going feet first to the surface in a cloud of bubbles and loose line seem like a minor event in my life . . . :)
I do not normally use my snorkel, in fact it is usually tucked into a pocket. On this particular day, had to do a surface swim out to a local wreck in a lake...Thought I would use the snorkel to get out there....It breathed so easily, I forgot I was using it. Looked at my buddy, signaled OK, and started descending. I learned very quickly that they only work on the surface....

Uggggg on that first post. Warhammers I believe it was called.

As for me? Besides a blow-off in my drysuit, was forgetting to hook up the damn lil quick connect and my bolt not being closed causing a flood. Dang what a cold flood it was too!. Better than an unexpected warm flood at depth though I guess.

Told you....

Fortunately only 1/2 of them had cameras..... I dread the thought.... :shakehead:


I see this as the new "Mastercard Priceless" commercial that gets emailed out early next year :rofl3:. Thanks for sharing. I will figure out my most embarrassing and post it seperately.
I see this as the new "Mastercard Priceless" commercial that gets emailed out early next year :rofl3:. Thanks for sharing. I will figure out my most embarrassing and post it seperately.

I sure hope so. Now that I put myself out there I'm banking on people following suit so I didn't just make an of myself. :D

Wow... never had to go through that. Still laughing, so don't bother if I mispell something.

I had an "almost embarassing" moment: there's a local quarry where there's no bathroom (or changing room or anything else. Just the quarry itself.).
The first time I went there, I decided to wear my bikinis under my clothes. Hadn't I done that, I would have to change clothes in a open area - and full of men. Actually, it's interesting to mention that at the moment I got there, I was the one and only girl.

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