Zeagle Back orders

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k ellis, I'm not privvy to any insider info and I'm not sure how much info about this should be appearing in the Zeagle Q&A forum so if I'm violating any rules or even just stepping on anyone's toes I apologize in advance.

As you probably know, Zeagle bought Pinnacle's US distribution rights a while back. It didn't work out and they got divorced.

There was a thread in the Pinnacle Q&A a few months ago that was mildly amusing until it got totally out of hand after Scott came on to try to explain the situation. A few lower than low blasts were fired at Scott, and the thread was subsequently locked and maybe even deleted by the Mods.

For further info, check out the Pinnacle Q&A Forum, specifically the Official Notice from Zeagle to Dealers re: Pinnacle thread.

The good news, from my perspective, is Zeagle's still standing as apparently is Pinnacle.
Express Tech parts are in stock, and we are building them as fast as we can.

Hopefully all backorders will be filled in a timely manner.

I am just catching up with the last page and a half of this thread, and it appears to ne that it is quite easy for some people to come up with all the answers....

"Find more suppliers!" - Wow, why didn't we think of that?? Awesome idea. Unfortunately, it is not quite that easy....

"Sounds like excuses!" - Well, I suppose that is exactly what they are, along with flat out admissions that we (and our suppliers) were not prepared to be this busy in the "off season".

Look, I realize that it is easy to sit there are make suggestions, remarks, etc. on this. Many people ask me privately why I even continue to answer questions on the internet....and sometimes I wonder myself. :)

The truth is, things in business (and life in general) aren't always going to be a bed of roses.

I get that.

I have tried to chose my words carefully on many occasions, as not to offend anyone, but damn...some of y'all need to cut us some slack. We are doing the best we can to rebound from an "off" year, but it doesn't happen overnight. If you decide that you need to go to another manufacturer to fill your needs, then that is fine....do what you have to do. We understand, and really, no hard feelings - go for it.

For those of you who are "Team Zeagle" despite the ups and downs, thanks. We appreciate it, and will do everything in our power to get back on track. We are already making huge headway!

That's really all I have to say on the issue...

Hey, for those of us who are "Team Zeagle," can we get a free baseball cap? :D

In all seriousness, a baseball cap is practically part of the standard issue uniform here in the rainy northwest. So I have a bunch of them, and my gray Zeagle cap's my favorite (thanks, Gene!). Well made, fits great, a really nice cap.

But I sure could use a black one...
Scott I never commented on this thread in reference to good or bad service with products or ordering anything with any difficulty. Its only natural people feel depressed when they expect something on a given date and only hear what they perceive to be the run around. Now I am not saying this is what happened or has ever happened but just trying to put the world as they see it on the table.

I had first bought a competitors BCD of and was for the most part proud of it. I then tried to take it to a shop and have it altered with an air2. Despite the best efforts of the shop it just made me feel unsafe with the modifications so I looked for an alternate. I did buy my Zeagle Ranger with the Octo-Z and fell in love with it. So much in fact it was probably 98% of the reason I chose the Zeagle Zeus as my travel BCD and recently purchased one.

You guys can only do what you can do and that's really all that we can expect. Some people like myself included get hot headed when we cant get what we want on the time we expect. I mean people place sometimes a lot of money on the line to have to wait a long time so its natural to get a litter peeved off.

Dont take it personal though as people usually tend to cool off when things finaly work out for the best and the product comes available. You guys are doing great work there and the best part is your putting the work in the hands of American People. Another great reason I buy Zeagle.

I just wanted to comment on that and say to you and your entire company thanks for being an American company with values. Also despite so many people beliefs that America only makes junk your company proved that that is simply not true. Thanks again!
If you are Mike N, and shipping Oak Park, yours is on the way!
I sent you the tracking number from the web site.

Wow! Yep, that's me. Thanks so much.

I guess this means the back order problem is going away.
In a previous post I mentioned that I'd sent email inquiries about Zeagle products to several LDSs in Southern California (near my sister's house). I finally got a reply from one of them:

Unfortunately no one has zeagle product. They stopped shipping product to dealers in august 2010 and i fear they may be bankrupt.

Looks like Zeagle has a way to go in repairing dealer relationships.
In a previous post I mentioned that I'd sent email inquiries about Zeagle products to several LDSs in Southern California (near my sister's house). I finally got a reply from one of them:

Looks like Zeagle has a way to go in repairing dealer relationships.

On a side note and just of curiosity only what is your over all opinion of Zeagle? Did you give up on them or decide to give them another chance?

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