Grand Turk Nov/Dec 2014 Trip Report (Short) and Video

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Reaction score
New Jersey
# of dives
500 - 999
Spent 10 days in Grand Turk Nov/Dec 2014. Stayed at Osprey Beach Hotel, king room 2nd floor, and dove with Blue Water Divers. Diving was back roll from boat to sandy area at about 30 feet, then guided tour along wall and back to boat. After returning to boat I was allowed to spend as much time as I wanted exploring sandy area, coral heads (and wall if close enough), most of my dives were 60-70 minutes. Water temps were 81-82F. After the first day dive gear is set up for you (if you want) and you can leave wet suit and fins at the shop after rinsing. The Nassau Grouper were very friendly, looking for lionfish handouts, accompanying us sometimes for the entire dive. We saw a few turtles, lots of rays, lots of garden eels, a few lionfish and nice variety of reef fish.

I had been to Grand Turk 10 years prior. The biggest change was of course the cruise ship port. Although some passengers do a tour of the island, snorkel or dive, most seem content to stay at the port area and really didn't interfere with the guests staying on the island. Blue Water Divers were great, staff friendly and helpful. Guests staying on the island are separated from cruise ship divers. My last dive day I was the only diver on my boat, even though they could easily have taken out one boat with the 2 cruise ship divers and me.

Food and drink are expensive like many Caribbean Islands. I mostly ate at Osprey and SandBar and a couple lunches with food purchased at the grocery store. It was a nice relaxing vacation, good diving and friendly people.

Video (link below), underwater was shot with Intova Sport HDII using a red filter, no lights. Look for the surprise eel at about 2:56 and the garden eels behind the barracuda at about 4:55.

2014 Grand Turk on Vimeo


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