Bonaire....I will let you decide

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There will probably be a bit of disagreement over this trip report as; we considered this vacation as “the trip from Hades”.

At this time I do not plan to identify any particular business I speak about negatively. I have learned from being on SB a long time that if you say hotel X_Y_Z sucks, or restaurant A_B_C sucks, there will be at least 50 people that will come back and call you all kinds of names and disagree with you in a hostile manner. So, I am just going to simply lay out what happened and let you be your own judge. Do your own research. In fact, I have no problem with the mods moving this to the rant section as it is probably as much of a rant as a trip report.

Ok, so months out in advance we made reservations at a hotel we were familiar with. We had stayed there once before. We had even recommended it to others. Their website touts many events taking place during the week in the evening at the hotel and that was one of the main reasons we went back. As many of you know there really is little to do in Bonaire in the evening so any kind of an event at your hotel is good. At least you can have some fun and drink a little and not have to drive.

The day came for us to make our flight to Bonaire with Delta and things went pretty smoothly. We were delayed getting out of Atlanta for over an hour because they were waiting for three airplanes that were late to arrive and let three passengers get on our flight. I had no problem with that what so ever. It would have been another whole week until the next Delta flight so essentially their vacation would have been toast. And, having been stranded twice by US Air, like I said, no problems waiting.

We arrived in Bonaire and got in the customs line….one of four. After about 10 minutes the customs agent in our line got up and walked away and never came back. We waited and waited and waited ----- he just disappeared. The people in the line next to us finally took pity and let us start to meld into their line and we really appreciated that gesture. Thank you all so much for that kind gesture. If you were some of the people in the back of that line I apologize to you for “cutting” line. I know you probably had no idea what was going on.

We got through customs and headed over to the luggage conveyer. I got one bag accounted for within 10 minutes and it took another 30 minutes to get the other two. There was a worker there that was taking the bags off the conveyer and stacking them before they could even make one revolution around for people to get and people had no idea their bags had shown up. Once word got out on that things moved quicker.

We got all our bags and headed out to hopefully meet our hotel representative. I had an email from one of the hotel owners indicating that the rental truck was being handled differently now and I would pick it up at the hotel. Cool….no long rental lines like last time. As we came out we saw our hotel rep and she indicated we had to go over and get in line to get our truck. I told her about the email and she said, no, that was wrong so off we went to get in line. As I indicated, the email had been sent by the hotel owner. The truck we got was unreal. Almost brand new and not a scratch on it. I never even dove up North because I wasn’t about to take that truck through some of the thorns and bramble up there!! That truck made mine look like a POS.

We got to the hotel and paid the remainder of our bill. We had already paid a deposit. Entering our “condo” ,as it is advertised, was like walking into a furnace. Man it was hot. It took us over 15 minutes to open the back door. Later in the week the owner came by and tried to open it and ended up stating it must be the wrong key. No, it was just a crappy lock. One of the many things on the list for repair or replacement.

As normal after a long flight, my first destination was to the bath room. I found feces on the toilet bowl. The sink was dirty and hairy. In the kitchen, it looked like the dishes and cups were used and just put up dirty. We spent the rest of the day there cleaning up the place. I thought about moving but my lady said we could take care of what needed taking care of. I am not that forgiving.

After cleaning up the messy place we went out to dinner. We got in too late to do the dive orientation and that was scheduled the next day at 0830. Dinner was pretty good and when the bill came, I asked for the price in US currency. It was higher than the price in Guilders. To be honest I travel a lot and am used to the dollar being crappy in some countries, but I thought it was stronger than the Guilder. I especially thought this when the second night out to dinner it was the same. Example, we had one dinner where the price came to 44 Guilders. We were told the US equivalent was $65. So we paid it.

Sunday (second day) we got up early and had breakfast. We found out at check in there was only ONE other guest than us at the hotel and he didn’t do breakfast. So every day it was just Lynn and I for breakfast. Breakfast was the only thing that went well, if you don’t count the totally burned bacon every morning. No swine flu off that bacon believe me!!

After breakfast I got my gear together and we took off to the place that where I would get my orientation. I met the guys and gal running the place and when they found out I had been there before and could spout the rules they didn’t even make me sit through the class. They said I could do a check dive or not, up to me. I got my weights and did the house reef to be sure all was working well as I just had some gear come out of the shop. All was good. They even filled up my pony bottle decently.

We grabbed a couple tanks and took off to a new dive site. The whole time in Bonaire I could find no one to dive with so I dove solo. It was wonderful. I saw things I had never seen before. The reefs in some places have had a good battering and it shows. Animal life was way down from last trip. I finished the dives and we headed back to the hotel.

That was the second night we got taken to the cleaners at a restaurant again by being over charged and didn’t know it yet. But before going out to eat I went to the back area of the hotel where there was an equipment cleaning station. I like the one from our last trip better. It had a pole where you could hang your BC and hose it off versus having to hold the heavy thing up or lay it in the dirt. This area was all concrete with no pole and two wash bins. I called Lynn over as I wanted her to see the two wash bins. The water looked dark and oily and there was at least 1/8 th inch of mold growing on the inside of each bin. Lynn reached in and came out with a mold covered finger. Needless to say I didn’t “clean” my gear in those bins. I got one of the owner’s attention and asked for some bleach so I could clean the bins. I never met this guy before so I don’t know if he reacted normally or whatever, but he made me feel like I was asking for the world. When he got the bleach container he held it up high in the air and said loudly he had the bleach and would clean the bins for me. Like I said, never met him before, probably just me.

The next day, third day, we got up and had breakfast, used to burnt bacon by now, and headed off to turn in empty tanks and get new ones. I did a couple dives down South and Lynn did her snorkeling. For what it is worth, we had no problems with people and the truck at the dive sites. But Lynn was in the area the whole time snorkeling while I dove.

I finished my dives and we headed back toward the hotel. On the way back, just past the traffic circle, there is a new (not there on my last trip anyway) wine and liquor store. We stopped in to check out the wines and pick up a bottle of rum. It was there the light came on about pricing. Each label on the bottles had a Guilders price…and….a USD price. Every time the Guilders price was higher than the dollar price. HUH??? There was a fantastic lady there. We went back to the store several times and she was always a ball to deal with. Anyway, I called her over and said if I had a bill in Guilders for 44 ….what would that be in US currency? She said divide the 44 by 1.75 or 1.78 and that would be the answer. Yep, we had been taken to the cleaners by both restaurants. When I told her what had happened, I feel she was truly upset and wanted to know the two restaurants. I declined that info as it would have been then….like now….simply a he said…she said…situation. We just voted with our dollars and never ate at either one again. Don’t PM me, not saying who they were.

Food has really gotten ridiculous on the island. I heard not only a number of tourists, but “locals” complaining as well. Our one and only hotel neighbor went out one night and bought a medium pizza and two beers and it cost him $64 USD. Unbelievable, at first I thought he was teasing me considering our little adventure, but he was serious. The pizza place everyone recommends was not open at this time. I don’t know where he found the pizza and at $64 I didn’t even ask.

Most of the time we ate at the Casablanca. Their menu is in Guilders and USD. There is no mystery. Since we were there only a week, the menu was more than diverse enough so we didn’t have to repeat any meals. Just be careful if you decide to visit Bonaire. I find integrity and honesty has gone out the window.

I was reading the info board near the breakfast table the next morning and a key point came to light for me. Remember one of the reasons we chose this hotel was because of the events scheduled during the evenings. There are times I admit I can be a little slow but reading the board it dawned on me, NONE of the evening events that were suppose to have taken place by now (that were clearly advertised on the hotel website) had taken place. Nothing but the sound of crickets …..actually….buzzing mosquitos!!!!

I asked one of the employees that day had the events days changed days and got the answer of my life. Oh no, I was told, there are only two of you so it doesn’t make sense to do them for just two people. *** MATE???? I paid FULL freaking price and had selected that hotel not because of my last experience with it as much as what I thought it would be like now. Needless to say we were not happy. In fact, I get set off pretty easily, but my lady has the patience of Job. She would make him look like a terrorist. But by now, she was so upset with the hotel and the island in general it was not funny.

We continued the same routine….breakfast, morning dives for me snorkeling for Lynn, afternoon exploring or shopping for Lynn and me, supper and back to the boring hotel. We went to a couple of “bars” and I have seen more activity from a dead body.

I had a talk with one of the employees of the hotel when asked how we were enjoying our vacation. I was honest and at the end basically said we would never be back to this hotel for sure and probably never back to Bonaire as well. She must have said something to one of the owners because it was requested I come to the back office for a discussion.

I met with one of the owners and basically laid out my feelings on how things had gone with the room conditions and the lack of advertised events and was told things should not have gone the way they did. Long story short, and I mean long story, I was told two things. One, that 25% of my bill would be refunded. Two, we had a choice of two free hotel T-shirts or a $25 gift certificate at any restaurant on the island. I indicated I would like to talk to my lady about the offer.

The next day I got back with the owner and indicated we had talked and decided we would prefer the gift certificate versus the T-shirts. I was told that was fine and a certificate would be made up and brought over to our room.

About 15 minutes later, one of the owners came by the room and handed me a $100 bill and said go out and have a good meal on the hotel. I indicated that was too much, but was told, no, things didn’t go well, go out and enjoy your meal. So we did. ( There was never a comment that this was part of my 25% by the way. )

The next day was our flight day so I went by the main office to check and see if I needed to do anything with the bill that I paid in full the first day. I got the bill and I couldn’t understand it. I paid a deposit (have proof) and upon arrival paid rest of bill (have proof). I had been told in our meeting I was going to get a 25% refund. My total bill was $1131.00 and I got a $131.25 refund. No matter how I do the math on any portion of the bill….deposit…or…remainder, that does not equate out to 25%.

I went to the owner’s office and still came away confused. So instead of continuing the agony there at the hotel, I decided to wait and upon arrival back home I called American Express, challenged the bill and have left it in Amex’s hands for handling. Whatever they come up with I will live with, but be sure, I will never stay at that same hotel again or recommend it to anyone.

Bonaire has changed a lot since my first trip about 3 years ago. The house/apt/condo building is amazing. The infrastructure can hardly handle what is going on now with residents and tourists and once all these new places fill up; the infrastructure is just bound to collapse.

On this trip I met so many tourists that said this was their last trip to Bonaire I couldn’t believe it. On my last trip I never heard that comment. I met a number of locals, to include my hotel owners, who indicated they wanted to move off the island. At the airport waiting for out flight out, I overheard a number of negative conversations about how Bonaire has changed and not for the good.

The Dutch government is coming in and really shaking things up. They are supposed to switch over to the US Dollar relatively shortly. There is a lot going on and very little is spoken well of by anyone we met there.

I may go back to Bonaire some day, but I highly doubt it. Right now, I see Bonaire as a tourist island that hates tourists. There are just too many other places to go to that not only welcome my hard earned money, but welcome me as well. If Bonaire is your place of choice, then fine, I am glad you like it. I used to like it too.
Damn, sounds like a nightmare!

A couple of suggestions for the future, although I'm sure you're aware of all these solutions and just took the more relaxed way out. We've all been there - you were on vacation and trying to kick back and enjoy yourself, who wants to be the 'whiney customer'. I've done the same thing, but always regretted it afterwards. Ultimately, remember that you paid for a service, and all your normal expectations and rights as a consumer still apply:

  • If you check in to a hotel room and it doesn't meet your expectations, say something immediately and make it crystal clear what needs to be done to resolve the matter. I've had similar experiences to yours, and been on both sides of this dispute both as the consumer and as the resort's representative. In this case I would have mentioned to the resort staff (whoever I checked in with) that it appears this condo had not been cleaned and was in poor repair. I would have requested we be moved to a different condo. With such an empty resort that should have been an easy request to accommodate. If the resort is full or they can't change rooms for you - demand that the room be cleaned immediately. If that's not possible, ask to be accommodated at another resort for the night so they can get their affairs in order. If that doesn't work, check out immediately and book lodgings elsewhere. If you can't get your deposit back, dispute the charge with your CC company. They'll back you 100%
Never agree to stay in a room that was filthy upon check in, and certainly never clean it up yourself. In addition to it not being your problem, cleaning it yourself destroys the evidence that the room was filthy and will ruin your case for a refund down the line. It's tantamount to admitting you were fine with having a dirty room and consented to being sold the room in its current condition. By the time you think to discuss a refund, no one will be able to distinguish the regular mess from your own, or they'll certainly try to argue their way out of it. Just say no and avoid the whole fiasco.
  • Check currency conversion rates before you leave the States and have the number in your head. Will make it very easy to tell if you're being screwed, or if the quoted rate is "about right." Obviously the best conversion rates are at banks, the worst are going to be at places like restaurants (as you discovered).
1 ANG = .578 USD presently at the bank rate.
1 ANG = .759 USD at the LOW moneychanger rate.

It's common for restaurants (and other businesses that have you by the short and curlies) to double the bank rate. There are no laws anywhere that I'm aware of that set how badly they can rape you- they're doing you a "favor", and also penalizing you for not obtaining the local currency.

I always convert some cash (whatever amount I'm certain I'll use) at a local bank ASAP after arriving. Sometimes a very small amount at the airport (moneychanger if there's not an ATM) to grab dinner and a cab until I can make it to a bank or ATM. Never pay in USD when traveling abroad - you're always going to get screwed with the exchange rate, some places worse than others.

Baja Mexico makes a good example. Last time I was there, the standard exchange rate amongst virtually all businesses was 1 USD = 10 Pesos. Sure makes the math easy, but you're actually losing 20% on every transaction (the exchange rate was roughly 12 Pesos per USD). I made a point of going to the bank the second day we were there, and room charged everything at the hotel the first day. I spent somewhere around $350 USD in cash throughout the trip - would have been $420 USD if I hadn't exchanged money. It adds up.

No one is doing you a favor when they exchange money - banks and ATMs will be the closest to honest, assume everyone else is out to screw you over.
  • Rinse tanks - unacceptable, especially the attitude. Not the end of the world - you don't need a rinse tank to clean your gear, although it makes it easier. A good spray down with clean water will work if that's all you have available. Just be thorough. Can always soak your reg in your room sink if you need to. Course, with the cleanliness of your room on check-in, maybe that's not such a good idea :wink:

  • Hotel events - what did they have scheduled? Live music? Limbo night? Other things where they'd need to hire additional staff or have numerous guests to participate? Easy to understand why these would be canceled if only 3 guests were at the hotel... but they should provide some alternative if entertainment was advertised as an amenity. Heck, cheap drink specials in the bar with some decent island music in the background, bartender being extra friendly and chatty... would have gone a long way.

  • With regards to the refund - if you were told you would be given a 25% refund, that's all well and good - if they do it right there on the spot or commit it to writing. The offer of $100 for dinner later was clearly an attempt by their management to get you to agree to a separate and lower offer of compensation. Even if they didn't say it at the time, that's certainly how its going to look now. I would have refused and reminded them that you had already agreed that a 25% refund was the acceptable solution and no further compensation was necessary. It'll start an argument for sure, so hold them to it and demand they take this opportunity to commit it to writing. Or walk. Don't leave this as an issue to resolve on the day you check out - you're out of leverage by then.
Hope that helps - travel mishaps are a pain in the butt and always come at a horrible time. Who wants to deal with things going wrong while on vacation?

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Another tip is to always pay with a credit card. The restaurant or hotel will charge the bill in local currency. Let the credit card company do the conversion. They usually get the best rates.
Except that a lot of restaurants on Bonaire charge your credit card in US dollars instead of NAF. What a nightmare trip, you have every reason to be upset and angry, and I absolutely can't blame you for not wanting to return.

We also noticed the construction on the island and admit to being a bit dismayed by it. Considering that the island was pretty empty of tourists this summer when we were there, we couldn't help but wonder where the money was coming from and how the island was going to support all those new units with sewer, etc. Unfortunately, we knew we would never enjoy Bonaire as we did during our first 2 visits.

I do wish you would have been willing to post the name of the condo and restaurants. It would be helpful to those of us who might return to Bonaire, so we can vote with our wallets, or at least be forwarned....but I totally respect why you've chosen to stay quiet.
Sorry you had the trip that you described..I may have an idea on what condo development you stayed at that has a dive operator on site and a restaurant..and that attitude has been at that resort/condo for some time now.On my last vist to the island I had been informed by the dive op manager at one of the larger resorts,who happens to be a personal friend of mine for some years now,that several dive ops/hotels have downsized ,the one I think you have stayed at in particular,and let go of many of their staff as the economy in the US has soured.Bookings and reservations have dropped off 40% or more since last April.
Same can be said of the restaurants.Having been visiting the island almost annually since 1978 I know my way around and where to go and where not to go,so we almost never run into situations that you have had.If a store or restaurant pulled a trick on me like they did over a bill I'd let them know instantly that they should recheck their math and correct the bill.I alway pay in US dollars as well and it is always accepted with no issues.
I was in Bonaire for a week in September. I flew Delta and stayed at the Sand Dollar Condos and rented the truck from Budget. Then entire trip was fabulous. Not a single hiccup in the entire week. Everything was on time and to my (and my wife's) satisfaction.

Being September business was slow (the really good pizza place was closed for the entire month) and other resturaunts had somewhat "flexible" hours and days of operation, but Cactus Blue was great as always, the Lion's Den at Buddy dive was nice (good food, great view), and the house bar at Sand Dollar (Eddy's) was cheap and fun. I was already familiar with the exchange rate so no problems on that front. I travel overseas frequently and this is an item I always look up before depature.

I did notice the construction has picked up since my last trip, but in my view the essential qualities of Bonaire have not changed significantly. Most of my dives were boat dives on Klein. Other than a lack of Green Morays there were plenty of fish and other sea life.

This was my first stay at Sand Dollar. It's not nearly as busy as Buddy Dive or some of the other big resorts. No Limbo Night or anything like that, just a clean, comfortable room close to the dive shop and resturaunt. Friendly, helpful staff.

Bonaire Dive Adventure was great - a small operation, much different then the big boats at Divi Flamingo, Cap't Don's and Buddy Dive. Most of the dives were only 4 to 6 divers, plus a guide. Small, fast boat (back roll off the side) but the guides know where the "good stuff" is. I got great pictures of frogfish, seahorses, squid, rays, etc etc. My wife loved it.

Bari Reef (house reef at Sand Dollar) was a great dive and I got in at least one dive on Bari almost every day.

It was the best dive trip I've had in a while and I really can't wait to go back.
wow, that is really awful. I wouldn't have stayed in the dirty room, period. I am not surprised about the restaurant/bill issue though. We have seen things like that on travels everywhere, sometimes in error I am sure but sometimes it isn't. :shakehead:

In mexico - We had a desk clerk at a hotel once call my hubby a stupid gringo when she jacked up the price on our room, not realizing I was standing right behind her. Not cool. She told him that they were all out of the "other" rooms for which we had paid, and we had to take the more expensive one. He demanded the manager, it got ugly, and we finally got the room at the price we had prepaid, but then she made the comment to another clerk. Sheesh. I let it go, but since then I have never recommended that hotel. It was obvious she had gotten away with doing this scam before. Later in the day we went down to ask her about our breakfast buffet vouchers. She claimed she had given them to us already, we would have to pay for new ones. No way, sweetie! She finally gave them to us. When we got home from the trip I immediately got on every chat board to discuss this hotel and that horrible clerk - turns out there were alot of people she had done this to and even worse to some! She had a very bad rep.

So you really should tell us which hotel/condo and which restuarants, it helps us all make our decisions.

Ummmm not for nothing but how was the diving?
Wow sounds like a real horror!!!!
I have no idea where you stayed or what places you went to eat , hope i manage to avoid them in the future.
The growth on Bonaire in the last year or so is very scary. I sure hope someone knows what they are doing. I thought it was the cruise ships that were the issue going forward but that is only the tip of the iceburg. I really do hope the leadership there gets a clue. Love going there and it would be shame to stop. I know I am looking at alternatives but so far Bonaire remains top on my list but....I am looking.
How sad. None of our 5 or 6 trips have had any more than normal travel related hassles, including this last July. You certainly hit the s#@* jackpot! We will keep returning, as we love the island, the diving and it's people.

I have been watching the current boom in construction with a wary eye. I believe quite a bit of overconfidence combining with the current downturn in the world wide economy is going to hurt some of those investor. Big hurt, I suspect for a few. I certainly don't see the island of Bonaire benefiting long term from a such big boom in tourism construction.

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