Any Ideas Guys?

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My name is Daniel, I'm in college right now studying Sports Management Dive Industry with a minor in business. The is a problem I have encountered is the overwhelming cost of doing this. The cost of the program last semester cost me 18,200, I am still trying to figure out where to come up with the 2,794 dollars to pay my remaining balances. I have searched every nook and cranny of the web for Diver related scholarships they just don't really exist unless your a Graduate level student. I suppose because I am in the only program of its kind. Ive maxed out government funding, and school scholarships. My major don't qualify for most of the scholarships out there so that limits me . I would be willing to work for a contract period of time after I finish, for any type of live aboard or dive company. If there is any ideas or ways to raise some funds please

Your revision needs a revision.
Abaco24 go do somthing else like like put your wieght belt jump off a boat thanks :dork2:

I'll help him out on this one. Like they said in Airplane, "I speak jive."

He said, "Abaco24, go do something else like, put your weight belt on and jump off of a boat, thanks." And then he called you a dork with an emoticon.

You know, if I found a sincere, intelligent, prior military, humble, well spoken young man with some motivation on a message board like this and I thought he might be able to help me in my business, I might take a look at him. Just from a message board post.

Ok, no grammar.

Stop being like the majority of the slackers in the world who expect the government or the world to take care of them. Get a job or three, work hard, and pay for your schooling. Don't make me go get some WWII vets to 'splain you how easy you really have it.
I know some of this may have been harsh but Herk Man, among others, is correct.

Miami is a huge place and as a vet and if I were in a position to help someone out and found an intelligent Marine in need of help I would be inclined to do so.

For the record; it kind of pisses me off that you use your service as an excuse for your grammar. I have known, worked and served with many Marines. By and large, they were all fairly intelligent men and women. They also understood the importance of putting on your big boy pants and getting the job done.
skiz22285, how are you at pulling the trigger of a gun, rifle, weapon, ect?

You see, when the order comes down to F A W, the old man doesn't say first," hold on their a second ladies, how is everybody's grammar today you maggots?"

Today we put more emphasis, on what a man can say, rather than what a man can do.

Those people on wall street had a very good vocabulary, and there is nothing that I would encourage more then for the order to come down to F A W at those domestic enemies of the constitution of the government of the United States Of America.

So do not give up hope.....and keep doping the scope.

Skiz, in the course of a reasonably long life at this point, I've known and worked with a great many people. One thing I have learned is that people come in a couple of flavors. One type considers every idea for what it has to offer and how they can make it work. But there is another type, that brings up a problem, and then spends enormous energy shooting down every suggestion anybody makes for solving it. People like that make me crazy.

What I read in this thread is a bunch of people who don't know you and don't owe you anything, offering free advice on how to solve your problems. That advice has ranged from a variety of job suggestions, to suggestions on improving your communications skills in order to increase the likelihood that someone to whom you write will consider you for a work position. You have rejected them all out of hand. You don't want to change the way you write, because you don't think that's important; you can't get a job because you can't get one right near where you are. You can't change schools, you can't travel . . . the list is long.

I'll tell you that if your attitude toward life is "I can't", you'll be right. As someone who worked her way through college and medical school (try THAT one some time!) I know that there are ways to make things work, if you're willing to put up with inconvenience, long hours, and work you may not particularly want to do. And there are some jobs you can even do from home . . . but you can't do transcription work, for example, unless you can spell and type well.

Just for fun, take a look at the suggestions in this thread from another viewpoint. Instead of saying, "I don't need to learn to write better," sit down and come up with a list of METHODS you can think of for learning to write better. Instead of saying, "I can't get a job where I'm living," sit down and list ways you could get transport to a job in another area, or get a job working at home. Do this, whether the option appeals to you or not, as an exercise in more positive thinking.

Sitting in a funk and waiting for a solution to appear is very rarely a successful strategy.
TSand M, I agree that putting yourself through college and medical school is a real gut check. I would not invest much time in responding to this post though. I suspect that it is a troll. I find it very hard to accept that a college student can really have such a poor attitude and cretinous writing skills. I think, it is probably someone who is having a bit of fun with those of us earnestly trying to help.

Well, I'll give you props for doing something. Having said that, the grammar and spelling is so bad on your website that I only made it about a third of the way through. Also, it would seem to me that what you are doing is not really starting a scholarship, but rather the internet equivalent of standing by the freeway onramp with a cardboard sign (minus the work of actually standing by the onramp with a sign). Let us know how it works out for you.

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