200' on air for 5 min bottom time?

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I saw that before. That's ridiculous. Not sure i would say my dive was safe but at least I had hp120's and deco gases.

Makes no sense why someone would want to sign a slate and leave.
How many divers have died on trimix, and ran the same profile on air beforehand? The answer is many. Trimix is better for cognitive deep diving, that is an undisputed fact. What seems to be popping up over and over again is that deep air is an obsolete and a more skilled approach than trimix. It seems the deep air divers here are not bashing it likes the ones who have not done kit before. Yet people still dive in vintage equipment, use "obsolete" skills all of their careers and end up fine. We can beat this dead horse until there is nothing left. Here is the undisputed facts:
1. Taking beginner or semi advanced divers down to 190ft
2. Doing them on small single tanks with no redundancy.
3. Doing it without a steel hard dive plan.
4. Bounce dives are not fun because you cannot see anything for any period of time.
5. No deco plan or deco gases.
6. Possibly no prior exposure to any narcosis.
Did I miss anything? Adaptation does exist, I agree. The diver who did these deep air dives one day after years of experience and finally got in trouble sounds like he got complacent and got away with complacency for a period of time before it came back and bit him. Deep diving whether it be deep air or mix, complacency kills in both. You cannot go down full of fear, and you cannot go down bull headed either, we must find that nice middle status with both caution and enthusiasm. As for trying to compare deep air with drunk driving or suicide, now that's just ridiculous.
I believe adaptation exists, but only as far as people who get narced often enough just stop recognizing it as "something bad". It's not an adaptation as in "I can still perform normally."

One of my old bosses used to get hammered every night and brag the next day that "it's a good thing his truck knew the way home". Except that every now and then he'd wake up in a ditch with a wrecked truck.

Underwater is less forgiving that a ditch and a big truck with airbags.


Helium isn't available everywhere you might want to dive, and deep air can be executed safely. I understand how my limitations change with narcosis. If I'm diving deep air frequently, the depth that my skills degrade gradually increases with the number of dives (adaptation). If it's been a few months, that adaptation no longer exists and the degradation begins shallower again.

With experience I've learned how badly my skills degrade. In 15 msw, I don't need to write down compass headings, task sequences, and can do math in my head. In 60 msw, I know I'll need to write down compass headings, task sequences with instructions, and won't be able to do simple subtraction on my slate. I may need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs (strobes) back to the up line. No way I'd be able to do ratio deco, but I could understand the numbers on my dive computer if I need to bail off my cut tables and BT.

To use your drinking analogy- It's not unsafe to go get hammered every night, it's unsafe to fail to have a designated driver or to call a cab to take you home. One shouldn't confuse a failure to be properly prepared for the expected difficulties with an inability to safely execute the dive. But deep air isn't for everybody. If you have helium, trimix is a far better option.
My LDS has wouldn't fill my tanks with deep air so I got Trimix instead :D

Are we done with this one yet? I'm sure we're overdue for a bungieed wing debate by now.
Deep air is cash only.
I'm not claiming it doesn't occur. I've noticed adaptation to narcosis (at shallower depths) in myself. I'm pointing at a case of someone who was clearly adapted, and had a nearly fatal outcome. Adaptation is just a rationalization to keep playing russian roulette. ...I just think its a rationalization along the lines of people who drive drunk and think they've got enough drunk driving experience that they can handle it better than the average person that the laws are written for...

No; adaptation is a reaction that occurs (under certain circumstances) that will allow a Diver to improve the performance of physical and mental processes while he is impaired by IGN. It does not lessen the affects of IGN; nor do these affects occur without warning. Deep-Air training allows the Diver to monitor himself, so as to terminate the dive before a hazard exists.

As you have used an alcohol analogy, it's like someone who has a couple of beers, actively monitoring how he's feeling and refusing to have more before he becomes too impaired (over 80 mg per 100 ml). The fact that someone has been drinking doesn't define drunkenness. In many jurisdictions, drinking and driving is not considered to be a hazard; it's drinking too much and driving that's unsafe. In other words, the law allows you to have a beer and drive. If a person imbibes a glass of wine, are they impaired? Perhaps. Would you drive your car afterwards? I likely would. Would I be drunk? No; not by legal definition. I might go as far to have another, but I'd be very careful not to have too much and drive. The level of risk must be reasonable; just like diving deeper on Air...

If you dive any gas containing Nitrogen (Air, Nitrox, or Trimix) you will likely dive to depths that will subject you to IGN. With Air affects usually manifest themselves below 50 FSW. So at one time or another, every diver worldwide has been subjected to IGN. It's all a matter of degree...

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