Devil's Throat - Cozumel

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Devil's Throat - Backwards (AKA Devil's A-hole)

Judge for yourself

YouTube - Devil's A-Hole
That is such a good shot at the Y. The only prob with shooting the Devil's butt is making sure no one is coming down.
I can not imagine taking a 13 yr old, new to diving, into the Devil's Throat. :shocked2: I'm very suprised the Dive Op allowed you to take your son. Who was the Dive Op? The depth alone,125 ft, is a bit much but when you add an overhead it is just not suitable for one so young.

No, I meant vertical. It was a long time ago for me and as per one of the posts, someone mentioned that the site had changed after a hurricane. Back when I went, you entered a cave, came up over a rise and then descended through a tunnel for maybe 20-30 more ft. I remember when it went dark and seeing what looked like an old tv set (the blue) at the bottom. That was cool and I was still enjoying the dive. The tunnel was fairly vertical as I recall. Then I realized I couldn't equalize. I gave up trying to equalize and was resigned to whatever the outcome was as it was impossible to ascend, merely ascend as soon as possible after being spit out by the current. Everyone else was below and I was intent upon rising enough to equalize. So between 80 or 90 ft...whatever the depth was before I began the descent through the narrow tunnel...and 120 ft, I needed to equalize.

I had taken my son with me on that trip. It was his first dive trip. I think he was 13 years old at the time and he had no problem with the Devil's Throat. Though in retrospect, quite dangerous to allow someone that young in their first week of diving ever to do the Devil's Throat. Still, all's well that ends well I suppose.
I did this dive once, about 3 years ago, and my max depth was 118' at the exit. My buddy and I suspect that our DM did not take the correct and/or complete route, but I did see one other post here that mentioned the same depth. Any thoughts?
Done in the conventional way, there are two exits to the Devil's Throat—118 ft and 130 ft. Though completely dark for the first 10 feet down; don't worry as the walls are finely polished by the impact of thousands of scuba tanks. In addition, it is not vertical, at most a 45 degree angle, but coming out to the incredible blue vista while narc'd makes it interesting for many.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
Umm... Best way to experience the Devil's Throat (or Anus) is via youtube! I won't waste a dive on it and, quite frankly, I like to stay shallower and maximize bottom time. Others just can't stay away from holes and swim-thru's through even though the past 100,000 divers have scraped every living thing off the walls. Same deal with the Blue Hole off Belize... Most will say it is an absolute waste of a dive given the other full day distant 3-dive options available but there are those who like to know they've, "Been there, done that" and checked it off the list.
Been down DT twice. I this dive should require: AOW and 50+ dives.

50 dives is an absolute minimum. Try 100+. You really want to be in that tube following a new AOW certified diver who's logged 95% of his dives in 25' off water the Fl keys?

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