Back surgery and still diving?

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Hi @billt4sf

I'm 63 years old, reasonably healthy and fit. I had an episode of debilitating lumber radiculopathy with excruciating pain down my left buttock, thigh and calf. MRI showed severe degenerative disease. As this did not resolve with conservative therapy, I had an epidural steroid injection at two levels. The symptoms resolved over 3-5 days and I began a physical therapy program. I have been pain free since and and now on a maintenance physical therapy regimen. I went down to Florida and went diving 5 weeks after my injection and did very well. I will be leaving soon for a trip to Cocos, 9 weeks after the injection. I have no real limitations on my activity other than common sense. I did back roll and giant stride entries and used a variety of ladders (carefully)

The treatment of lumbar back pain is somewhat controversial with regard to conservative vs. surgical therapy. My advice for anyone would be to see a group physicians (nonsurgical and surgical) who have specific training and experience with the spine. Here is one review article on the topic that may be applicable to your situation Surgery versus conservative management of sciatica due to a lumbar herniated disc: a systematic review

Best of luck and good diving, Craig
He said the tank pushes into the lower back although I have never felt a thing doing them.

He's not a diver, but he did say that. Of course I will talk to others, including DAN.

Thanks for the idea of sidemount.

The final option would be to put the gear on in the water, though this would greatly limit the kinds of dives I can do.

- Bill

Yes, try side mounting the tanks. Then the tanks will push into your unoperated armpits :D
Side mount diving can be very enjoyable even with a healthy back.
It is an uncommon (still) setup, so some hassle is to be expected on the boat. And do not hand over the cylinders before you hand over the lead :D
I saw a young woman diving monkey sidemount, she had some sort of major back surgery that left quite a scar. It might take some significant changes in how you dive but it is likely possible to dive.
I had an L5S1 fusion and I dove double 104/130s for years after the surgery, granted not a LOT of boat diving with those tanks but some with those or double LP85s. I'm not a spring chicken but I haven't reached early retirement age either :)
I had lower back surgery, discectomy/laminectomy L5-S1. Was back in the water after about 8 months. Had to switch from weight belt to weight integrated BCD, the belt caused lower back pain after a dive. No problems now. Also a a fusion in my neck over 10 years ago with no problems from that. I beat myself up pretty good being a firefighter. On a side note, having knee surgery in 3 weeks for torn meniscus, again from firefighting. Can't wait to see what that brings. I tell people I'm not getting older, just more broken.
anytime you can avoid surgery it is good thing. Hopefully those injections will help while that disc fragment reabsorbs. I know divers that have gone to side mount for low back issues and wondered why they never did it sooner. My wife has low back issues and we are considering side mounts with her. Hang in there and I hope your feeling better soon.
The surgery, if I have it, is to relieve sciatica pain by repairing a ruptured disc and remove a sequestrated fragment that has broken off.

Hopefully injections will relieve the pain and surgery will not be necessary, but I am mighty curious to know if others have dived after such surgery. Of course each case is different.



Hi Bill

I had the surgery 3 years ago to repair my ruptured disc and shave off a piece of vertebra. I burst my disc putting my tanks in my car.

I had tried the steroid injections, including the epidural - bit to no avail. They provided relief from sciatica for a maximum of 24 hours. I was informed that the injections do work for 70% of people.

My pain was so bad, I couldn't stand for more than 5 minutes, and relied on a wheel chair for around 6 months.

I did everything possible to avoid the surgery.

The actual procedure, was via keyhole. The disc was sealed with a laser, and the bone ground off with a tiny drill

I returned back to diving some 12 weeks later. I did take it carefully at first (removing the kit in the water) while I made sure I was fixed. I just depends how long it takes for the disc to fully heal afterwards

Even though I dive 15l steels, giant strides and back roles were nothing in comparison to the post surgery physiotherapy :wink:

3 years on, I've never had an issue. I often dive with a steel and an AL 80 as a sling tank - although I do use a Diverite Transpac comfort harness because it puts the weight of tanks at my hips. I see no reason for Side mount in this case, I did consider it as an option but in the end didn't' need it

My diving hasn't changed from pre-surgery and I was glad I finally took the surgery option (although I was left with little option really).

If you're going through a similar procedure I wouldn't worry.
Hi Bill

I had the surgery 3 years ago to repair my ruptured disc and shave off a piece of vertebra. I burst my disc putting my tanks in my car.

I had tried the steroid injections, including the epidural - bit to no avail. They provided relief from sciatica for a maximum of 24 hours. I was informed that the injections do work for 70% of people.

My pain was so bad, I couldn't stand for more than 5 minutes, and relied on a wheel chair for around 6 months.

I did everything possible to avoid the surgery.

The actual procedure, was via keyhole. The disc was sealed with a laser, and the bone ground off with a tiny drill

I returned back to diving some 12 weeks later. I did take it carefully at first (removing the kit in the water) while I made sure I was fixed. I just depends how long it takes for the disc to fully heal afterwards

Even though I dive 15l steels, giant strides and back roles were nothing in comparison to the post surgery physiotherapy :wink:

3 years on, I've never had an issue. I often dive with a steel and an AL 80 as a sling tank - although I do use a Diverite Transpac comfort harness because it puts the weight of tanks at my hips. I see no reason for Side mount in this case, I did consider it as an option but in the end didn't' need it

My diving hasn't changed from pre-surgery and I was glad I finally took the surgery option (although I was left with little option really).

If you're going through a similar procedure I wouldn't worry.

Thanks Dubai!! I always enjoy your posts.

How old are you?

It makes a BIG difference!

- Bill

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