Adventures in finding a mask that doesn't leak

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Great Lakes Mermaid
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Great Lakes
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Well, I'm back to either the non-ending search for a mask that doesn't leak or trying to make the current $30 Cressi panoramic mask from Amazon work.

I've never had a dive where a mask didn't at least leak. It's annoying, frustrating, and stressful. I need to get this resolved before I startnthe specialties for Advanced at the end of April.

Did a pool dive on Saturday. My mask kept flooding. Not leaking. Flooding. Water just poured in from the bottom when I went to equalize. Didnt matter how I held my nose. I was doing nothing different with mask. I had forgotten the silicone grease on my deep smile lines, but I'd only used that once before. Doesn't matter if mask strap is tight or loose or in between. They ALL leak when I go to equalize.

Went down to the shop after and got another mask to try. Atomic Frameless 2. I used it when I did 1000 yards lap swimming yesterday (I snorkel my laps). Leaked a lot. So that's going back. I thought maybe the Cressi had skin oils and such on it that were preventing a good seal so I cleaned it several times yesterday with baby shampoo. I also put a slap strap on it. I'll see if this makes a difference while doing laps tonight or tomorrow.

When I mentioned my mask struggles on FB over the weekend, a couple of divers with similar face shape (aka chubby cheeks, round face) and deep smile lines either suggested a specific mask to try with a longer skirt (none of which I've tried) or to wear my mask a bit below nose and on upper lip (that solved someone's leaking problem immediately). I will try that.

I am at my wits end. Yes, I'm getting plenty of mask clearing practice. I actually can't imagine how nice it would be to go through a dive and not have to worry about my mask leaking! :D

I am most definitely tired of people telling me I must be doing something wrong if I can't find a mask that doesn't leak and that my smile lines are just an excuse. Do they actually think I want to be constantly dealing with a leaking mask? If so, they need to visit their doctor to have their meds adjusted!
I have a high cheek bone and use the DGX Ultraview mask. $30. Better than my Atomic Venom ($200ish)

Never tried the sil gel thing. Sometimes my masks seal perfect, sometimes a trickle. I have to tug the skirt to make sure it laying flat sometimes. I exhale out my nose every couple minutes or so to mitigate any leaking.
Well, that's another one to try and it's cheap enough.
The best thing to do is to go to your LDS and try on as many masks as you possibly can. Put them on your face, create a vacuum by inhaling through your nose and see how well it will hold the vacuum. Brands, features, etc do not matter if your mask doesn't fit well. Good luck!
I have done that multiple times. Take my reg or snorkel with me to put in my mouth when trying masks on. Shake my head side to side and up and down, too. They can fit well in the shop and still leak when I'm underwater.
How slow do you do your laps? :wink: -- You pull the mask off just by pushing off the wall. Also if you have the snorkel on the side, you pretty much have to go real slow or it'll pull the mask to the side and break the seal.
If you can keep a mask on your face indefinitely by creating a vacuum (and not assist it by inhaling) and still have it leak, that a special type of problem. Not sure how you're going to work around that.

I've only stuck with buying masks in person using the above.
I really hope you can find a mask that works. The Cressida panoramic from amazon that you mention works perfect for me but our faces aren't much alike.

Looking at your avatar your face looks quite broad so maybe a mask without as much curve to the seals when looked at from above. Ie the side seals aren't as long as others. Just a guess from on photo though so go with what seals in the shop.

If it seals well in the shop it should be similar to dive. If the problem only occurs during equalization are you perhaps pulling up on the mask while pinching the nose? Or is your hood interfering with the mask seal? You can also try tightening or loosening the strap a bit.

Good luck
When looking at masks at the dive shop I try them on by gently pressing them against my face. If they form a suction they may work. I do not inhale through my nose since I can get most any mask to work that way. I do not use the strap when testing.

I then look around the store and outside the window where sun is shining with the mask to check field of vision and optical quality. I still do not use a strap.

I do not do any head shaking. But I do look up and down and side to side.

The mask still may not work. I swim with the mask with a snorkel on in local pool to check before ocean in case I need to return it. I workout in the ocean with my mask and snorkel.

When I had facial hair I may have a little leakage. Today's soft feathered silicon masks seal very well.

The only time I buy masks online is if I already had it and knew it fit. I use Seadive TruVu RayBlockers. Great for those long surface swims in the bright California sunshine.

I never pinch my nose. I think I stick my tongue to the top of my mouth when submerging and equalize constantly while descending.

Good Luck!
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